, Dull, dark colours
Connotations depth, insightful but won’t give
you what you want
Designed in every Not aiming to attract you Dirt= corrupting of
way to challenge advertising and cap
readers corrupt our world an
people in it
Title suggests Adbusters is
calling for readers to look Unknown “every man”
beyond the West and figure from a Middle-Ea
everything they have been country
“programmed” to think about
The combination of the
man in the centre of the
cover with the title Juxtaposition between t
suggests that his anger, on his face and the pur
anguish, pain is all due to by the word “West”
Western interference
highlighting the
devastating impact the
Western world has had on
the Middle-East
Contextual link to US
Rebellion: a call to a
and UK involvement
Wants you to think outside wha
in to confront
Iraq and
reality Afghanistan you know/to challen