Abdulalah Al-Jobore
Unit 34: Website design strategy
Unit 34- Website Design
Assignment 1- Investng
website design
P1 Describe how three contrasting organisations use
their websites for business purposes.
P2 Explain the usability features of the websites of the
three contrasting organisations.
P3 Describe how the websites of three organisation
have been designed to appeal visually to their users.
M1 Analyse how a selected website has been designed
to meet the requirements of its target audience
D1 Evaluate the extent to which the design of a selected
websites helps the organisation to meet its objectives
,Abdulalah Al-Jobore
Unit 34: Website design strategy
Commercial relatonship........................................................................................................................4
Business-to-consumers (B2C)............................................................................................................4
Business-to-business (B2B)................................................................................................................4
Purpose of commercial websites...........................................................................................................4
Direct sales model.............................................................................................................................4
Pre-sales models................................................................................................................................5
Post-sales support models.................................................................................................................5
Websites not related to sales............................................................................................................5
Non-commercial business relatonships................................................................................................5
Local government..............................................................................................................................5
Natonal government.........................................................................................................................6
Voluntary sectors organisaton..........................................................................................................6
Campaigning groups..........................................................................................................................6
Purpose of non-commercial websites....................................................................................................6
Key Marketng concepts........................................................................................................................6
Targetng and segmentaton..............................................................................................................6
The marketng mix (remix).................................................................................................................7
Websites in the promoton mix.........................................................................................................8
Current and future developments.........................................................................................................8
Broadband in homes..........................................................................................................................8
Telephone developments..................................................................................................................8
Scalability in planning a website........................................................................................................8
The uses of the websites of the three businesses for business purpose...............................................9
The main elements in web design for usability and visual appeal.......................................................10
Speed of respond.............................................................................................................................12
Respect for privacy..........................................................................................................................12
Design of web pages............................................................................................................................12
Visual Appeal.......................................................................................................................................14
,Abdulalah Al-Jobore
Unit 34: Website design strategy
The usability features and the visual appeal of the three contrastng business..................................15
M1 Analyse how a selected website has been designed to meet the requirements of its target
D1 Evaluate the extent to which the design of a selected websites helps the organisaton to meet its
In this assignment, I am going to describe how three contrastng organisatons use their
websites for business purpose. I will then be explaining the usability features of these three
websites as well as describing how these three websites have been designed to appeal visually to
their users. In additon, I will be analysing how a selected website has been designed to meet the
requirements of its target audience, and then I will be evaluatng the extent to which the design of a
selected website helps the organisaton the organisaton to meet its objectves
In term of business, it been very obvious that every business will set its own business
objectves from the business main aims and objectves, therefore it will create marketng
, Abdulalah Al-Jobore
Unit 34: Website design strategy
objectves. The marketng objectves will allow the business to achieve their business
objectves, it is considered as the frst step in order to achieve these objectves.
Commercial relationship
Business-to-consumers (B2C)
A B2C website refers to the commerce between the business and customers, therefore the business
will use a B2C website to sell partcular products or provide services to private customers using the
internet. Therefore the business will respond to the customer’s demand of the products or service.
In additon, before the development of the internet, the shops were opening at partcular tmes and
a place, which means the consumers had to travel to them to buy the products or service. However,
now days the consumers can use the online shops (the website) to buy products and service, as the
online shops does not have limited tme or space, which mean the internet retailer does not have a
limits to what they can ofer to consumers. In example of B2C is Amazons, as Amazons is one the
most successful online business which ofer and provide a wide range of products to consumers.
Business-to-business (B2B)
A B2B is refereeing to the way that a business makes transactons with another business, usually the
transactons are less frequent over the internet. For example, it could be the transactons between a
chocolate manufacturer and wholesaler. Therefore, the B2B website is when a business buying from
and selling to other businesses on the internet. It might purchase items for its own internal
maintenance or repair and operatons purpose as well as buying items that can be used as a part of
what the business sold to other business in the supply chain. An example of this, is when a partcular
company purchase Microsof sofware throughout the internet, to install it on the company’s
Purpose of commercial websites
Direct sales model
Direct sales is a when a business use the internet to sells its own products and services directly to its
consumers without using third partes (such as wholesales) in the selling process.
Transactions and deliveer� eva onlivne communvcations (egg softare musvc)
In the internet world, there are many music and sofware products lend which are produced
in a digital formats, which therefore you can only purchase and delivered just via the web.
For example, Microsof sells its sofware directly via the web using the internet to
consumers, however some consumers appeared less will to buy the expensive sofware
through the internet and therefore can stll buy theses sofware through wholesales as A CD
packed with coding. Similarly, the music also can be downloaded by many consumers
around the world via the internet, for example, The Apple iTunes applicaton sell the music
directly to the consumers. .
Transaction tvth seaarate deliveer�
Many retail stores and large companies such Tesco, Asda Dell and others had already
opened up online sales channels alongside with their physical stores. Therefore, it helps
them to sell their products directly to consumers and sometmes they use a third party
service. Now days, the selling process of the computer and sofware is quiet large in the
business world, which therefore the manufacturer of the computer and the sofware used
the internet to sell its product directly to consumers. For example, Dell is a computer
manufactures which sells its computers and other products on the internet , so the
consumer simply visit Dell online and choose the computer requirements they want and