Unit 37 Understanding Business Ethics
123 Assignment Lane
1 City Place
Dear Nestle,
I am contacting you regarding the ethical communities in which you operate, additionally, I
will be providing you with suggestions as to measures that should be taken to improve
corporate responsibility.
Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees in a large area or the destruction of
forests by people. It has devastating effects on the local community, national community
and global community. Effects include the damaging of habitats, polluting of water and the
warming of the globe.
Around 250 million people live in the forest and savannah area and 80 % of land animals on
the earth reside in rainforests. When deforestation takes place the habitat in which both
humans and animals have adapted to live in gets ruined. Loss of land for tribal groups is a
direct effect of deforestation when this happens those who have been trained to survive in
the rainforest environment struggle greatly. This regularly results in the extinction of many
different cultures due to the fact that their ways of survival have been taken from them. In
addition to local communities being affected by the loss of land, there is frequent pollution
of the water in areas where deforestation takes place. This is because trees act as a filter for
pesticides and other chemicals because they stop the runoff from entering the water. This
can cause long term health effects for both local people and your workers.
The National effects of deforestation include the fact that the water supply in rainforest
regularly provides water to a wider area. For example, The Amazon rainforest provides
water to not only those within the rain forest but also those in Brazil and their neighbouring
countries. Therefore, when trees are cut down and are no longer acting as a barrier
between the chemicals and the river, polluting of the water ends up being the end result.
Consequently, those in Brazil and their neighbouring countries are subjected to polluted
water, which has long term health effects on those exposed to the water.
The global effects of deforestation include global warming and climate change. When
deforestation takes place the carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is no
longer being absorbed by as many trees. Consequently, the excess gasses in the atmosphere
results in the atmospheric temperature rising, this has resulted in climate change. This is
when the temperature of the globe increases, this affects both humans and animals across
the world. The ice caps begin melting at an excessively fast rate increasing water levels
across the globe, this increases flooding on both coastal and mainland areas. Additionally,
because climate change is happening so fast many animals are unable to adapt and are
therefore becoming extinct.