- Dionysus reveals that he is taking revenge on the people of
Thebes because of their dismissal of his divinity - driven the
women crazy and made them leave their homes
Asian Bacchants - Praise Dionysus, reveal Dionysus’ birth
story , mentions of different Bacchic rituals and types of
worship such as singing , dancing , ground flowing with wine
and milk
- Teiresias looking for Cadmus so that they can join the Bacchic
rites. Cadmus emerges in the dress of Bacchants like Teiresias
is - worshipping Dionysus allows for them to forget their age
- Pentheus comes onto stage and speaks about situation in
Thebes - women have left their homes , Pentheus suspects
sexual activities occurring, says he will ‘cut his head off his
shoulders and put a stop to his making his thyrsus ring’ about
the stranger , disrespects his grandfather and Teiresias ‘Sir I
am embarrassed by the sight of you both - so old, so foolish!’
‘If your grey hairs didn’t protect you, I would have you bound’
One line - Chorus leader criticises Pentheus for blasphemy
- Teiresias critiques Pentheus saying his words ‘lack all
judgement’ and ‘this new god whom you mock will achieve a
greatness’. He speaks about the blessings of wine that
Dionysus provides and mentions that Dionysus can drive
people into madness. He tells Pentheus to not be ‘too sure that
force is what controls human affairs’.
One line - Chorus leader compliments Teiresias that his
words show good sense
- Cadmus warns Pentheus to take Teiresias’ advice. Cadmus
provides a selfish reason for worshipping that it will reflect well
on the house and the family as well as providing Actaeon ‘torn
apart by the ravenous hounds he had reared because he
boasted that he was a greater hunter … than Artemis’ as a
cautionary tale
- Pentheus doesn’t listen - he tells his attendants to destroy
Teiresias’ seat for augury to ‘heave it up with crowbars’ as
‘this way I will cause him greater torment than anything’. Also
tells his attendants to find the ‘womanish stranger’ and bind
Chorus praise Dionysus and his gifts ‘to make men dance as
one, to rejoice at the sound of the flute and to put an end to
care’ . ‘Equally he rich and lowly he gives the joy of wine’
, - Soldier enters and says that Dionysus offered himself up to
arrest peacefully. Soldier felt embarrassed and apologised for
arresting him meanwhile the imprisoned Bacchants are back in
the mountains as their shackles were magically opened
- Pentheus and Dionysus’ first confrontation - Pentheus
compliments Dionysus’ looks , Pentheus asks Dionysus about
where he’s from and about his dedication to Dionysus,
Dionysus sidesteps some of his questions, Pentheus starts
describing what he will do to Dionysus after he asks ‘cut off
your lovelocks’ ‘hand over that wand you carry’. Dionysus says
that ‘this very moment he is near me’ while Pentheus claims
he can’t see him
‘I say bind - my authority exceeds yours.
You do not know what your life is, or what you do or who you are.’
‘You have a name that makes you ripe for disaster.’
‘this insolence of yours will be punished by Dionysus’
Chorus express anger and confusion towards Thebes - pain
of rejection turns into anger and call for Dionysus to ‘crush
the arrogance of this murderous man.’ More piety and
desperation for the god is expressed.
Dionysus’ voice appears and he speaks to the chorus of
Bacchants - Dionysus causes the earthquake that destroys
the palace and lightning
- Dionysus tells the chorus leader about how he mocked
Pentheus - Pentheus tying up a bull instead of him, kindled the
fire on Semele’s tomb, Pentheus rushing into the palace
because he thinks it’s on fire, Pentheus stabbing at a phantom
of him, Pentheus’ palace crashing to the ground
- Pentheus finds Dionysus and insults wine
- Messenger arrives - fearful to speak to Pentheus because of his
‘quick temper … sharpness to anger’, describes Bacchants
(Agaue, Autonoe, Ino) sleeping at first, holding young deer and
wolf cubs giving them their milk, thyrus used for water, wine
and milk. Men try to grab Agaue but the Bacchants begin to
attack - the men make it out safe but witness the Bacchants
tearing apart cows, kidnapping children from their homes and
plundering a local village by attacking the men
- Pentheus tells all soldiers to assemble to attack the women,
Dionysus tries to dissuade him but Pentheus threatens to
imprison Dionysus again. Dionysus enchants Pentheus and
convinces him to put on woman’s clothing in order to see the
Bacchants before attacking them
‘Play servant to my own servants?’
‘Lead me without delay!’ ‘Another good point! What a clever fellow
you have been all the while!’