“Many sociologists argue that we now live in a postmodern society: in which leisure and
consumption are more central to people's identities than work, and in which the media plays a
central role. Some criminologists argue that crime has changed in response to postmodern society:
the huge increase in property crime since the 1950s and the more recent increase in cybercrime are
two possible examples of this”
Applying material from item A, analyse two ways in which crime has changed in postmodern society
The theory of postmodernism infers that society is based on the process of consumption, as seen
within item A, this being much more central to an individuals’ identity, causing for a change in crime
as, not only is there greater opportunity to commit crime, but there is also now an increased desire
to engage in acts to obtain materialistic goods for purpose of personal gain. This being an
explanation for property crime rising as, within a postmodern society, there is a greater promotion of
goods, of which is likely to make partaking in crimes such as robbery seem much more promising,
being further influenced by the individualistic self-concept that suggests individuals to being much
more ignorant towards other members in society, looking out solely for themselves. The occurrence
of this crime has been worsened in that, due to the process of globalisation, individuals are now
interconnected with those they choose to, of which as demolished the community culture that
society once valued and better allowed for individuals to commit property crimes within their
neighbourhoods. Furthermore, the increase of media manipulation, presenting a lifestyle of which
many cannot legitimately obtain due to blocked opportunities, increases the desirability of engaging
in property crimes for purpose of acquiring the goods that they cannot through legitimate means
achieve. Another way in which crime has been demonstrated to have changed within society is
within the instance of cybercrime, being that the theory of postmodernism puts forward the idea
that society has developed a hyperreal, mediated reality, of which allows for individuals to have their
lifestyle and worldly perspective portrayed/manipulated through the media. This type of crime is
particularly unique in that criminals can now commit crimes freely within the comfort of their home,
without coming into direct contact with their victims, meaning that individuals are more likely to
engage in this crime as the chances of being caught are generally low. Furthermore, crimes have
changed within society in that cybercrimes have put forward many more ways for individuals to
engage in criminality, being that the occurrence of online phishing was not actively being committed
as individuals did not possess the means to commit fraudulent acts on such a wide scale. Both crimes
acting as examples as to how ways in which crimes have changed within a postmodern society as it
demonstrates that individuals are more likely to offend when they are being manipulated through
the media, as to needing to obtain a certain lifestyle and materialistic goods or when they chances of
being caught are relatively low and there is an increased means as to ways to commit crime.