GIA Colored Stones Assignment 26:
Feldspar, Spodumene, and Diopside
- ANS-Moonstone regained popularity just after ___________ _______ ____ as a
popular element with newly prosperous post-war consumers.
1000 - ANS-Larger stones are not unusual. Some faceted kunzites exceed _________
1900's - ANS-In the early __________, moonstone was popular both in Europe and the
United States. People appreciated the gem for its sheen as well as for its rarity.
(moonstone cameos, crescents, cupids, and doves. Out of style by the 1920's Art Deco
1960's, 1990's - ANS-Flower children of the ___________ and New Age followers of the
__________ also turned to moonstone.
5.5, 6, two, poor - ANS-Diopside's hardness ranges from ___.___ to ____ on the Mohs
scale. Like the feldspar gems and spodumene, diopside has _____ cleavage directions.
Its toughness is p_______, so diopside is not the best choice in jewelry that will see a
lot of daily wear.
6, 6.5 - ANS-Moonstone is a relatively soft gem falling between ____ and ___.___ on
the Mohs scale.
6, cleavage - ANS-Amazon rates about a ____ on the Mohs scale (like other feldspars),
and it has two __________ directions.
6.5, 7, two - ANS-Spodumene is slightly harder than feldspar at ___.___ to ____ on the
Mohs scale. But like the feldspar group, it has cleavage in _____ directions.
adularescence - ANS-_______________ received its name from "adularia," an old
name for moonstone. Mt. Adular, Switzerland (now St. Gotthard), was one of the first
sources of fine-quality moonstone.
adularescence - ANS-Moonstone's _______________ can be blue, silver or white.
adularescence - ANS-The light that appears to billow across a gemstone.
, albite, plagioclase, layers - ANS-Labradorite can be intergrown with a________ and
other p_________ feldspars in fine _____________. When light hits these microscopic
layers, its wavelengths shift. The wavelengths interfere with each other, making parallel
bands of shimmering spectral color, typically blues and greens.
aluminum, oxygen, silicon - ANS-All feldspars contain these basic chemical elements:
a____________, o____________, and s_____________. But others, like potassium,
calcium, and sodium, can also be part of the mix.
aluminum, oxygen, silicon - ANS-Which of the following three basic chemical elements
do all feldspars contain? ______________ ____________ __________
amazonite - ANS-Green to greenish blue hues of microcline feldspar are stones called
amazonite - ANS-The greenish blue feldspar that has gridlike white streaks and
resembles turquoise is _____________.
amazonite - ANS-This blue stone is mined in Brazil, India, Madagascar, Norway, Russia,
and the US.
andesine - ANS-A__________ is a type of plagioclase feldspar. It's typically red,
although it also occurs in green. (Some is colored red by copper diffusion treatment.)
appearance - ANS-The name sunstone refers to the gem's _______________ rather
than to its chemical composition or physical structure.
Art Deco - ANS-In which era did moonstone go out of style? ____ ________.
ashen, gray - ANS-In Greek, "spodeios" means __________. Spodumene gets its name
from that unflattering adjective, because in its common variety, it's a cloudy _________
asterism - ANS-Some moonstones show chatoyancy, and a few show four-rayed
asterism, chatoyancy - ANS-Diopside sometimes occurs with four- or six-rayed
____________ or c____________ against a dark green to black background.