Mental Health Exam 6
Conduct Disorder pg. 555 - ANS-One of the most frequently diagnosed problems in
children. It is the repetitive and persistent behavior in which the basic rights of others or
major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. Behavior will show
aggression toward people and animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, or
serious violation of parental or school rules. The diagnosis can only be made when the
behavior is symptomatic of a problem within the child and not a reaction to a social
context of war, poverty, high crime, or fear for ones well-being.
Usually occurs in late childhood or early adolescence but can occur sooner. There are 2
subtypes childhood onset (must show one symptom before 10 y/0) and adolescent
onset. Almost all cases of childhood onset are boys, while adolescent onset is more
gender balanced.
They may have little empathy towards others, may interpret intentions of others as
hostile and threatening, respond with aggression they view as reasonable and justified,
low self-esteem that is masked by a facade of toughness. Boys are likely to fight, steal,
vandalize, or have school problems. Girls are likely to run away, be truant, use drugs, or
Separation Anxiety Disorder pg. 557 - ANS-Excessive anxiety concerning separation
from home or from people to whom the individual is attached. This happens for at least
4 weeks, onset before age 18. Symptoms when separation is anticipated or occurs
include potential refusal to go to school or elsewhere, persistent refusal to sleep without
being near a major attachment figure, and complaints of physical symptoms.
Other symptoms include fear and worry about possible harm befalling attachment
figures or about being separated from them. Frequently, child is from close-knit family.
The child is demanding, intrusive, or i need of constant attention. They may be
unusually compliant, conscientious, or eager to please. May have a depressed mood
that increases over time.
May appear after a stressful life event (death of a pet, family illness, or immigration).
There are periods of exacerbation and remission that persist for many years, even into
Perinatal Complications pg. 562 - ANS-Include perinatal asphyxia, congenital
anomalies, deficient treatment of the pregnant mother for major illness, and intrauterine
, exposure to drugs of abuse and alcohol, have also been associated with psychiatric
Infants born prematurely are at greater risk of developing a mental health problem.
Important parenting skills that improve the child's mental health include attending to
infant's behavioral cues, understanding the potential meaning of various infant
behaviors, and reducing the infant's distress through soothing, consoling, and other
stress reduction techniques. (Remember stress reduction)
Risk Factors for Developing Mental Health Problems in Childhood pg. 562 - ANS--
Inherited metabolic deficiencies or nervous system abnormalities
- Injury, toxic exposure, or physical complications in utero or during the perinatal period
- Medical conditions of infancy or childhood (such as epilepsy, low birth weight)
- Early deprivation of nurturance or stimulation (parental absence or loss, neglect or
rejection, large family size, foster placement)
- Traumatic experience (such as abuse or life-threatening event)
- Family history of psychiatric disorder
- A chaotic home environment (family violence or severe martial discord)
- Disadvantaged socioeconomic status (poverty, violence, hopelessness)
Assessment of a Child pg. 563 - ANS-Stages of development affects the symptoms you
will see, a child's expected responses to life stress, and the child's ability to understand
and communicate with you about certain problems. Include the child and the parent in
discussing the history of the problem because:
- It decreases the child's feelings of being left out, talked about, or powerless in the
- It helps you learn the child's perspective. Children are the best informants regarding
their feelings and thoughts. It is also helpful to hear an older child's response to the
parents on certain issues or how the child's view may differ.
- It allows you to observe the nonverbal communication among family members. Their
interactions give important clues regarding the family's functioning in areas such as
closeness, conflict, decision making, and flexibility.
A MSE includes a semistructred interview and an unconstructed play session with the
child. Observing a child at play will provide invaluable information about motor behavior,
thought content, affect, and impulse control. A relaxed, conversational approach is the
most effective. Children are a better source than their parents regarding the nature and
extent of their symptoms. Be sure to form questions in a way that are developmentally