ACQ 1010 Module 1 Exam with Accurate Solutions
(Systems Acquisition Management Overview)
System Acquisition Management - -is the process used to acquire quality
products which must satisfy the needs of operational users, provide
measureable improvements in mission capabilities, and acquired in a timely
manner at a fair and reasonable cost.
-Acquisition Laws - -Title 10 of the United States Code governs the
organization. structure, and operation of the Armed Forces of the United
-National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) - -Is one of the principal
mechanisms by which Congress modifies the defense acquisition structure
-Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) - -Is the primary regulation for use by
all Federal agencies for the acquisition of supplies and services with
appropriated funds.
-DoDD 5000.01 - -This policy, otherwise known as Defense Acquisition
System policy states the policies and principles that guide all defense
acquisition programs. This directive identifies the DoD key acquisition
officials and forums.
-DoDI 5000.02 - -This policy, otherwise known as Operation of the Adaptive
Acquisition Framework (AAF) policy is applicable to all systems and services
acquired via the Defense Acquisition System (DAS)
-DoDI 5000.85 - -This policy, otherwise known as the Major Capability
Acquisition Pathway policy guides the acquisition of major capability
acquisition programs, including major defense acquisition programs (MDAP);
other programs categorized as acquisition category such as ACAT I-II,
automated information systems (AIS), and more
-Executive Branch (People) - -President, DoD, the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB), the Department of State, and the National Security Council
-Executive Branch (Objectives) - -Satisfy national security objectives,
maintaining a balanced force structure, fielding weapon systems to defeat
threats to national security, preventing undue congressional
interest/scrutiny, and eliminating fraud, waste, and abuse in federal
, -Legislative Branch (Congress) - -Passes laws, provides constitutional
checks and balances to the authority of the Executive Branch, and represent
the interests of the people and the States
-Legislative Branch (Objective) - -Balancing national security and social
needs, distributing federal dollars by district/state, maximizing competition,
controlling industry profits, and controlling fraud, waste, and abuse
-Defense Industry (Contractors) - -Includes large, medium, and small
organizations, both U.S. and foreign, providing goods and services to the
-Defense Industry (Objectives) - -Profit and growth, cash flow, market share,
stability, and technological achievement
-Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) - -Principle staff element of the
SECDEF to perform policy development, planning, resource management,
fiscal program management
-Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) - -Principal assistant to the President in all
matters relating to national security who is responsible for establishing
general policies and programs for the military departments and agencies,
and exercise general authority over those entities.
-Under Secretary of Defense Comptroller (USD(C)) - -Controls the budget
and the release of funds and is responsible for the Budgeting and Execution
phases of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE)
-Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) - -Provides policy advice,
ensures DoD plan alignment with national security objective, and maintains
responsibility for Defense Planning and Programming Guidance (DPPG)
during the Planning phase of PPBE
-Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisitions and Sustainment (USD(A&S)) -
-Principal staff assistant and advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Deputy
Secretary of Defense for all matters relating to the DoD Acquisition System.
Additional responsibilities and titles include Defense Acquisition Executive,
Chairs the Defense Acquisition Board (DAB), and makes program milestone
decisions for designated Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPS)
-Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (USD(R&E)) - -
Chief Technology Officer for the DoD charged with development and
oversight of DoD technology strategy for the DoD who develops
breakthrough capabilities to hedge against future uncertainties, provides
assistance for rapid technology transitions