political scene Bolshevik emergence
February January
revolution 9th c.140,000 workers strike in
commemoration of Bloody Mary Sunday
23rd students, women and workers from the
bread queues joined the march for national
women's day -> chaos with c.240,000 on
the streets
25th >1/2 capitols workforce striking ->
Petrograd at a virtual standstill with no
newspapers or transport
soldiers killed c.40 civilians but the
Cossacks refused to take orders
27th The Duma set up the Provisional
Government, supported by the army’s high
command, ignoring the Tsar’s orders to
have it dissolved
Socialist parties also met to set up the
Soviet to run government
February estimated at 10,000 members
March Order no.1 ordered soldiers and sailors to
1st obey the Soviets -> soldiers refused and
many went home to the countryside
2nd Nicholas agreed to abdicate after o er to
share power denied
5th Bolshevik newspaper Pravda established
selling 40,000 copies per edition
Lenin’s April His April thesis declared ‘bread, peace and
return 16th land’ and urged revolution but support was
only gained in the long term as his
negotiations with Germany on returning,
and the Bolshevik’s position of 40
representatives in the Soviet of 500,
especially as a small party of 23,000, meant
Bolsheviks thought he would stir discontent
and undermine their progress
Kerensky’s June against the Germans lasted 3 days until
June soldiers refused and killed their o cers->
summer Kornilov replaces his role as supreme
o ensive commander on condition he would use the
death penalty, restore order to the front and
prohibit political meetings
July days July 20,000 sailors from Krondstat naval base The Bolsheviks involvement as the MRC
4th marched to Petrograd, some invading the encouraged demonstrations meant Pravda
Tauride Palace demanding the Soviets take o ces were shut down
8th The PG prime minister Prince Lvov was
replaced with Kerensky
ffi ff