Learning Aim C: Analyse and present market research findings and recommend process improvements
P5/M3: Interpret findings from the market research undertaken, presenting them in a range of different
formats/Analyse the findings of the market research using a wide range of statistical techniques and comment
on its limitations
For my primary research plan, I will be using a survey to collect information and data on the coffee industry. I’ve
decided to send out surveys to college students, specifically a class in their first year of college and their teacher.
The reason for producing this survey and overall reasons on surveys is as said before to collect data but why it’s
essentially a good form of pilot research is because it allows you to sub categories the people into smaller groups
e.g. gender and age. This will help me when to comes to the coffee mobile van where I can use these answers
to get the correct products for the coffee mobile, an example of this: 84% females like lattes, and the location
the mobile van would be for [however long necessary] an area that have a 5:3 ratio of female and males, so for
that needed day, the mobile van would have a high majority of lattes however this shouldn’t stop the mobile
van business to not bring other coffees, just bring the popular range to the location.
Above is the table and to the side is the pie chart of the different types of coffee they like to order and Latte
overpowering significantly, hence, the coffee van mobile should go through with a majority selection of
Mean: 2.25 Median: 2
Mode: 2 Range: 3
The next form of primary research would be a focus group and interviewing the individuals for my primary
research plan. I have decided to do a focus group on a family consisting of 10 adults. I asked the same questions
as I did in the questionnaire to the family of 10, however, in this focus group, I was able to get more information
out of them due to availability of expansion on open questions.
The group of family consisted of 6 females and 4 males and their ages vary from 29 to 40. What I gathered from
them is that: 5 people like costa, 3 people like starbucks, 2 like pret a manger; looking at it on the gender side of
, it 1 female and 2 male like starbucks, 5 female like costa and 2 males and 1 female like pret a manger. Since
these people are above the age of 30, it made sense as to why 90% preferred staying at home.
Furthermore, 80% pay around £5-£7 for their coffees and 20% pay for their coffees £7+ looking at the gender
side of this 4 females and 4 males purchase their coffee at the rate of £3-£5 and 1:1 female and male who pay
£7+, I was able to identify the ones who are paying £7+ are making more than the average adult in the Uk and
their job title is a private nurse and a private studio security which could be a aspect to look into for future
location set up and price setting e.g. locating around their potentially. Also, these shifts are longest as asked,
they stated that they work for 12+ hours a day so if they were to locate in and around these areas, the likelihood
they are going to purchase is high.
Additionally, from these 2 adults who work these shifts, they tend to have 3+ coffees a day and have also said
they have straight black coffee so if a mobile van was located outside these areas they said they would go to it,
therefore, I believe from this primary research method I was able to identify that the location the mobile van
can be set up around hospitals, maybe even a private hospital; around security offices.
The tally below was to establish how much each of them would pay for coffee (the people I interviewed) and
the second image below shows it in a bar chart. My explanation above shows the preferences of coffee drinkers
and the pricing they would pay for additionally asking them their occupations.