Abdulalah Al-Jobore
Unit 34: P5
P5 draw up plans to assess the design of a website aimed at meetng a
specified purposeㄼ
It important for any business to test its website form a user’s perspectie before launching
the website, to make sure it can meets the requirement of the customers and meet the
business purposes. The new website of Baghdad Café will be user friendly and meet the
expectaton of the targetng audience. Therefore, the following steps must be followed to
eialuate the Baghdad Café.
User acceptance testng
Baghdad Café will need to consider user acceptance testng for usability issues. They will
need to complete all the system testng and quality assurance to identfy any technical fault
and enable the testers to focus on the usability issues before commencing user acceptance
testng. The testng will iniolie using online user/client to whether the website can be
accepted or not form the users’ perspectie. The main purpose of this testng is ialidate the
website against the business requirements. Therefore, the users acceptance testng will be
the last testng before the website goes liie, this means it will be the last change for them
to test the website and ensure it is ft for its purpose to adiertse for the business as well
proiiding the customers with informaton about their cofee shop. For example, when the
users test the website can giie us a feedback about their frst impression and therefore we
can take the appropriate acton to solie any problems if needed. It will also iniolie a test
plan in English explaining what needs to be tested and how, this will haie testng routnes
for eiery page of the website to proiide us with expected result of the all functonality.
Testng in range of diferent technological environments
Since the fact that the website will be aiailable on many diferent platorms such as a
computer, phones and tablets. We will be testng Baghdad Café website on all the diferent
platorms and browsers. This will be outlined in the sites technical. On computer, the
website will test whether it can be work on diferent browser such as Chrome, Internet
Explores and other browsers. This iniolies ensuring the web content such the menu (the
products’ informatonn are appear probably on these diferent browsers so the users can be
happy when using his/her preferred browsers. In additon, the website will be aiailable on
other platorms such as phones and tablets as the website will be coniey to the mobile
phone mode once you iisit the website form phone or table deiices. Therefore, the
targetng audience would haie any problems in terms of the way or platorm they use to
enter the website. Moreoier, the users can access the website from many diferent
networks, as it will be aiailable on Wi-Fi, internet cable and mobile data (such as 4Gn
Accessibility testng
In order for Baghdad Café to comply with the Internatonal guidelines on accessibility in
website design, it important to test the website to make sure it is aiailable to those people
with impaired iision and can access the website without any problems. Although Baghdad
Café website will be designed to make a reasonable adjustments to help blind and partally
sighted people to access the website without any problems, howeier it is important to test