Unit 1 Nurs 314
4 main goals of nursing - correct answer-promote, prevent, treat, and advocate
Scope and Standards of Practice - correct answer-on LSBN website; assessment, diagnosis,
outcomes, identification, planning, implementation, and evaluation
Code of Ethics - correct answer-the nurse practices with compassion and respect for the
inherent dignity, worth, and unique attributes of every person; the nurse's primary
commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group, community, or population;
the nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health and safety of the patient;
the nurse has authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice, makes
decisions, takes actions consistent with the obligations to promote health and provide
optimal care
Care Responsibilities - correct answer-provide direct care to restore health for ill patients;
focus on how diseases affect activity levels and abilities to perform tasks, as well as how
patients cope with their health issues and any related losses of function; include
collaborative porblems, managing care, documentation, member of a profession, research,
evidence-based, and scholarship
Collaborative Problems - correct answer-problems that nurses monitor but require the
expertise of other health providers for intervention
Managing Care - correct answer-nurse communicate findings to appropriate people and
document data to share information and identify trends
Member of a profession - correct answer-research and evidence-based practice trace back
to Florence Nightingale
Documentation - correct answer-the recording of patient information
Research - correct answer-the systematic gathering and analysis of information with the goal
of informing nursing practice
Evidence-based - correct answer-approach to patent care that minimizes intuition and
personal experience and instead relies on research findings and high-grade scientific
Scholarship - correct answer-actions that systematically advance the teaching, research,
and practice of nursing
RN education - correct answer-ADN, diploma, BSN; NCLEX
APRN education - correct answer-BSN, MSN, doctorate; nurse practitioner, certified nurse
midwife, certified registered nurse anesthetist, clinical nurse specialist
, Nursing and Health Promotion - correct answer-nursing assessment that includes the
patient's individual situation and experiences will assist in the development of focused health
promotion activities; a nurse will assess patients for nutrition, fitness, mental health, safety,
and stress
Wellness and illness - correct answer-most people fall somewhere between wellness and
illness; the person moving toward high-level wellness focuses on awareness, education, and
growth; the person who moves towards illness and premature death develops signs and
symptoms of disease or disabilities, this is when most treatment occurs; nurses collaborate
with individuals, families, and communities to promote higher levels of wellness; healthy
means as healthy as you can be
National Model for Health Promotion - correct answer-the ten leading areas of focus are:
physical injury, being overweight or obese, tobacco use, substance abuse, responsible
sexual behavior, mental health, injury and violence, environmental quality, immunization,
access to healthcare
Inventions Promoting Healthy Change - correct answer-3 levels: primary, secondary, tertiary
Primary Prevention - correct answer-involved strategies aimed at preventing problems.
Immunizations, health teaching, safety precautions, and nutrition and counseling are
examples (BP)
Secondary prevention - correct answer-includes the early diagnosis of health problems and
prompts treatment to prevent complications. Vision screening, Pap smears, BP screening,
hearing testing, scoliosis screening, and tuberculin skin testing are examples (mammogram)
Tertiary prevention - correct answer-already ill; treat and educate
Health Assessment - correct answer-"Gathering information about the health status of the
patient, analyzing and synthesizing those data, making judgments about nursing
interventions based on the findings and evaluating patient care outcomes" (AACN, 2011)
Nursing process - correct answer-Assessment, nursing diagnosis, plan, implement, and
evaluate; requires critical thinking
Assessment - correct answer-step of the nursing process; gather dat and analyze; i.d.
Nursing Diagnosis - correct answer-step of the nursing process; a clinical judgement about
individual, family, or community responses to actual or potential health difficulties/life
processes. A nursing diagnosis provides the basis for selection of nursing interventions to
achieve outcomes for which the nurse is accountable
Plan - correct answer-step of the nursing process; write care plan to meet goals
Implement - correct answer-step of the nursing process; carry out plan