Large developments:
- London Heathrow airport expansion
- Oresund bridge connecting Sweden and Denmark;
o Transboundary effects where member states must consult other states if
their development is likely to have a significant impact (still weak).
- Channel tunnel
- 2012 Olympics
Heathrow terminal 5.
o The site itself: land take, conservation impacts, hydrology. Locally: road
improvements, employment, noise (local & on flight paths). National: status
of impacted conservation areas, economy: local & national effects.
International- greenhouse emissions, trade benefits, tourism impacts
o Planning process cost £63 million over 14 years, Included a 46 month public
enquiry, Construction costs were £4.2 billion
o Need for development: failure to build would cost the UK £600 million a year
in exports, larger aeroplanes (e.g. airbus 380: 555-seater ‘superjumbos’) need
bigger infrastructure, accommodating modern planes can reduce air and
noise pollution while still increasing passenger numbers
o Construction took 6 years (2002-2008) for phase 1, with a further phase
completed in 2011
o Impacts: Workforce (60 contractors), noise, traffic, dust, security, land take,
hydrology, wider infrastructure (road and rail inks, car parking), radar
disturbance, use of resources, cultural heritage. Economy: jobs, services
o Global impacts: climate change, trade
Southampton IKEA
o Land take of limited importance- brownfield site in urban area, Four storey
building, 600 seat restaurant, 891 space car park opposite Leisure World
o Impacts on the immediate area construction: noise, dust, odours, traffic,
infrastructure, landscape & heritage. Operation: traffic (15% increase
predicted- junction improvements proposed as mitigation), council requiring
bus links to station, city centre and ferries; landscape and heritage, potential
economic impacts on other local business (John Lewis objected)
o Impacts beyond the immediate area traffic, in operation as far as regional
motorways & interactions with docks operations and events, -economic
benefits (£55m pa turnover predicted, 500 jobs locally) but businesses across
the region may be impacted
Scoping report:
Brownfield Development (residential). Primetower Properties, Bournemouth
Scoping involved English Nature, and two wildlife NGOs
Key issues regarding reptiles on site and offsite impacts on nature reserves were