Word Count: 2694
,Table of Contents
1. Current approaches to prevent, iden4fy, measure, and control quality....................... - 2 -
2. Recommenda4ons for tools and techniques to prevent, iden4fy, measure, and control
quality............................................................................................................................ - 4 -
3. Triple boAom line analysis ......................................................................................... - 6 -
4. Poten4al hazards and improvements ......................................................................... - 9 -
5. Lean manufacturing philosophy ............................................................................... - 11 -
6. Bibliography ............................................................................................................. - 13 -
, 1. Current approaches to prevent, identify, measure, and control quality
Quality can be defined as “the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils
requirements” (International Organization for Standards, 2005). Brompton implements several
ways to prevent, identify, measure, and control quality in the manufacturing process including
specialization, inspection, and traceability.
Specialization is a prevention method of quality in
which a big task is split into smaller tasks, then
allocating one small task to one employee in
which they can specialize and continually
improve in (Austin, 2003). It significantly improves
productivity and quality by economies of scale
since employees can understand and perform
their task quicker (Austin, 2003) (Halkjær & Lueg, Figure 1.1 - shows the produc7on line and sta7ons
where each employee is allocated (Inside the Factory,
2017), which in essence prevents defects since 2016).
employees will make less mistakes. As shown in figure 1.1, the production line has several
stations, and one employee is allocated to each station. They each have assigned specific
tasks that they need to fulfil at their station within 3.5 minutes due to takt time and so the flow
of the production is not disturbed. Therefore, they can specialize since they are doing the same
tasks repeatedly and make less mistakes leading to quality issues.
Inspection is used to visually identify defects and
measure the lack in quality (Christiansen, 2023).
One advantage of inspection is that it is quick and
easy to do and cost efficient (Gholizadeh, 2016),
however one disadvantage is that it is subjective
which can lead to inconsistencies in quality
compared to a machine monitoring quality
(Mendez & Jahedi, 2014). At Brompton, inspection Figure 1.2 - shows the visual inspec7on done a9er the
bike frame has been painted done in the documentary
is done in three situations: after the bike frames (Inside the Factory, 2016).
are painted as shown in figure 1.2, after the saddles are made, and when the bike is finished.
Since, this is the only type of quality check mentioned in the documentary, this is not enough
to address quality assurance which can be defined as “preventing mistakes and defects in
manufactured products or services rendered to customers” (Enaohwo, 2022). Regarding this
method, the disadvantages outweigh the advantages since it is subjective and it is only done
in three situations. To improve quality assurance, it needs to be more often and more in depth.
Perhaps using machines to detects defects would eliminate the possibility of subjectivity.