pressure - -_______ = force per unit area
-6, 12, 18 - -on a laryngeal source spectrum, showing F0 and harmonics, the
F0 is the first and tallest harmonic component
-_____ dB/octave is associated with a bright, resonant voice
-_____ dB/octave is associated with a typical voice
-______ dB/octave is associated with a thin, weak voice
-aperiodic, nearly periodic - -noise is _______ in its waveform, while the
human voice is ______ ________
-vowels - -Pio is equal to atmospheric pressure during the production of
-u-tube manometer, electronic equipment, static, dynamic - -a ________
________ is a tubed device containing water that is level on both sides until
pressure is applied to it and displaces it
-once pressure is applied, measure the difference in height of both columns,
and that will give you the cm of water that has been displaced by pressure
-used to calibrate _____ ______ used to measure pressure
-measures _____ pressure but not suited for ________ pressure of speech
-cmH2O - -what is the pressure unit of measurement used in speech
-pressure transducer - -a ________ _________ is a device you stick in a
person's mouth while they speak to measure intraoral pressure
-intraoral pressure, vowels, fricatives, stop consonants - -Pio stands for
_________ _________
-it is equal to atmospheric pressure for _________, elevated for ______, and
highest for ______ _______
-subglottal pressure - -Ps or Psub stands for ________ ________ and is the
driving pressure for phonation/speech
(pressure from lungs to larynx)
, -tracheal puncture, esophageal pressure - -what are 2 ways you can
measure subglottal pressure (Psub)? (1 direct and 1 indirect measure)
-tracheal puncture - -in a ________ ________, a physician creates a hole in the
trachea (below the larynx) & puts a mini pressure transducer into it to
measure the pressure
-provides direct & accurate measures during speech, but it is invasive and
hard to attract volunteers
-esophageal balloon - -because the esophagus shares its anterior wall with
the posterior wall of the trachea, past researchers have indirectly measured
Psub using an _________ __________ which contains a sensor that a person
swallows partway into their esophagus
-this gives an indirect measure of Psub and is not commonly used today
-laryngeal devoicing gesture, Pio, Psub - -when producing a CV syllable
containing a VL bilabial stop such as /p/, the point of lip closure for /p/
produces a ______ ______ ______ or abduction of the vocal folds, which then
links the trachea and the mouth, causing ______ to equal ________
-no drop off of pressure at the larynx
-5-7, 15-20 - -Psub values typical for:
-normal speech/conversation: ____ cmH2O
-loud speech/shouting: ____ cmH2O
-clear association between Psub and SPL
-because the VF are stretched very tightly for falsetto, requiring more
pressure to oscillate them - -Psub is lower for pulse register and higher for
falsetto, why might this be?
-phonation threshold pressure, 3-5, dehydration, vocal fatigue - -PTP stands
for ________ ________ _________ and is the pressure needed for the VF to start
-between _______ cmH2O is needed to start, but less is needed to maintain it
-PTP increases with _______, and _______ _______
-PTP - -when the VF are dehydrated, they become less compliant/flexible.
when they are fatigued, they are swollen/bulky. this causes __________ to
-easy onset, harsh, abrupt onset - -PTP is lower for _____ ______ where the
VF are looser, and is higher for _____ or ______ ______, which some people use