10/1/24, 11:38 AM
the assembly quality incentives paid to drone PAT members, the company's prior-year
The factors that affect a company's P/Q
brand reputation, and the prior year worldwide average warranty claim rate on the
rating for UAV drones include
company's drones.
Which of the following ARE components of The dollar-cost of a PAT member's fringe benefit package, assembly quality incentives
the compensation package for members of ($ per unit assembled divided equally among PAT members), year-end bonus for
production assembly teams? perfect attendance, and annual base wage
the size of assembly quality incentives paid to camera/drone PATs, how favorably the
overall size of the company's total compensation package (not including overtime pay)
The factors that affect the productivity of
per camera/drone PAT member compares against the camera/drone all-company
both camera PATs and drone PATs include
averages, and changes in the number of camera/drone models that have to be
The company's present assembly plant has up to 150 workstations, without expanding the size of the plant.
sufficient space for
A camera-maker's price competitiveness in a whether its price is above or below the average price of all companies competing in
particular geographic region is determined that geographic region.
The interest rate a company pays on loans its credit rating.
outstanding depends on
Which the following are not factors in The size of the company's year-end cash balance, the average of its ROE for the past
determining a company's credit rating? three years, and how many times the company has been put on credit watch.
Consumer purchases of digital cameras are about 20% of consumer demand coming in quarter 1, 20% in quarter 2, 20% in quarter 3
seasonal with and 40% in quarter 4.
Which of the following are the four Europe-Africa, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, and North America.
geographic regions in which the company is
selling its cameras?
Which of the following currencies are U.S. dollars, Taiwan dollars, Singapore dollars, euros, and Brazilian real.
involved in affecting the revenues your
company receives on camera shipments to
retailers in the four geographic regions of
the world where it markets cameras?
Which of the following do not have a The size of the incentive bonus paid to PATs, the percentage of cameras that were
bearing in determining a company's unit outsourced, and warranty claims costs.
sales and market share of entry-level or
multi-featured cameras in a particular
geographic region?
, 10/1/24, 11:38 AM
The company's shipments of digital cameras import duties imposed by the countries to which the cameras are shipped and the
to retailers in various foreign countries are effects of fluctuating exchange rates.
subject to
the caliber of core components; company's cumulative spending for new product R&D,
The factors that affect a company's P/Q
engineering and design; the number of models; camera body ergonomics/durability;
rating include:
and the number of special utility features.
The company maintains a production facility Taiwan.
The decisions that company co-manages marketing, product design, assembly/shipping, compensation and labor force, and
make each year are organized around finance.
The options that a company has for hiring "temporary" PATs, the use of overtime, and outsourcing assembly to contact
assembling enough cameras to meet peak- assemblers.
quarter order form retailers include
the size of incentive bonuses to workers, base pay increases, perfect attendance
bonuses, the size of the fringe benefits package, how favorably the overall size of a
The factors that affect the productivity of
company's compensation package compares with the industry-average compensation
PATs include
package, expenditures for PAT training and productivity improvement, and changes in
the number of models.
The market for digital cameras is projected at 8-10% annually during the year 6-year 10 period and at 4-6% during the year 11-year
to grow 15 period.
Which of the following is not an accurate Retailers get their cameras from camera-makers on a just-in-time delivery basis.
description of the market for digital
Which of the following are not measures on P/Q rating, dividend payments, revenues, market share, and total number of cameras
which a company's performance is sold, and balance sheet strength.
Most all camera components are sources from outside suppliers having plants or
distribution centers near the company's assembly facility; the company uses
Which of the following most accurately
workstations staffed by 4-person teams to assemble cameras. In the most recent year,
describes your company's
the current productivity of the assembly teams was 2,500 cameras per quarter or 10,000
production/assembly operations?
per year. Some cameras are outsourced from contract assemblers that are paid a $25
fee for each camera assembled.
Which of the following statements accurately The company sells 40% of its cameras its biggest region and sells only 10% of its
describes the distribution of the company's cameras in its smallest region.
unit sales across the four geographic regions
in which it sells cameras?
Which one of the following is NOT a way to Increasing the number of models in the company's line of multi-featured cameras.
improve the P/Q rating of a company's brand
of multi-featured cameras?
Assume a company's Income Statement for a Delivery costs are 2.8% of revenues and represent the company's smallest cost
given quarter is as follows: Sales Revenues component.
(50,000), Production Costs (26,500), Delivery
Costs (1,600), Marketing Costs (8,500),
Administrative Expenses (2,000), Operating
Profit (14,400), Net Interest (750), Income
Before Taxes (13,650), Taxes (4,095), Net
Income (9,555). Based on the above data,
which of the following statements is false?