Nationalism essay plans
To what extent do nationalists have a common understanding of what forms a
nation? [24]
All nationalists believe people are naturally nationalistic and prefer to live in nation-states
Para 1: whether a nation is based on democratic institutions or whether it should be dictatorial
Liberal nationalists see Post-colonial nationalists argue Expansionist nationalists typically
democratic governance as that the state should be advocate for a strong central
essential for preserving national dictatorial often adopted government with extensive
sovereignty and autonomy. Marxism as they associated powers to pursue their
Democracy enables nations to imperialism with capitalism eg. expansionist agenda.
exercise their right to self- Fidel Castro in Cuba
determination by allowing They believe in centralised
citizens to participate in shaping imperialism and colonialism was decision-making and assertive
the policies and direction of their founded on the belief that leadership to advance the
country. superior nations should expand interests of the nation on the
to take over other territories eg. international stage.
For Rousseau the idea of having Mussolini's capturing of
a Constitution was very Abyssinia Maurras: "A strong leader,
important which established ideally embodied in a monarch,
rights and obligations for citizens Garvey believed in the is essential for maintaining order,
- thus anyone can be part of a importance of a charismatic and upholding tradition, and
nation state as long as they visionary leader who could preserving the unity and integrity
accept the system of government inspire and mobilize the masses of the nation”
toward a common goal.
Social contract theory
Interim conclusion
some nationalists see the need for one strong leader- even Rousseau's idea of governance in the 'general
will' could easily be used to justify tyranny eg. Hitler claimed he was the embodiment of the 'general will'
Para 2: whether the states is inclusive or based on ethnicity/race
Herder held that nation-states Maurras held that states were Garvey- ethnicity, only Africa
were defined by their own based on a shared ethnicity- had belongs to Africans- must live
distinctive cultures and a particular problem with Jews here and cannot co-habit with
particularly language, in 'Treatise that put their Jewish identity other ethnicities- said that 'the
on the Origin of Language'- his before their identity as French- black skin is not a badge of
ideas are very prevalent in this can be seen in the thinking shame, but rather a glorious
modern cultural nationalists such of Marine Le Pen today- writing symbol of national greatness'-
as Welsh nationalists and in an anti-Semitic journal 'action nationalism is based on race, skin
catalans- also in France, it is very française'- wanted to restore colour is a fundamental aspect
important that immigrants learn French culture to before it was
the French language infiltrated by foreigners
Para 3: How the nation is formed
'the nation was always there, indeed it is part of the natural order'- Anthony Smith, sociologist
nation states are quasi-natural- apart from liberal nationalists- created by people because of self-
Liberal nationalists often Conservative nationalists Anti/ post colonial recognise that
subscribe to the idea of civic emphasize the importance of the formation of nations is often
,nationalism, which emphasises a historical continuity in the deeply intertwined with colonial
shared political identity based on formation of the nation. They histories, including processes of
common citizenship, values, and often look to historical events, conquest, colonisation, and
allegiance to democratic figures, and narratives to trace forced assimilation imposed by
institutions. the origins and development of colonial powers.
the nation over time.
They believe that the nation is This historical perspective serves They may emphasise the
created through a social contract to reinforce a sense of national importance of understanding
among individuals who come identity and pride among the these historical injustices in
together voluntarily to form a populace. shaping contemporary national
political community based on identities.
shared principles and ideals. Von Herder’s ‘spirit of the nation’
They emphasise the importance
Rousseau saw nations as of reclaiming indigenous
emerging from the social languages, customs, and
contract. Through this process, traditions that were suppressed
individuals become citizens of a or marginalized during the
nation, bound together by colonial period as essential
shared laws, values, and elements of national identity.
