Exam (elaborations)
Period 5: Chapter 13: The Union in Peril, [247 - 261]
Us history Period 5:
Chapter 13: The Union in Peril, [247 - 261] class notes correct and verified 100%
Period 5:
Chapter 13: The Union in Peril, [247 - 261]
Due Date:Tuesday, November 21st
Causes of the Civil War
- Slavery as a...
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lOMoAR cPSD| 47489202
Us history Period 5: 1848 - 1877
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Chapter 13: The Union in Peril, 1848-
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1861 [247 -
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261] class notes correct and verified
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, lOMoAR cPSD| 47489202
Period 5: 1848 - 1877
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Chapter 13: The Union in Peril, 1848-1861 [247 -
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- SlaveryofasofaofgrowingofmoralofissueofinoftheofNorthofversusofitsofdefenseofandofexpansionofinoftheofSouth
- ConstitutionalofDisputesofoveroftheofnatureofofoftheoffederalofUnionofandofstates’ofrights
- EconomicofDifferencesofbetweenoftheofindustrializingofNorthofandoftheofagriculturalofSouthofoverofsuchofissuesof
asotf ariffs
- PoliticalofBlundersofandofExtremismofonofbothofsides
- IssueofofofslaveryofprevalentofconcerningoflandsofgainedofafterofMexicanofWar
- WilmotofProvisoof(noofslavery)ofwould’veofupsetoftheofbalanceofofofslaveofandofnoofslaveofstatesofifofpassed
- Free-SoilofMovement
- Free-SoilofPartyof-of“freeofsoil,offreeoflabor,ofandoffreeofmen.”
nternaloif mprovements
- NofDemsofandofWhigsofsupportedofWilmotofProvisoofandofpositionofallofslavesofandoffreeofblacksofshouldo
fbeo e
f xcludedoffromoftheofMexicanofCession
- ManyofNorthernersofwhoofopposedofwestwardofexpansionofofofslaveryofdidn’tofopposeofslaveryofinofS
- KeepofWestofaoflandofofofopportunityofforofwhitesofonly
- 1848:ofNorthernersofopposedofslaveryofinofWofandofformedofFree-SoilofParty
- SouthernofPosition
- Viewedofanyofattemptsoftoofrestrictofexpansionofofofslaveryofasofaofviolationoftooftheirofconstitutionalofrights
- ModerateofsouthernersoffavoredofextendingoftheofMissouriofCompromiseoflineofofof36°30’ofwestwardof
f acificofandofpermittingofterritoriesofnorthofofofthatoflineoftoofbeofnoofslave
- PopularofSovereigntyo f (akaofsquatter)
- ProposedofbyofLewisofCassof(Democrat,ofMI)ofproposedofcompromiseofsupportedofbyofmodera
f outhernersofandofNortherners
- Matterofofofslaveryofbeofdecidedofbyofinhabitantsofofofterritory
- TheofElectionofofof1848
- DemocratsofnominatedofSenatorofCass--platformofpledgedoftoofpopularofsovereignty
- WhigsofnominatedofMexicanofWarofheroofGeneralofZacharyofTaylor--noofpositionofonofslavery
- Free-SoilofPartyofnominatedofMartinofVanofBuren--
”conscience”ofWhigsofandofantislaveryofDemocratso(f akaof“barnburners”ofb/cofdefectionofthreatenedof
- TaylorofnarrowlyofdefeatedofCass
- Goldofrushof1849ofandofinfluxofofofmanyofsettlersofitoofCAofcreatedofneedofforoflawofandoforderofinofWest
- CAofdraftedofconstitutionofbanningofslavery
- TaylorofsupportedofimmediateofadmissionofofofCAofandofNMofasoffreeofstates
- Planofsparkedoftalkofofofsecessionofamongof“fire-eaters”of(radicals)ofofofSouth
- HenryofClayofproposedofCompromiseoftoofsolveofpoliticalofcrisis
- AdmitofCAoftoofUnionofasoffreeofstate
- DivideofremainderofofofMexicanofCessionofintooftwoofterritories-UtahofandofNewofMexico-
andoa f llowofpopularofsovereigntyofinofareas
- GiveoflandofinofdisputeofbetweenofTZofandofNMofterritoryoftoofnewofterritoriesofinofreturnofforof
theoff ederalofgovofassumingofTXofpublicofdebtofofof$10ofmillion;ofBanoftheofslaveoftradeofinofD.