NURS 1004 - Nursing Foundations
Midterm 1
3 Approaches to health - correct answer-medical approach, behavioural approach, and
socio-environmental approach
3 elements included in a community assessment - correct answer-structure or locale,
people, and social systems
3 Levels of disease prevention - correct answer-primary prevention, secondary prevention,
tertiary prevention
4 main types of chronic diseases - correct answer-cardiovascular diseases, chronic
respiratory diseases, cancers, diabetes
5 levels of health care - correct answer-promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative, and
5 Principles of Canada Health Act - correct answer-1. Public Administration
2. Comprehensiveness
3. Universality
4. Portability
5. Accessibility
5 subcategories of professional identity - correct answer-doing, being, acting ethically,
flourishing, changing identities
Accountability - correct answer-Responsible for one's conduct or the willingness to be
answerable for one's actions
Acute care - correct answer-hospitals, medicine, surgery, emergency, intensive care,
operating room
administration - correct answer-hospitals, LTC, community
Agnostic - correct answer-individuals who believes that any ultimate reality is unknown
Alternative modes of treatment - correct answer-greater consumer awareness, increased
use of alternative and complementary therapies/practices, consumer demand for knowledge
Atheist - correct answer-individuals who do not believe in the existence of god
Attributes - correct answer-Whatever provides ultimate meaning as perceived by each
individual. Helps to achieve balance. Spirituality is not religion (broader). Spirituality is
impacted by: illness, family, culture, communities, health care systems
, Attributes of a professional - correct answer-knowledge, spirit of inquiry, accountability,
autonomy, advocacy, innovation and visionary, collegiality and collaboration, ethics and
Autonomy - correct answer-a person who supports or speaks out for a cause or policy
Autonomy - correct answer-right to self-determination; all persons have the moral right to
make decisions about themselves and their own behaviour in accordance with their values
Basic environmental safety needs - correct answer-oxygen, nutrition, temperature and
Behavioural approach to health - correct answer-medical approach inadequate,
environmental influences health, decrease behavioural risk factors to improve health
Beneficence - correct answer-The principle requires that the nurse "do good" and "prevent
harm"; helps guide difficult decisions concerning whether the benefits of a treatment may be
challenged by risks to the patient's well-being or dignity
Bioethics - correct answer-the concept that actions are obligation based, outcome oriented,
and based on reason
CAN Code of Ethics (2017) - correct answer-A. providing safe, compassionate, competent,
and ethical care
B. promoting health and well-being
C. promoting and respecting informed decision making
D. Honouring dignity
E. maintaining privacy and confidentiality
F. promoting justice
G. being accountable
Canadian nurses association - correct answer-established in 1909, federation of provincial
associations in 1930
Caregiver - correct answer-performing the activities that assist a client both physically and
psychologically in obtaining their highest level of wellness
Case manager - correct answer-often utilize a multidisciplinary approach to coordinate the
care of clients, measure the effectiveness of case management plans and monitor outcomes
Change agent - correct answer-as nurses, we act as a change agent when we assist clients
to make changes in their own behaviour
Changing patterns of disease - correct answer-new communicable diseases, resistance to
antibiotics, spread of disease related to global travel, prevalence of stress