Literal Approach Bultmann’s Approach
Treats the Bible as a historical account full of scientific facts. Allegorical Approach Bultmann challenged the literal and moral approaches to scripture. He
Events such as the virgin birth, miracles and resurrection Treats the Bible as symbolic, with a deeper meaning. The main argued that the literal approach was wrong as the Gospels were of a
actually happened, meaning that after death there is a characters, events and objects are symbolic, and have a deeper mythological worldview, whereas the modern world has a scientific
judgement and heaven and hell are physical places. meaning that isn’t initially obvious. worldview, ‘Can the Christian proclamation today expect men and
Strengths Strengths women to acknowledge the mythological world picture as true? To do
Jesus and the disciples took this approach. The Gospel writers John invites symbolic interpretation through the signs, which reveal so would be both pointless and impossible’ (Bultmann). He argued that
interpreted scripture literally, leading to the theme of the deeper truths. the moral approach was wrong as it doesn’t look at the deeper
fulfilment of prophecy in the resurrection narrative. Weaknesses theological truths that the authors intended. He sought the
Weaknesses People can project their own ideas onto the text which weren’t demythologising of scripture to get to the deeper wisdom and meaning
Some passages use figurative language, such as ‘I am the intended by the author. of life and justified this by arguing that later Christians such as Luke and
Bread of Life’. Geographical and historical details are wrong. Paul had already begun the process by delaying the Parousia and
Miracles cannot happen, and even John calls them signs. The Historical Approach avoiding comment on the virgin birth, ‘Demythologising has its
Gospels contradict themselves, so they cannot all be right. Tries to identify the original historical events behind the Bible texts beginning in the New Testament itself, and therefore, our task of
through source, form and redaction criticism. One can get back to the demythologising today is justified’ (Bultmann). He argued that
Literary Approach historical events by stripping out the theology that the authors added, Christianity is a better option than a mythological worldview or a
Looks at the Bible as literature and discusses how the writers identifying what the original sources said and stripping out patterns scientific worldview, and it promotes a healthy frame of mind.
used literary methods to express their meaning, focusing on and forms imposed on stories. Strengths
how the writers shaped their meaning for different Strengths It makes Christianity meaningful to modern people and proved
purposes. Sees the Bible as a story of God’s activity, in which Helps Christians to understand the world of the Bible better. attractive to those with a scientific worldview. It reveals deeper truths
there are important propositions, and it is up to the reader Weaknesses and their importance.
to finish the story by fulfilling the propositions. Scholars can project ideas onto the texts which weren’t intended or Weaknesses
Strengths factual. It turns the Bible into an old book that isn’t relevant to the Modern scholarship reveals that one can be confident of facts about the
The Bible is written in story form, which is effective in modern world. historical Jesus, however Bultmann dismisses this. Many living today do
affecting the imagination. not have a scientific worldview – a key premise of his argument.
Weaknesses Ways of Interpreting
Propositional truths in scripture are more important than the Moral Approach Sociological Approach
stories they are in.
the Scripture
Treats the Bible as something that provides ethical guidance for believers. Identifies patterns and structures
It has more practical benefits than the allegorical approach, ie. The Feeding which are common to many world
of the Five Thousand encourages Christians to share with others, ‘This is religions and proposes that there is a
Barth’s Approach
the miracle, rather than the multiplication, it is a sharing, inspired by faith religious impulse in humanity which
Barth rejects the literal, moral and allegorical approaches, arguing that people draw out
and prayer’ (Pope Francis). causes them to like these certain
meaning from scripture as it suits them, that lots of theology, ie. Cosmological, design
Strengths storylines. It understands that
and ontological arguments and source, form and redaction criticism, make an idol out of
Allows modern Christians to find answers to modern questions. religious texts conform to these same
human reason as, in talking about God, one is really only talking about themselves, ‘one
Weaknesses stories, motifs and patterns.
cannot speak of God simply by speaking of men in a loud voice’ (Barth), and that one can
It wasn’t what the Gospel writers intended. Strengths
only know God is God chooses to reveal himself to them, ‘the fact that we know God is
It explains why Christianity grew so
his work’ (Barth). His conclusion is that God searches for humans through the Bible and
quickly. It makes links and encourages
the church, and chooses to reveal himself through scripture, thus, the right way to Rational Approach unity between diverse world
interpret scripture is ‘a strenuous and disciplined attempt to lay ourselves open to hear Treats the Bible as a book of moral teaching only, where God does not religions.
the Word of God speaking to us… and to refrain from interrupting it or confusing it with favour one religion but simply wants people to live moral lives. Based on Weaknesses
our own speaking’ (Barth), as in the Pool of Bethesda, where the crippled man meets Deism and the idea of a non-interventionalist God. Seeks to step away The spread of Christianity is better
Jesus as the pool, so the believer meets God at the Bible. Barth calls the Bible the Story from the supernatural elements to reach universal truths, ‘they seek to explained by the courage and
of God as people encounter God within the story and argues that the resurrection and separate the rational kernel of religion from the irrational husk’ heroism of the early Christians who
creation are unhistorical history – there were no witnesses, but they did happen. (Westphal). impressed and inspired others.
Strengths Strengths
His insight gave him the wisdom to oppose Nazism and dangerous beliefs. He accepts Uncovers what really happened to reach important universal values.
that the Bible contains human flaws. Weaknesses
Weaknesses Makes an idol out of human reason and requires worship of a God one has
His approach is mystical. Which is difficult to understand in a modern world. His created in their mind. Requires predetermined belief in Deism and a non-
approach is conservative, as it cannot be challenged using reason. interventionalist God which contradicts the God of classical monotheism.