successful innovation of the Tesla roadster, from the 1st generation to the 2nd generation will
enable Tesla to capitalise on increasing revenue and gain larger market share in the EV industry.
However the yoke steering vehicle within the 2nd generation roadster would indefinitely limit
Tesla sales revenue of the new and improved roadster, they can overcome this limitation by
allowing customers to choose options from a traditional circular steering vehicle or a yoke
steering wheel.
Learning Aim E, d4:
Justify the use of innovation and enterprise for a business in relation to its
changing market and environment.
Tesla's utilisation of innovation and enterprise is critical because it is what the firm has
concentrated on and must continue to focus on. However, there are certain other issues that
come with being creative and innovative. In this Distinction task, I will be discussing and
justifying Tesla’s use of innovation and enterprise in relation to the changes in the market and
Tesla use of innovation to changes in the market
Change 1: The impact of Covid on Tesla’s innovation
Tesla, founded by Elon Musk, is the world's most valuable car manufacturer. Currently, Tesla's
CEO is working on a number of breakthroughs that will shape the future of the vehicle and
energy sectors. Tesla's innovation in electric vehicles include vehicle design, solar roofing, user
interfaces, battery packs, EV chargers, and many more. Tesla supercharging innovation came
about in 2012. Over the years Tesla supercharging has improved exponentially and has grown
into a wider range in the world, now operating over 30,000 plus supercharging stations around
the globe. Tesla's innovation of charging vehicles became more sustainable which positively
influenced the environmental impact. Instead of utilising gas and petrol to refuel vehicles,
electricity caged within a battery pack was used to charge the vehicle. Tesla offered incredibly
fast charging speeds, of a kind that should be able to recharge an electric car battery in under
an hour. However the Covid epidemic occurred in 2019 .The coronavirus outbreak and
lockdown significantly affected the automotive
market and travelling in general, as well as
refuelling/charging businesses, which had affected
Tesla innovation. Tesla supercharging network
innovation was impacted by the Covid epidemic. The
usage of Tesla supercharging networks dropped