Abdulalah Al-Jobroe
Unit 34 : P4 M2
P4 Design a website for a specifee organisaton to meet statee purposes for a eefnee
target group
In this document, I am producing a proposal for a website for Baghdad Café. Baghdad café is an Iraqi
coffee shop that will sell moderatel priced foodddrinss to an upscale casual dining marset. Thhe
venue features brewed coffee and espresso-based beverages, granite ices, fruit smoothies and
juices, and other beverages t picall associated with a coffee shop.
The Business objecties
Baghdad café’s main objectve is to be the leading brand of coffee in each of their target marsets b
August 2020, b selling the fnest qualit coffee and related products, and b providing each
customer a unique Baghdad café experience. Ever business will aim for expanding, and so Baghdad
Café is aiming to expand the business b the end of the ear, b add new products and service to
their menu. Thheir objectve for growth is to increase the sales revenue b 20% within 18 months of
The marketng objecties
Thhe marsetng objectves of Baghdad café is the small steps that will help the business to achieve
their business objectves. Thherefore, when planning to design a website the business will need to
consider the wa s and methods in which the website will help to deliver beter service to customers
and ensures that the business can achieve its business objectves.
Thherefore, Baghdad café is aiming to provide an excellent customer service as well as clean and well-
maintained store and website that refect the personalites of the communites in which the
operate, thereb building a high degree of customer lo alt . In order to achieve their business
objectves, the will need to increase the brand awareness of their business within the frst ear of
opening. Thheir tactcs would be to create new and innovatng products to create a lo al customer
supportng the strateg . Moreover, b promotng the product and service of the business on the
website will help to encourage potental customers to enter the website, sta there for a while and
persuade them to come bacs. Thherefore, the website will support the marsetng objectve of
Bandaged and help to achieve them.
Consumer/customer profie ane expectatons
Baghdad café will appeal to urban professionals residing in the targeted town neighbourhoods, the
man downtown hotel visitorsdconventoneers, and worsers who lise to have a hot drins from the
morning .Thhe business will also meet an under-served needs for a pedestrian-friendl dining
establishment for the numerous residents in the area, partcularl newcomers to the immediate
According to the researches that I had carried out for Baghdad cafe, stated that the members of this
marset segment dine out frequentl , approximatel three tmes or more per wees. Thhe marset
segment is largel made up of singles between the ages of 18 and 60, married couples in the same
age bracset without children, graduate and professional students atending area universites,
tourists, and people with an interest in long conversatons. Thhe lifest le of the targetng audience is
middle class which suitable for all people with a level of income between £15,000 and above.