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FOUN10052 Chemistry 3 Report
Received 12th February 2019,
Accepted 12th February 2019.
DOI: 10.1039/x0xx00000x Organic Nomenclature Dylan Taylorson
This report aims to go into detail on the nomenclature of a wide range of organic compounds and molecules as outlines in
the IUPAC Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry – Recommendations 1993. Organic compounds evaluated in this article
include the hydrocarbons of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, as well as alcohols, amines, halocompounds, ethers , aldehydes,
ketones, carboxylic acids, esters and aromatic compounds.
Introduction atoms). This ultimately impacts chemical structure as well as the
nomenclature of the resultant molecule. Other forms of
hydrocarbons exist such as alicyclic hydrocarbons which form rings
The widespread adoption of a common nomenclature (standardised of carbon atoms and aromatic hydrocarbons which are
system of names) is a crucial instrument for effective characterised by a benzene ring. If a single subtituent is present in a
communication in the chemical sciences, industry, and for laws benzene ring this is called a phenyl group (Ph).
pertaining to trade, health, and safety. Recommendations on Three categories of aliphatic hydrocarbons can be distinguished by
several elements of nomenclature are provided by the International the quantity of bonds that separate adjacent carbon atoms. The
Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). connection between these various types gives rise to distinct
features and differing nomenclature. These are alkanes (only single
bonds), alkenes (at least one double bond), and alkynes (at least
General Principles one triple bond).
Naming Hydrocarbon class Highest order bond Suffix
alkane C–C -ane
The identification and naming of a parent structure is crucial for
alkene C=C -ene
systematic organic molecule naming. Prefixes, infixes, and suffixes
can be added to the name to express the structural modifications alkyne C≡ C -yne
required to produce the compound. The most common parent Table 1: Nomenclature for the suffix of a hydrocarbon by hydrocarbon class
structure is a parent hydride, which contains hydrogen and one or
When naming a hydrocarbon, the first part of the name (prefix) is
more atoms of another element or atoms joined together to form
attriubuted to the number of carbon atoms in the longest carbon
an unbranched chain. Parent hydrides can also have more intricate
chain in the molecule. The nomenclature is standerdised in a
structures, such as ring assemblies or chain systems, like
numerical system as such:
Number of carbon Functional group Prefix
1 methyl meth-
cyclophanes, cycloalkanes, and alicyclic compounds. [1]
2 ethyl eth-
Hydrocarbons 3 propyl prop-
Compounds consisting of exclusively carbon and hydrogen are Table 2: Nomenclature for the prefix of a hydrocarbon by number of carbon atoms
called hydrocarbons. Having four valence electrons, carbon atoms
Branches coming off the longest carbon chain are called functional
can form a variety of bonds. Hydrocarbons can produce a wide
groups and are named according to the number of repeating units
range of configurations because a carbon atom can connect with
and their length. To show where they are on the main chain
two, three, or four additional atoms. Aliphatic hydrocarbons form
functional groups are numbered. For two repeating units the prefix
straight chains and can be saturated (single bond between carbon
The University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL. ‘di-’ is used and for three repeating units the prefix ‘tri-’ is used.
atoms) or unsaturated (more than one bond between carbon
The Foundation Year 2024 Chemistry 3, 2024, 01, 1-3 | 1
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