BTEC level 2
Unit 10: Human body system and care of disorders
Organs Structure Functions
Brain Main parts of the The brain is a
brain cerebral multifaceted,
cortex, intricate organ that
hypothalamus, integrates sensory
medulla, data to enable
cerebellum. perception and
regulates all vital
functions, including
movement, emotion
and thought.
Lungs Two lungs are The primary job of
present. Three the lung is to make
lobes make up the it easier for the
right lung: the bloodstream and
upper, middle, and the air we breathe
lower lobes. to exchange carbon
Only the upper and dioxide and oxygen.
lower lobes of the This process, called
left lung exist. respiration, is
essential for giving
the body oxygen
and eliminating
carbon dioxide,
which is a waste
product of
Liver Main parts of liver This organ
are Hepatocytes, maintains metabolic
Bile Ducts, Hepatic balance. By
Lobules, Portal producing proteins,
Triad, Sinusoids, controlling blood
Hepatic Veins glucose levels, and
promoting the
storage of essential
nutrients, it is
essential to
metabolism. The
liver filters blood to
, control blood
composition, makes
bile for digestion,
and detoxifies toxic
Heart There are two upper The heart is a
chambers, the left muscular organ that
and right atriums, pumps blood
and two bottom through the
chambers, the left circulatory system
and right ventricles. to supply body cells
with nutrition and
oxygen. Blood that
has been
deoxygenated by
the body is pumped
to the lungs by the
right side of the
heart to replenish
Kidney Main parts of kidney The kidneys' two
are Cortex, Renal main jobs are to
pelvis, Renal artery, filter waste from
Renal vein, Medulla blood and maintain
the body's fluid and
electrolyte balance.
joint Main parts are Important components
Synovial, Articular of the skeletal system,
Cartilage, Membrane, joints allow for
joint Capsule, Tendons, mobility and give the
Ligaments, Synovial body structural
Fluid. stability. By covering
the ends of the bones,
articular cartilage
lowers friction, while
the synovial
membrane secretes
synovial fluid for
lubrication and
sustenance. Ligaments
unite the bones,
providing support, and
the joint capsule
, encloses the joint
itself. Tendons
coordinate joint
motions by connecting
muscles to bones.
When combined, these
elements allow for
controlled and
movement, which
promotes adaptability
and responsiveness in
day-to-day tasks. In
addition to lubricating
the joint surfaces and
maintaining the proper
ratio of mobility to
stability, synovial fluid
Pancreas Main parts are: With its various
Uncinate Process, components, the
Head, Tail, Body pancreas is a dual-
purpose organ that is
essential for both
digestion and
metabolic control.
Digestive enzymes
that break down
proteins, lipids, and
carbohydrates are
secreted into the
duodenum as part of
the exocrine function,
which is mostly found
in the brain and body.
Spleen Main parts are Red A key organ of the
Pulp, White Pulp, immunological and
Spleen Capsule, circulatory systems,
Marginal Zone the spleen performs
several tasks that are
critical to preserving
general health. The
spleen helps eliminate
old or damaged blood
cells, platelets, and
foreign particles. It is
made up of two pulps:
red pulp, which is
engaged in blood