Policy Politics Key facts Evaluation Cause Consequence
Civil War
Common Programme Mao’s initial policy Insignificant as it was
outlines tolerance of quickly abandoned for
other faiths, ethnic intolerance
groups, sections of May suggest how the
society. CCP gained power as
All except political they seemed to be much
reactionaries would more popular than the
enjoy freedoms nationalists and the
Accepted a multi-party Japanese invaders.
system with 8 parties
having legal status
though the CCP was
the dominant party.
Universal education,
Soviet style economic
The New Constitution The Constitution was Democratic centralism
comprised of the party, was significant because
state and military. The it established a
state including precedent for Mao to
congress and regional exert direct control over
organisations were the governing of China.
, subject to state control Fact that it was heavily
(eg Zhou Enlai part of bureaucratic also left it
Politburo but ran hey open to criticism
state industries) according to Mao
National Congress Zedong Thought
forming the state
council was under the
Politburo (25 man)
under the Standing
Committee (5)
Key figures included:
Liu Shaoqi (Chairman
of the Standing
COmittee f the National
People coNGRESS)
Zhou Enlai Premier of
the People’s Repiblic
and Foreign Minister. In
1954 he headed the
State Council
responsible for
interpreting, enforcing
laws creating decrees,
controlling foreign
treaties and the annual
, budget (prior called the
government council
from the Central
People’s government)
Democratic centralism The principle that all
organs of government
were centralised to the
An elected legislature
would make up the
communist party-
National People’s
Regional Bureaux Headed by military Soldiers were simply
figures. switched to
China was divided into 6 administrative jobs.
regions (North East China;
North China; East China ;
Central South China
South West (inc Tibet)
China; North West China)
corresponding to army
controlled areas from the
civil war.
, Four officials/bureau
Government Chairman,
First Party Secretary;
Military Commander;
Army Political
Self registration Policy initiated to rid Initial mobilisation
CCP of its opponents: policies which set the
Ministry of Public tone for the rest of
Security the regime.
People were asked to Mao required people
register their to mobillise in
backgrounds in support as there was
exchange for leniency no secret police to
which was used to ensure loyalty
arrest those who were
associated with the old
regime/ had nationalist
ties/ had ties with
Midnight arrests similar
to Stalin’s Russia.
Mass Participation Mobilisation of the Struggle meetings were
population politically. significant to the regime
Involved in rallies because they were used