‘In the years 1890 to 1914, American society changed dramatically’. Assess the validity of this view
Introduction: Point 1: To an extent, society changed Point 2: Point 3: Conclusion:
While USA changed dramatically when one isolates the impact Moreover, while the North arguably had a The extent to which American society did not
dramatically in mass immigration had on the North East as degree of social change, this was at a stark change dramatically can be clearly seen in the Therefore despite
regards to the impact well as the impacts of industrialisation and difference to that of the South and West. The position of African American from 1890-1914 obvious
of urbanisation and demographic and
thus urbanisation. South especially was economically isolated and how they remained the victims of white
mass immigration in population changes
-18.4 m immigrants- with many Jews ie with retention of King Cotton and ‘big supremacists in society, particularly in the
the North East in American
predominantly, these coming to stay and settle- only 3% rate of agriculture’ limiting urbanisation and growth. South. This was seen with the rapid amounts of
return. Formed skilled labour and added to They were politically reliant on S state lynching which took place, which from 1889- society, namely
changes were seen within the
isolated from the work force and consumer demand. Italians government’s and socially, not only did AA’s 1915, over 3700 took place with 85% black
North, this did not
South and West, also shaped ‘Little Italy’ for example. ‘New remain disenfranchised and segregated, they victims but only 4 perpetrators sentenced. This translate to actual
which remained immigrants’. They contributed massively to did not benefit from the rapid growth of discriminatory action against African Americans views and opinions
economically and the dynamism of industrial growth which immigration and industrialisation like the was seen with local politics also with a within society in
socially distant from was seen in North-East with rise of urban South. The impact of this was seen in the infamous example of Ben Tillman, a Governor this time period.
the changes in the skyline and booming cities like Ohio. rural-urban migration away from the South of South Carolina who, with enormous clout in People in the South
North and thus did mostly remained
Growth of mass entertainment i.e from 1910 and reluctance of immigrants to the Democrat Party, encouraged and engaged
not change to the entrenched within
same extent. nickelodeons and small cinemas etc. as well arrive there. Similarly in the West, while there in such lynch mobings- with a ability to
as impacts in small-town American cities were some social changes with the arrival of separate their state government from federal the perception of
Moreover while AA as socially
society may have with upto 30,000 people. By 1900, 38 ciites Mexican migrants, AA’s and government particularly. This marginalised AA’s
inferior as well as
changed in regards to has population of over 100,000. This ranchers/prospectors carving up the land, to the lowest social strata and meant not only both S-W unable to
changing urbanisation further seen with ‘great society remained transient and subject to were they victomised, politically repressed. This engage in
demographics and migration’ of AA to the North further concepts of ‘rugged individualism’ which was seen with SS rulings like 1896 Mississippii urbanisation and
‘new’ immigrants allowing changing demographics of North meant it remained isolated from the grandfather caluse to ensure impact of
introducing a range of and more than anything, a growing disparity dynamism of growth and social change like disenfranchisement, but in fact extended to fed immigrants in their
ethnicities and values cities like the North
between the city. the North. It mostly consisted of boom and gov with 1896 Plessy vs Ferguson. It shows how
in the city, values did. Yet even they
remained entrenched However- this wasn’t necessarily a change bust mining towns such as Victor, Colorado despite claims of tolerance in the North with
in society for ‘nativist’ views seemed to which didn’t allow for a stable population to many state encouraging civil rights legislation failed to encourage
with ‘Nativist’ views huge social change,
and hostility to ‘new’ remain: grow to become accustomed to social on their books in the north, attitudes were
due to remaining
immigrants and -Gompers/AFL accepted but many workers change. Thus it cannot be argued America clearly entrenched against AA’s. Arguably there ‘Nativist’ views of
African Americans in blamed ‘foreign agitators’ on Pullman underwent social change for the North-East was an extent of change with Washington but the ‘new
the North and South. Strike/Homestead Steel Strike 1894/1892 and the extent of social change which even he, a model of black success, was accused immigrants’ and
who were often used or feared to be used occurred could not be seen in the South and on accommodating with working within their impact on
to undercut wages or used to break up West. ‘segregation’ and white supremacy in his 1895 jobs and cities.
strikes. Atlanta Compromise. Similarly reactions to Thus no dramatic
-Promotion of Eugenics and fears of arrivals of AA in the North weren’t positive ie change and
‘demarcation’ of immigrants- social AA North riots ie Springfield Illinois and 1900 attitudes remained
vastly similar to
hierarchy New York and shows despite claims of
that of the Gilded