Staff 1-9 MSLC 3 Nov Exam/66
Questions and Solutions
Who coordinates and directs the work of the staff? - - The COS for division or
higher commands. The XO or BDE or lower commands.
- What is the basic staff structure? - - Chief of Staff, coordinating staff,
special staff, personal staff
- What is a staff section? - - A group of staff members by area of expertise
under a coordinating, special, or personal staff officer.
- Who is the commander's personal assistant? - - The COS or XO
- What is the term for duties and responsibilities inherent in a field of
interest? - - Functional responsibilities
- Which staff is responsible for coordinating and synchronizing were fighting
functions? - - S - 5 plans FUOPS
- Which staff is responsible for coordinating with the surgeon on the military
use of civilian medical facilities, materials, and supplies? - - S - 9 civil affairs
- Why do staffs prepare and maintain running estimates? - - To maintain
their situational understanding
- What is a responsibility of the COS or XO? - - To formulate and
disseminate staff policies.
- Who is responsible for planning operations for the mid to long range
planning horizons? - - S - 5
- What staff section is responsible for matters concerning the enemy or
threat? - - S -2 intelligence
- Affective staff officers are what in all aspects of their area of expertise? - -
- What is S - 1 responsible for? - - Manning/personnel
- Which staff is responsible for the security programs? - - S - 2 intelligence
- Who is a member of the commanders personal staff? - - Chaplin, CSM, IG,
internal review, public affairs, safety, SJA, surgeon, Aide-de-Camp.
, - Who are the special staff? - - Air and missile defense, air liaison, aviation,
Civilian personnel, command liaison, dental surgeon, electronic warfare,
engineer, EOD, DO, force management, foreign disclosure, historian,
knowledge management, military information support operations, personnel
recovery, staff weather
- Who makes the final decision as well as the as the final responsibility? - -
The commander
- Civilian - military operations long to what section? - - S - 9 civil affairs
- What staff is responsible for information management and network
operations? - - S - 6 signal
- The principal staff officers consist of what? - - Coordinating, special,
- Who are the commanders principal staff assistance? - - Coordinating staff
officers S 1-9 (the primaries)
- What are some of the augmentation teams available to a staff? - - Army
space, combat camera, human terrain analysis team, legal support, military
history, mobile public affairs, CA
- S - 8 serves what function on the staff? - - They are singularly responsible
for all financial management.
- What staff is responsible for targeting? - - S - 7 military information
support operations (PSYOPS)
- What are the staffs and their identifiers? - - S1 Personal, S2 intelligence,
S3 operations, S4 logistics, S5 planning, S6 signal, S7 military information,
S8 resource management, S9 Civil Affairs
- What is the primary focus of staff activities? - - Assisting the commander.
- What does every staff member integrate into the conducting a training and
operations? - - Risk management.
- Who are the coordinating staff? - - S1 - S9 chief of fires, protection, and
- What are the responsibilities of the staff? - - Support the commander,
Assist subordinate units, inform units in organizations outside of the