1918-1931 1931-1939 1939-45 1945-196
To what extent Liberal party – National gov. – o Churchill – opponent of Consensus 1945-79 –
did the political o 1910 GE liberal party o 1929 – labour macdonald Hitler, set up war cabinet of Belief in –
landscape change retained power and formed a supported by liberals, he 5 men to make quick Keynesian economies,
1918-1979? gov. was forced to make harsh decisions. economy, nationalisati
o 1915, liberal party had economic choices that Emergency powers act industries, NHS, comm
strong representation on the affected the poorest, was 1939 – mass powers to the employment a welfare
coalition wartime gov but forced to call an election British gov. weapons.
during WW1 which he lost. o National gov, ministers 1945 labour landsl
o Liberal party unity – the o 1931 budget – couldn’t fund work together. Success of o Atlee ‘man o
extended powers in the war spending commitments- collectivism o Broke from
was opposed by many welfare reforms. o War meant gov has to have campaigned
liberals but DLG managed to International banks refused larger involvement – furture, focu
oust traditional liberal loans unless spending cuts emergency powers act. for everyon
Asquith this made people implemented. They o Free market economy, which focus
view him as a traitor. proposed cuts 10% to rationing and essential being war le
o Representation of the unemployment benefit but work order, conscription o People wan
peoples act. – expanded the this divided the party. and censorship future – lab
electorate by 13 million, o National gov 1931, o Beveridge report in 1942 – extremely p
including young, WC 80% - macdonald wanted to reign welfare state that could for a change
liberal failed to win over, but King George suggested care for a person from employmen
labour party adapted to new that conservatives join cradle to grave – sold o 1944 educa
areas of the electorate and national gov and let 635,000 copies. Labours universal se
took votes from liberals. macdonald take the brunt promise to fulfil the report education a
Labour party vote share of unpopular economic let to success n election system
increased by 27%. measures. o 1945 family
o 1918 coupon election – o 1931 – victory for national – child bene
contested by 2 liberal parties, gov, cons held large o 1946 nation
LG formed coalition with majority act – suppor
conservatives, and through tax
candidates who stood on Challenges of the national gov – o 1946 NHS –
behalf of the coalition o Economic threats aftermath o Industrial in
received a coupon. Won but of depression, opposition, cover for ac
cons were dominant. DLG rise of extreme politics, o Nationalised
was dependent on cons. foreign policy threats iron and rai
o DLG conduct 1922 – selling (rearming and industries.
knighthoods and peerages, appeasement to the war. o More housin
, had 142. And in 1923 formed truned into a violent crash. 1950 and 51 elections
a minority gov under WW2 made them -dissatisfaction over co
MacDonald. But they became unpopular and wee banned rationing wanted to rid
tainted with accusations of in 1943. Under the public Taxation too high 45%
soviet sympathies (Zinoviev order act -labour divided over b
letter), saw resign and cons o Communist party – gained revolution 1951. V uni
win in 1924. one MP in 1935, but only conservatives who we
o 1929 election, win and lasted 0.4% of the vote – rejected
until 1931. by electorate. Churchill , Eden, Macm
o They were closely tied to TU ’13 golden years’ –
and sought to advance Conservative dominac
working man, aided by ROPA o Churchill, 1951
and the war which doubled o Eden 1955-57 –
the trade union membership popular and ari
to 8.3 mil. forced to resign
o Party unity – formed through forced to pull o
TUC – represent WC. Thanks o Macmillan 1957
to union backing they mac’ – 49% of t
provided funds and Key polices –
membership, but this meant o Housing 1951-5
that TU control over finances new houses com
resulted in greater funding in active. Mortage
mining communities. more readily av
house building
Conservative dominance - o War time ration
o DLG coalition dominated o Health – 1959 m
by con MPs. They act modernised
withdrew from coalition treatment. 1962
1922 and win following unveiled for 90
election. But loose overall within 10 years
majority in 1923. Win o Education 1957
1924 large majority, 6000 new scho
loose 29 but no party has built, robbins re
overall majority. suggested more
Dominate national gov. more built.
o Plural voting voting o Stop go econom
helped them as most increasing infla
, and prividelge to one
nation tries – attracted
WC. Balwin rebranded
the party as the safety
first party.
In what ways and Post was boom – 1918 – 1920 Hungry 30s – 1940s – WW2 meant the Butskellism –
how successfully Saw a short boom as people had o Public spending cuts expansion of the governments role o Consensus surr
did the large amounts of savings from the (means test, 10% decline in in managing the war economy. labours welfare
governments deal war. pay) - Areas hit hardest They transformed Britain into a Keynesian appr
with economic Legacy of the 1920s – were those that centred on manged economy, rationing and economy. Both
change 1918-79? o 40% of merchant ships were staple industries such as conscription. Growth of the state accepted comm
sunk, could not be used for coal in the north and in ment increase in war production employment (p
exports. Economic rivals US south wales. Seen in the and military spending. schemes) and m
and Japan filled the gap left jarow march 1936. o Economic aid – by 1940 economy.
by a decline in British o Lowered productivity of the cash reserves were spent, o 1950s was seen
exports and took over British whole country, demand for Churchill was able to secre affluence with i
markets. product fell. the lend lease agreement consumer spen
o Debt war had cost 3.25 o Pound devalued 1931 – with the USA, allowed USA 45%. Led to a g
billion with debts of 8 billion attempted to avoid this by to supply britain with inflation of 4 %
by 1920. doing spending cuts. necessities and could be increase in imp
o Value of the pound – o Removal from the gold paid off after the war. an in balance of
abandoned gold standard standard 1931 – quicker o Keynes negotiated a 2.2 o Gov encouraged
1914, rise of inflation and recovery, unemployment billion loan from the US and relaxing las on
decrease in value. fell interest rates were cut Canada. They also saw credit.
o Inflation rose to 25% in 1918 to 2% ‘cheap money’, marshall aid didn’t have to o But when probl
which impacted upon prices. greater borrowing. 19% be paid back 2.7 billion in inflation and im
o Technological development increase in real incomes 1948. became serious
accelerated the war – Britain o Industrial production rose o Austerity economic and taxes were
fell behind relied on staple. by 46%. Especially in new measures - 4 billion worth o Inconsistency w
Germany producing 2x as industries like motor in debt to USA. Attlee stop go econom
much steel as Britain. engine and the national grid embarked on austerity develop consta
Ineffective solutions to economic energy. measures programmed cuts help the econom
problems – o Exports increased by 28% to spending, especially to o Slow growth – 4
o High interest rates to curb in the period to trade unions. Harsh winter Japan 12% in 1
inflation and raise value of o Problems of 1947 led to an economic