Exam (elaborations)
Us history Period 8: Chapter 29: Limits of A Superpower [625 - 640] class notes summary/chapter 29 verified A+
Us history Period 8:
Chapter 29: Limits of A Superpower [625 - 640] class notes summary/chapter 29 verified A+
Us history Period 8:
Chapter 29: Limits of A Superpower [625 - 640] class notes summary/chapter 29 verified A+
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Us history Period 8: 1945 - 1980
ut ut ut ut ut ut
Chapter 29: Limits of A Superpower 19
ut ut ut ut ut ut
69-1980 [625 - ut ut
640] class notes summary/chapter 2
ut ut ut ut ut
9 verified A+
ut ut
, Period 8: 1945 - 1980
ut ut ut ut
Chapter 29: Limits of A Superpower 1969-1980 [625 - 640]
ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut ut u t
- VietnamutWar
- TheutGulfutofutTonkinutResolution
- GivesutLBJutauthorityuttoutdoutwhateverutheutwantsuttoutendutconflictutinutVietnam
- TheutWarutPowersutActutofut1973
- MustuttellutCongressutwithinut48uthoursutorutgainutapprovalutfromutCongressutwithinut60utdays
- Publicu t opinionu t shapedu t policiesu t →u t majoru t shiftu t leftu t duringu t sixtiesu t andu t seventies
- Eightiesutleduttoutautmoreutconservativeutmindset
- Technologicaluttriumphsutofuttheutspaceutprogramut1970’sutovershadowedutbyutWatergateutcrime,utstagn
- Increasedutforeignuteconomicutcompetition,utoilutshortages,utrisingutunemployment,utanduthighutinflation
- PolicyutpromisedutinutJanut1969utinauguralutaddressutnotutfulfilled
- “Imperialutpresidency”utsetutfirstutinterestutw/utinternationalutrelationsutinsteadutofutdomesticutpolicy
- ReduceduttensionsutofuttheutColdutWar
- Vietnam
- ½utmillionuttroopsutinutVietnamutbyuttimeuttookutoffice
- GoaluttoutreduceutUSutinvolvementutinutwarutwhileutavoidingutappearanceutofutconcedingutdefeat
- “Peaceutwithuthonor”
- “Vietnamization”
- GraduallyutwithdrawutUSuttroopsutfromutVietnamutandutgoveutSouthutVietnameseutmon
- Troopsut1969ut540,000uttout1972utunderut30,000
- NixonutDoctrineut:utdeclaredutthatutinuttheutfutureutAsianutalliesutwouldutreceiveutUSutsupportut
- OppositionuttoutNixon’sutWarutPolicies
- Gradualutwithdrawalutofutforcesutreduceduttheutnumberutofutantiwarutprotests
- Aprilut1970:utNixonutexpandedutwarutandutusedutUSutforcesuttoutinvadeutCambodiautinuteffort
- Nationwideutprotestutonutcollegeutcampusesutleduttoutkillingutofut4utyouthsutbyutNationalutGu
- 1970:utUSutpublicutshockeduttoutlearnutaboututaut1968utmasacreutofutwomenutandutchildrenutbyut
- NewutYorkutTimesutpublicationutofutPentagonutPapers
- Documentedutmistakesutandutdeceptionsutofutgovutpolicy-makersutwithutVietnam
- “Leaked”uttoutpressutbyutDanielutEllsberg
- PeaceutTalks,utBombingutAttacks,utandutArmistice
- Kissingerut(nationalutUSutsecurityutadvisor)utsecretutmeetingsutw/utNorthutVietnam’sutforei
- Fallutofut1973:utprematureutannouncementutthatut“peaceutisutatuthand”
- Whenutcouldn’tutreachutdeal,utNixonutbombedutmassiveutbombingutofutNutVietnamuttoutforc
- USutwouldutwithdrawuttroopsutandut getutbackutoverut500utPOWs
- ParisutAccordsutJan.ut1973utpromisedutceaseutfireutandutfreeutelections
- Armisticeutdidn’tutcompletelyutenduttheutwarutbututallowedutUSuttoutgetutoututofutwar
, - $118utbillionutwarutspenditureutrackedutUSuteconomyutwithutinflationaryutcycle
- DétenteutwithutChinautanduttheutSovietutUnion
- DeliberateutreductionutofutColdutWaruttensionsutbyuttakingutadvantageutofutrivalryutbetweenutChinautandutS
- Nixon’sutconductutofutforeignutaffairsutenhancedutworldutpeace
- VisituttoutChina
- NixonutsecretutmeetingsutwithutChineseutleadersuttoutimproveutconditionsutw/ut“Red”utChina
- Feb.ut1972:uttraveleduttoutBeijinguttoutmeetutwithutMao
- VisitutinitiatedutdiplomaticutexchangesutthatutleduttoutUSutrecognitionutofutCommunistutgovutinut197
- ArmsutControlutwithuttheutU.S.S.R.
