Hormonal Control of Reproduction
This report is written to evaluate on behalf of a study at a laboratory that looks into embryology and
andrology. The main objective of the report is to look at the role of hormones in the regulation and
control of the reproductive system. Throughout the report, it explores in detail both the female and
male reproductive systems, the autonomy of specific hormones, how hormones can be controlled
during conception, infertility management, hormonal control for preventing conception, and four
methods of promoting conception.
Female reproductive system
The diagram below shows the autonomy of the female reproductive system.
Female reproductive Function how conception occurs.
system parts
ovary The ovaries are important for Ligaments support the ovaries,
reproductive health and menstrual which are situated in the pelvic
cycle regulation because they cavity on either side of the
produce both eggs and female sex uterus. These are almond-
hormones. In addition to their role shaped organs that range in
in reproduction, they also regulate length from 3 to 5 centimetres.
hormones, which
(Australia, H,2021)
impact cardiovascular and bone
health. (Australia, H,2021)
fallopian tube (oviduct) The fallopian tubes act as both the The pistil at one end of these
location of fertilisation and a long, thin tubes, which emerge
means of transferring eggs from from the uterus, collects the eggs
, the ovaries to the uterus. discharged by the ovaries. The
Additionally, they offer an dimensions of each fallopian
environment that supports the tube are 1 cm in diameter and 10
development of early embryos. to 13 cm in length. (Australia,
uterus During pregnancy, the uterus The uterus, which is positioned
provides the growing foetus with in the middle of the pelvis, is
nourishment; during labour, it joined to the fallopian tubes
contracts to remove the foetus. through the uterine horns and
The uterus also contributes to travels through the cervix to the
menstruation by secreting mucus vagina. Its size varies depending
in the absence of fertilisation. on age and reproductive history.
(Australia, H,2021)
uterine horn More space is added for foetal The uterus does, however,
growth by the uterine horn. They include two fallopian tubes that
also help regulate hormone levels stretch from its upper corners.
during the menstrual cycle. The ovaries are connected to a
tube that carries the eggs to the
uterus, where sperm can fertilise
them. (Australia, H,2021)
endometrium During the menstrual cycle, the Hormones change and the
endometrium thickens along the endometrium, which is located
inner surface of the uterus in inside the uterus, changes
preparation for the implantation of periodically. It is composed of
a fertilised egg. In the womb, it also two layers: a functional layer
contributes to the development of that is shed during menstruation
and undergoes cyclical
hormones and the control of the
modifications, and an initial layer
immune system. (Australia,
that serves as the foundation for
H,2021) regeneration.
fimbriae The fimbriia transports the Each fallopian tube has distall
liberated ovum through the ovary, fibrils with finger-like projections
or the fallopian tubes. They control directed toward the ovary.
the slimy fluids that transport, These small structures range in
sperm and eggs throughout the length from a few milliimetres to
human reproductive system, as a centimetres. (Australia, H,
well as those that lubricate
cervix The mucus secreted by the cervix The cervix, the
acts as a barrier between the lowest, funnel-shaped
uterus and the vagina and can
section of the uterus,
change its consistency to facilitate
or restrict the passage of sperm. grows during birthing.
Additionally, it helps iin childbirth It is made up of
and provides structural stability to smooth muscles and
the uteruss during pregnancy dense connective
(Australia, H, 2021). tissue, which form a
protective covering.
, vagina The birth canal for both childbirth Between the bladder and the
and menstruation is the vagina. rectum, the vagina runs from the
Additionally, it can allow for cervix to the external sexual
penetration during sexual organs. It is a muscular tube with
intercourse. The vagina also has a mucous membranes lining it that
rich microbiome that supports its may expand to accommodate
health and function, as well as different activities like giving
natural lubrication. birth and having intercourse.
(Australia, H,2021)
labia The labia protects the urethra and The vulva, which surrounds and
the opening of the vagina, and it shields the genital area, is
contributes sexual. They also help formed by the labia majora and
control the temperature and labia minora outside the vaginal
moisture of the vagina. (Australia, opening. The labia majora are
H,2021) bigger and more noticeable than
the labia minora, and they are
made of skin and mucous
Male reproductive system
The diagram below shows the autonomy of the male reproductive system.
male function how it occurs.