Opportunities Threats
I believe that I wasn't able to express myself If an interviewer has a preconceived notion
fully to the interviewer, I was sort of shy. I or stereotype about the interviewee's age,
believe yet again I need to develop my social gender, race, or background, it could lead to
skills and need to get rid of my anxiety of unfair treatment or judgement during the
interacting in front of a crowd who are all interview process. This could include asking
judging me which is quite hard. I feel like if it inappropriate or irrelevant questions,
was just me and the interviewer I would’ve ignoring relevant qualifications or
done a lot better. experiences, or unfairly dismissing the
interviewee's responses.Biases and
I feel like in order to do well in an interview prejudices can be difficult to predict or
such as the one we performed, you need to control, and they can have a significant
have beforehand experience which I didn't, impact on the interview process. I feel like
and now I do which enabled me to have some biases occurred during the feedback for
further grasp of my strengths and weakness the roleplay which was out of our control
and what i can do better next time because the roleplay feedback given by
classmates and some have up and down
The interviewer let me down, clearly wasn’t relationship which could could’ve got into the
fit for the role as she wasn’t skilled, was very way of the actual performance of the
shy and didn’t know how to ask questions interview
with a professional manner and lacked basic
knowledge of interview skills
Prepare a personal skills development plan for future interview situations
Skills that need How will i plan to How will i Deadline Specific Review
development develop monitor resources
success needed
Time management In future interview To track the The time To support my time In reviewing my
situations, I aim to success of my frame for management Time Management
enhance my time time developing development, I will Skill Development
management skills to management time utilize various Plan, I believe it
effectively manage development, I management resources. This may provides a
tasks, meet deadlines, will establish skills will vary include reading time structured and
and improve overall specific based on management books effective approach
productivity. milestones or individual or literature to improving my
checkpoints to needs and recommended by time management
To develop my time assess the the desired professionals or skills for future
management skills, I effectiveness of level of conducting online interview situations.
will follow a the skills I have proficiency. research. I will The plan begins
systematic approach: developed. I will To ensure explore time with a thorough
monitor task timely management apps or assessment and
, To improve my time completion progress, I tools such as analysis of my
management skills, I within set will set short- calendars, task current strengths
will employ various deadlines and term goals management apps, and weaknesses,
strategies and evaluate whether with specific or time tracking tools allowing me to gain
techniques. I have met my deadlines. For to aid in planning valuable insights
Prioritisation will be a goals. Keeping a example, and organisation. into areas that
key focus, where I will journal or using a improving Online courses or require
learn to assess tasks tracking tool will prioritisation workshops focused improvement.
based on their help record daily skills within on time management
importance and progress and two weeks, can provide valuable Setting SMART goals
urgency. I will utilise identify areas implementing insights and is a key component
planning tools such as that require time blocking techniques. of the plan, as it
calendars, to-do lists, improvement. techniques Additionally, I will provides clarity and
or time management Seeking feedback within one seek guidance and direction. By making
apps to effectively from colleagues, month, and advice from mentors my goals specific,
schedule and organise mentors, or establishing a or role models who measurable,
my tasks. Time supervisors will consistent have demonstrated achievable,
blocking will help me provide valuable daily planning strong time relevant, and time-
allocate specific time insights into the routine within management skills. bound, I have a
blocks for different improvements three months Establishing a clear roadmap to
activities, enhancing made in my time support system that follow. This will help
focus and preventing management includes a mentor, me stay focused
multitasking. skills. friend, or family and motivated
Additionally, I will member will provide throughout the
work on minimizing ongoing support, development
distractions, such as accountability, and process.
reducing time spent feedback throughout
on social media or the process. I appreciate the
limiting excessive variety of strategies
email checking. and techniques
Furthermore, I will outlined in the plan.
explore delegation Prioritisation,
opportunities to planning, time
assign non-essential blocking, minimising
tasks to others, distractions, and
freeing up valuable task delegation are
time for more critical all essential aspects
responsibilities. of effective time
management. By
incorporating these
strategies into my
daily routine, I will
be better equipped
to manage my
tasks, increase my
productivity, and
meet deadlines