Unit 6: Assignment 2
There must be interaction between individuals for them to be classified as a group, this is
characterised through communication over a period. The individuals need to get on interpersonal
attraction and there the group must have shared goals, targets, norms and values, and be prepared
to achieve these goals collectively. All groups go through all stages, but the time they spend at each
stage and the order in which they go through the stages may vary and they are; Forming, Storming,
Norming and Performing. Once a team has progressed through the four stages, it does not mean
that they will not revert to an earlier stage. If key members leave, the team may revert to the
storming stage as others begin to vie for position within the team
During the forming stage, group members familiarise themselves with other group members, get to
know each other and try to decide if they belong in that group. During this stage, group members
start to assess the strengths and weaknesses of other members and start to test their relationships
with others in the group. Individuals will get to know their roles within the group and will make
decisions about whether they feel they can fulfil or want to fulfil their role within the group. Formal
leaders in the group tend to be directive during the forming stage. For example, a team like
Manchester united is currently under perform even though their club have the best player in the
world playing for them. The reason for Manchester united corruption due to the fact that their
manager Mourinho does not adapt and get on well with the young player as people know him as
being a old stubborn manager who never change thig which then create a conflict with the player
like Paul Pogba who should be playing on the pitch, however due to conflict between the player and
the manager causing the team to be under perform as the team are going thought the forming
stages trying to get to know each other deep.
Storming stage, conflict begins to develop between individuals in the group. It is common for
individuals or cliques to start to question the position and authority of the leader, and they will start
to resist the control of the group. Often, conflicts develop because demands start to be placed on
the group members and because some individuals start to try to acquire more important roles.
During the storming stage, the formal leader in the group tends to take on more of a guidance role
with decision-making and helps the team to move towards what is expected in terms of professional
behaviour. An example of when storming has happened in a group is Mario Balotelli is a player that
believes he should be a more influential and important player for the club ahead of Vincent
Company, the captain, a conflict has occurred because Mario Balotelli does not agree with
something that he has said. Another example would be Arsenal new manager who are trying to get
the team together and ae perform well so far in the premier league when he is taking over the role
of as a new manger and having to manage old player who are been in the club longer than he.
The norming stage, the instability, hostility and conflict that occurred in the storming stage is
replaced by cooperation and solidarity. Members of the group start to work towards common goals
rather than focusing on individual agendas, and group cohesion begins to be developed. As group
cohesion develops, group satisfaction increases due to satisfaction from achieving tasks and levels of
respect for others in the group start to increase. In the norming stage, the formal leader will expect
the group members to become more involved in the decision-making process and will expect the
players to take more responsibility for their own professional behaviour. An example of Manchester
city football club performance is outstanding, and they may stand in between norming and