The Gunpowder Plot
The Three Plots The Main Plot
- - In the investigation of The Bye Plot, a diffe
A group of Catholics, led by Robert Catesby, planned to blow up the
parliament house with gunpowder stored in cellars below the threatening plot came to light. Two Cathol
Watson and William Clarke), Henry Brooke
building, killing The King, his elder son, the Privy Council and
and his brother George were the main con
Salisbury. Elizabeth would be put on the throne and she would rule
under order of the Catholics. - The group planned to receive a large sum o
- He recruited Guido Fawkes from Catholic armies in the Netherlands. Spain, then take this to Jersey to decide ho
On the 4th November 1605, Fawkes was found in the cellars money to complete their goal of killing Jam
preparing the gunpowder and was captured. Others fled. All were put Arbella Stuart on the throne. She wou
killed or captured and the survivors were tortured, put on trial, would promise to tolerate Catholics if she
found guilty and executed. - Arbella gave this letter to Cecil.
- A conspirator was the reason why he was found, as he sent a letter - The conspirators were tried. Watson and C
to persuade his brother in law not to attend parliament on the 5th. executed by hanging, drawing and quarter
This was found. beheaded. The others survived, but were i
- Cecil knew about the plot since 4th April 1604.
- Advantage to develop more Catholics and less radicals. The Bye Plot
- Credit for discovery and his position will be safe. - The very cleverly named Bye Plot
planned to kidnap James and hold him in
- Northumberland was put on trial along with his brother. He was The Tower of London until he promised a
fined £30,000 and imprisoned for life. greater degree of toleration.
- The Parliament passed legislation against Catholics. They were - The Bye Plot fell through after George
forbidden to be doctors or lawyers, their homes could be searched Blackwell, leader of Jesuit priests in
without any excuse, they could not travel without permission, they England, told Cecil, wanting to betray the
were fined if they didn’t take communion from a Protestant minister secular priests, his rivals.
at least three times a year and recusants could have up to 2/3 of
their property confiscated.
- Later on, when the plot became less current, James became more
relaxed surrounding these laws once again. Only 25 Catholics were
executed across James’ entire reign.
- In 1606, James would create an oath of alliegience hopefully to
deter any more plotters from plotting against him. The Catholics
refused to sign it as it limited the power of the Pope quite