LSUS HCAD750 Module 1
healthcare informatics - ANS-the field of information science concerned with the mgmt
of all aspects of health data; combination of principles from: disciplinary science,
computer science,
information science,
cognitive science
informatics - ANS-the science of information management in healthcare
core elements of informatics - ANS-DIKW (data, information, knowledge, wisdom)
data - ANS-raw facts
information - ANS-data that has been interpreted for meaning
knowledge - ANS-The awareness and understanding of a set of information and the
ways that information can be made useful to support a specific task or reach a decision.
wisdom - ANS-appropriate use of knowledge
Foundation of Knowledge model - ANS-helps to explain the ties between disciplinary
science and informatics and knowledge; informatics is viewed as a tool for finding
KA - knowledge acquisition
KD - knowledge dissemination
KG - knowledge generation
KP - knowledge processing
Healthcare professionals and knowledge - ANS-professionals are: knowledge workers,
acquirers, users, engineers, managers, developers or generators
knowledge viability - ANS-refers to applications (most technology based) that offer
easily accessible, accurate and timely information
obtained from a variety of resources and methods
, presented in a manner as to provide us with the necessary elements to generate new
wisdom is developed through - ANS-knowledge, experience, insight and reflection
informatics competency - ANS-the knowledge, skills, and ability to perform specific
informatics tasks
AHIMA-AMIA task force - ANS-5 domains for all healthcare workers:
1. Health information literacy and skills
2. Health informatics skills using the EHR
3. Privacy and confidentiality of health information
4. Health information/ data technical security
5. Basic computer literacy skills
criteria of valuable meaningful information - ANS-accessible, accurate, timely, complete,
cost effective, flexible, reliable, relevant, simple, verifiable, and secure
data integrity - ANS-whole, complete, correct, and consistent data
compromises data integrity - ANS-human error, viruses, worms, other bugs, hardware
failures or crashes, transmission errors, and/or hacker entering the system
dirty data - ANS-errors in the database - duplicate, incomplete, or outdated records
characteristics of quality information - ANS-accessibility, security, timeliness, accuracy,
relevancy, completeness, flexibility, reliability, objectivity, utility, transparency, verifiability,
and reproducibility
information science - ANS-studying the application and usage of information and
knowledge; studies everything that deals with information; multidisciplinary science that
involves aspects from computer science, cognitive science, social science,
communication science, and library science
information processing - ANS-conversion of latent information (not apparent) into
manifest (obvious/clearly apparent) information
information system (IS) - ANS-a set of hardware, software, data, people, and
procedures that work together to collect, create, and distribute useful information;
computer-based information systems (CBISs)