- ChineseutrelationshiputpututpressureutofutSovietsuttoutagreeuttoutlimitingutantiutballisticutmissil
- FirstutStrategicutArmsutLimitationsutTalksut(SALTutI)ut:utUSutdiplomatsutgotutSovietutconsent
- Didn’tutendutarmsutraceutbututsteputtowardsutreducingutColdutWaruttensionsutandutforutdétente
- moderationutandutcompromiseutw/uttheutDemocraticutcongress
- TheutNewutFederalism
- ProposeduttheutFamilyutAssistanceutplanuttoutslowutdownutgrowthutofutLBJ’sutGreatutSocietyutprograms
- WoulduthaveutreplacedutwelfareutbyutprovidingutguaranteedutannualutincomeutforutworkingutAms
- DefeatedutbyutDemsutinutCongress
- Nixonutshiftedutsomeutofutresponsibilityutforutsocialutprogramsutfromutfederaluttoutstateutandutlocalutlevels
- NewutFederalismut(revenueutsharing):utCongressutapprovedutgivingutlocalutgovsut$30utbillionutinutblo
- Hopeuttoutcheckutgrowthutofutfederalutgovutandutreturnutresponsibilityuttoutstatesut(ieutpre-
- NixonutattempteduttoutbypassutCongressutbyutnotutspendingutfundsutappropriatedutforutsocialutprograms
- AbuseutofutexecutiveutpowersutdeemedutbyutCongressutandutcourts
- Nixon’sutEconomicutPolicies
- 1970s:uteconomyutfaceduteconomicutslowdownutanduthighutinflationut(stagflation)
- Nixonuttriedutcuttingutfederalutspendinguttoutslowutinflation
- Whenutleduttoutrecessionutandutunemployment,utadoptedutKeynesianuteconomicsutandutdeficitutspendi
- Augut1971:utimposedut90-dayutwageutandutpriceutfreeze
- Tookutdollarutoffutgoldutstandardut(helpeduttoutdevalueutitutrelativeuttoutforeignutcurrencies)
- Goldutthingutplusut10%utsurtaxutonutallutimportsutimprovedutUSutbalanceutofuttradeutw/utforeignutcompetitor
- Byut1972utelectionutyearuttheutrecessionutwasutover
- CongressutalsoutapprovedutautomaticutincreasesutforutSocialutSecurityutbenefitsutbasedut
- Protectsutseniors,utpoor,utandutdisabledutfromutinflation,utbututcontributeduttoutbudgetutproblems
- 1972:utpassedutTitleutIXut:utendedutsexutdiscriminationutinutschoolsutthatutreceiveutfederalutfunding
- Schoolsutprovideutgirlsutwithutequalutathleticutopportunities
- SouthernutStrategy
- b/cutwasutminorityutpresidentut(43%utpopularutvoteutinut1968)utappealeduttout“silentutmajority”
- Democrats,utsouthernutwhites,utnorthernutcatholicutblue-
- WonutSouthutbyutaskingutfederalutcourtsuttoutdelayutintegrationutplansutandutbusingutorders
- Nominatesutsouthernutconservativesut(ClementutHaynsworthutandutG.utHarroldutCarswell)ut