Duchess of Malfi & Paradise Lost Comparative Quotes with themes
Theme: Duchess of Malfi: Paradise Lost:
Women’s place in “my hand to help you.. raise” “Adam shall share with me in bliss or woe”
She raises Antonio literally and Eve chooses to raise Adam with her
metaphorically to her own social by allowing him to eat the fruit – has
status. Her role reversal of genders. the power in the relationship
Like PL they both eventually fall
Trial “but for your brothers?” “and Eden were no Eden thus exposed”
Antonio is timid and less fearless Eve wants to be tested and shows
than the Duchess is, she disregards little fear, while Adam verbally fears
her brother’s influence on her Satan and doesn’t want to test fate
actions - independent. This is the
trial the couple will face
Death “Charon’s boat serve to convey all o’er the “she knew not eating death”
dismal lake” “found a path.. from Hell to that new world”
Duchess knows her death is coming Adam and Eve have led Death to
and that she is doomed. Bosola is earth, the dangers of free will and its
Charon leading her to death and the consequences
underworld. Link to Paradise Lost
Satan leading Eve to her death.
Corruption “the court is like a fountain… pure silver “his thoughts, his looks, words, actions all
drops” infect”
Antonio prefers the French court Satan’s infects Eden and Earth just as
and describes as free and flowing, the Brothers infect the court of Malfi
corruption of the court. an
insinuation that Malfi is like the
English court. Juxtaposition to the
description of the brothers
Women “Thy curiosity hath undone thee” “into her heart too easy entrance won”
Cardinal speaking to Julia, obvious Eve falling victim to male deception,
connotations to Eve. Women easily just like Julia she attempts to raise her
fall victim to men’s deception status, and ends up as another victim
Class and hierarchy “infected blood” “bent on mans destruction”
Cardinal concerned about how her Just like the Cardinal doesn’t think
upper-class blood is mixing with Antonio is good enough for the
that of a member of the court Duchess, Satan wants to purge Adam
as he isn’t good enough to be God’s
Class and hierarchy “the death of young wolves is never to be “for only in destroying I find ease”
Satan only finds ease in the thought
, Ferdinand in the children’s deaths of destroying Adam, someone he sees
animalistic portrayal of them as replacing his presence parallel
showing their infected blood and Ferdinands incestual desire for the
that they deserved to die. Distances Duchess, with Antonio replacing his
himself from them doesn’t want his presence in her life
pureblood near them. Foreshadows
his wolf disease.
Naivety “his nature is too honest for such a “far from deceit or guile”
Eve’s naivety leads her to trust Satan,
Ferdinand suggests Antonio to spy as Antonio trusts Bosola. Being too
on the Duchess but this is what honest in these words results only in
Cardinal says - foreshadows him more misery. However both Eve and
not lasting until the end as he is too Antonio are outsiders looking in –
innocent. This is said by the Eve doesn’t know what evil is and
brothers when they are considering Antonio is an outsider to this political
who to hire as their goon. It shows battlefield unlike the Duchess who
that Antonio’s good character is so has been raised in this environment
honest that even the bad characters
of Ferdinand and the Cardinal
recognise it. The vague allusion to
‘such business’ emphasises the
shadiness of what the brothers are
Deception “if only you could be honest” “made intricate seem straight”
Said by the Cardinal, incredibly Satan pretends to be honest and good
hypocritical, what right does he natured but in reality is opposite in
have to tell others to be honest nature, just as the Cardinal wishes to
when he is the most corrupt. uphold his reputation despite his
Corruption “The law to him is like a foul black cobweb “revenge… itself recoils, let it”
to a spider”
Thinks himself (Satan) above God’s
The Cardinal feels and acts as if he laws, he desires nothing but revenge
is above the law and doesn’t care about what happens
to him
Women “She throws upon a man so sweet a look” “her Heav’nly form Angelic, but more soft,
and feminine, Her graceful innocence”
Innocence of female beauty,
showing how the Duchess is Similarly, Eve is admired for her
perceived as dainty and feminine beauty, while her forward-thinking
despite being the most powerful in nature goes unmentioned or
the court. demonised
Women “I’ll never marry” “my firm faith and love can by his fraud be
shaken or seduced”
Ironic, the Duchess defiantly does “Adam, misthought of her thee so dear?”
marry. Represents how women are
expected to follow men’s Like Ferdinand, Adam distrusts Eve
instructions and believes she will fall to
Marriage “The marriage night is the entrance into “mine never shall be parted”
some prison”
Despite Milton’s agreement with