European union
The european union is a superlative body which initially began after the second world war in
order to maintain peace and prevenr such conflict from ever happening again.
It created a common market for different industries , like nuclear power, coal and steel for
Trearty of rome- established the EEC
Maastrichy treaty created what we know as the EU, set the euro, entrenched the social
The lisbon treaty- common fisheries policy
The aims of the EU
1.promoting peace and eu values , the EU is founded on qualities like peace , freedom ,
dignity,democracy , rule of law , equality and human rights . It would take these into
consideration when looking at applicant countries. It has helped embed principles ofnliberal
democracy in countries that were one under communist or authoritarian rule .However euro
sceptics claims the EU has ignored popular concerns over integration .
2. Single european market- ensures free movement of
Goods- can't impose , duties and tariffs on member states importing as long as good meet
minimum Eu requirements
Services- professionals , businesses and organisations can establish their services across
the EU . Qualifications from one EU state are recognised by others .
People- Eu nationals working in other EU states are granted the same rights / workers rights
, so equal oay , job security , housing is ensured . Can't discriminate based on nationality
Capital - restriction on capital movement was removed (buying amestys )
However - free movement of people has proved to be contraversial along with Eu migration
3. Economic , social and territorial cohension , single market prompted a greated Eu role in
social , , employment and regional policy . Whike social policys are made at a national level ,
the Eu can promote emplyment , workers rights , social protection etc . So poorer regions
receive money from EU structural funds. Criticised for imposing costs on businesses by the
right and for imposing public spending cuts and failing to tackle inequality .
4. Economic and monetary union , members states that met the maastricht treaties
convergence criteria could abolish their national currencies and adopt the euro . The
european centra bank would implement monetary policy and aims to maintain low inflation.
Removes transaction cists , however its one size fits all policy impacted less prosperous
states , 5 of which landed in high deopt , the EU had to bail them out by member states
paying towards it and had to implement austerity measures .But it also involves a loss of
sovereignty as national governments cede control over
their currency.
5.An area of freedom , justice and security - Eu’s border free single markert still required
common measures on issues like external border control , immigration , asylum seeking etc
Cross border cooperation mechanisms include europol.