Q1. Interpret lifestyle factors & screening info
Sedentary Lifestyle 🛋️ Stress 😰 BP 🩸
Government recommendation for physical activity is at Increased irritability, anxiety, nervousness, depression, Low = 90/60
least 30 minutes x 5 days for adults p/w. Moderate- loneliness, can’t switch off. All of which manifest in Average = 120/80
vigorous activity = 150 minutes p/w & strength training x 2 adverse affect and behaviour e.g. smoking, drinking, eatin Above Average = 140/90
p/w. Being physical active offers a range of benefits more, difficulty concentrating -> headaches, constipation, High = 160/100.
physically, psychologically, socially and economically. feeling sick, problems sleeping.
Smoking 🚭 To gain weight..
Resting HR
Male = 68bpm
Smoking can lead to heart-related conditions (CHD, Eat regularly, don’t drink before meals, add nutritious Female = 72bpm
stroke, heart attack), lung-related conditions (bronchitis, drinks to your diet, eat nutritious foods, snack healthily, Tachycardia = >100bpm
emphysema, pneumonia, cancer) and other problems treat yourself, complete strength training. Bradycardia = <60 bpm.
(inferility, worsening asthma). If you quit smoking - you’ll
breath more easily, have more energy, feel less stressed,
better sex life. To lose weight.. BMI ⚖️
Weight (kg) divided by Heigh (m2)
Eat regular meals, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, get
Alcohol more active, drink plenty of water, eat high-fibre foods,
read food labels, use a smaller plate, don’t ban food <18 = underweight
Excessive drinking can lead to mental health problems groups, don’t stock junk food, reduce alcohol, plan meals. 18-24 = healthy range
(stress, depression, anxiety, risk-taking). adverse effects >27 = increased risk of cardiovascular disease
>40 = extremely obese
on the body (weight gain, poor skin, liver damage). Alcohol
is also ‘empty calories’ which have no nutritional value. Diet & exercise
Good diet & physical activity = Improved health, mood,
Sleeping body image, immune system, strength, posture, enhanced
Ratio = Waist circumference divided by Hip circumference
self-esteem & confidence.
Long-term effects include: poor immune system, skin Poor diet & physical activity = increased risk of chronic
>1.00 = overweight (men)
conditions, CHD, heart attack, stomach ulcers, diseases, poor immune function, depression, poor body
>0.85 = overweight (women)
depression. Sleep is restorative; aiding muscle repair, image, low confidence, cost to NHS.
<0.85 = healthy (men)
memory consolidation and release hormones that regulate
<0.75 = healthy (women)
growth and appetite.
F I T N E S S T R A I N I N G & P R O G R A M M I N G
U N I T 2
, Q2. Suggest lifestyle modification techniques
Barriers 🚧 Reduce Drinking 🍺 Improve Sleep 😴
Time - busy lifestyle / live-to-work / limited time to Self-help groups - recognize the problem / Alcoholics Follow a regular bedtime routine.
exercise Anonymous / step-by-step recovery / support Avoid coffee and tea.
Cost - gym membership / at-home equipment / free forms Counselling - specially-trained therapists / awareness of Exercise during the day / avoid 2hrs before bed.
of exercise triggers / detox* & withdrawal / prevent relapse Have a warm bath or shower.
Transport - access to a car / public transport / walkable / [*detoxication can be extremely uncomfortable with Listen to relaxing music.
cyclable unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. In some cases it can be Use an eye mask.
Location - proximity to leisure activities / options in fatal, so it's important that it takes place under supervision Try breathing techniques.
immediate surroundings in an alcohol treatment facility.]
Alternative Treatments - acupuncture / hypnosis or
Strategies 🤔 hypnotherapy to lessen withdrawal symptoms (evidence
not clear).
To gain weight..
Eat regularly, don’t drink before meals, add nutritious
At home - gardening / doing housework / walk the dog drinks to your diet, eat nutritious foods, snack healthily,
At work - take the stairs / run during lunch treat yourself, complete strength training.
Stress Management Techniques
During leisure time - play a new sport / join a club / plan
physical family outings / play music whilst exercising The goal is either (i) Reduce stress – identify & eliminate
Method of transport - 10,000 steps / walking/ get off a stressors, or (ii) Better cope with stress – techniques & To lose weight..
stop earlier / cycling strategies which make stressors easier to deal with
IEat regular meals, eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, get
Assertiveness training - express your feelings / respect more active, drink plenty of water, eat high-fibre foods,
those of others / conflict resolution read food labels, use a smaller plate, don’t ban food
Quit Smoking
Goal setting - setting & achievement of goals / motivation groups, don’t stock junk food, reduce alcohol, plan meals.
Acupuncture - boost endorphins / alleviate withdrawals Time management - increase productivity / break down
symptoms tasks into manageable chunks
NHS smoking helpline - iformation, advice & support Physical activity - positive effect on mood / cathartic /
NHS smoking services - group and one-to-one release endorphins.
counselling / information on NRT Positive self-talk - constructive inner-dialogue
Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) - patches, gums, Relaxation - a mentally active process / breathing
sprays, lozenges / available on prescription / unsuitable for techniques / meditation
pregnant women Alternative therapies - herbal remedies
Quit Kit support packs - NHS-funded / App, email & text Changes to work-life balance - take proper breaks /
programme. separate work & leisure / inform employer if stressed /
F I T N E S S T R A I N I N G & P R O G R A M M I N G
U N I T 2