Para 4: The importance of the state
most see the nation's needs as more important than the needs of individuals
Expansionist nationalists often Some anti/post-colonial Liberal nationalism upholds the
promote the idea that individuals nationalists argue that importance of individual rights
should be willing to sacrifice prioritising the nation's needs and liberties as fundamental to a
personal freedoms, wealth, or over individual interests is just society.
even their lives for the collective necessary for achieving national
interests of the nation. development and sovereignty. It recognises that individuals
have inherent dignity and worth
They argue that a strong and This perspective may be and should not be sacrificed for
united nation is essential for its informed by the belief that the interests of the nation.
survival and prosperity in a strong, independent nations are
competitive global environment. better equipped to address the They believe that individuals
They believe that individual socio-economic challenges facing have obligations to contribute to
interests must be subordinated their citizens and assert the well-being of the nation and
to the greater good of the nation themselves on the global stage. its people, but this contribution
to ensure its stability and should not come at the expense
security. Garvey encouraged his followers of their basic rights and
to work together and support freedoms.
Maurras: ‘a true nationalist each other in pursuit of common
places his country above goals, even if it meant personal Rousseau’s social contract theory
everything.’ sacrifices. implies a mutual relationship
between the individual and the
nation, where both parties have
responsibilities and rights.
Evaluate the view that nationalists agree on the economy. [24]
, Intro
Nationalism is an ideology which was founded in 17th century Britain. It is the belief that nations are the genuine
community in society, and that politics and society should revolve around the nation. It is divided into four
different strands: liberalism, Conservative, post-colonial and expansionist. Although these different strands are
united on their view of the economy to some extent, they still differ in their views, supporting the argument that
nationalists are not united in their view of the economy. This essay will argue that nationalists are not united in
their view of the economy.
Para 1: Trade and Cooperation
Nationalists are not united in their view of the economy due to the differing opinions regarding trading and
Liberal nationalists assume that independent nation- Whereas, expansionist nationalists reject trading as
states want to co-operate economically, and liberal they see it as depending on other countries, which is
nationalist states are encouraged to trade with each seen as a sign of weakness. It also may lead to financial
other, which reduces the possibility of conflict. crashes.
(UN, WTO, Trade Deals etc).
Conservative nationalists are happy to trade for some Black-nationalists urge for black Africa nations to
extent, as long as it doesn't threaten sovereignty. They economically form a United 'bloc' to demonstrate
are less likely to trade with other countries, but will do superiority to western free-market economy and to
so when it aligns with their nation's interests strengthen all of Africa.
Interim conclusion
Nationalists have different views in regard to trading due to their views on cooperation and protection of national
Despite differences, most nationalists agree that international economic cooperation is good especially if its in the
Nation State’s best interest
Para 2: Economic freedom
Nationalists are not united in their views on the economy with regards to how much economic freedom there
should be within their own countries.
While some support a market-oriented economy, others emphasised the need for financial independence and a
'planned' economy.
Liberal nationalists support a free-market economy Post-colonial nationalists are skeptical of 'Western'
because it aligns with human rights, liberty and rule of ideas of a free-market economy, and prefer a planned
law. Believes that wealth is generated from a free economy where key industries are controlled by the
market. This fits with Rousseau's ideas of rationality state (oil/raw minerals).
and freedom.
Liberals support free market economy Conservatives tend to support free market economics
as long as it is the country's tradition to do so and it
aligns with the national interest. (prefer socialist ideas
from the USSR)
Interim conclusion
It can be argued that there are strong disagreements over domestic economic policies and market-economics etc.
Para 3: Economic independence (Autarky)
Garvey is an interesting key thinker here with his Black Maurras and the influence of his idea of integral
Star Line nationalism, which subjects everything to the collective
Shipping company and his aim for African people to will of the nation can be seen to form the basis of
become economically separate from the white world fascisms drive for autarky as demonstrated in Fascist
that long term respect would only come from economic Italy and Nazi Germany. These states also moved away
strength. from free-market capitalism focusing resources on
Conservatism also promotes economic independence As mentioned above, Liberals favour cooperation
through nativism aiming to promote native industry economically, favouring interdependence
and protect jobs from foreign competition and
immigration. EG Trump
This links to Von Herder’s idea of preserving tradition
and national values