Fictional Company Inc.
Meeting Details
Date of Meeting: 06/02/2024
Time: 14:14
Team Members Present: 3 members are present
Agenda Details
Are they clear for each campaign? Yes, it's clearly explained and justified of what smart360 will sell and
offer to the customers, like phones, ai tech and other unique services. It's clear on how many people are
going to work at AND POSTING
retail shop.
Are they appropriate for each campaign? Yes, I will be posting 5 days a week on a variety of social media
platforms this is because it will most likely get a lot of views and likes and a high chance, I will get paid
from these social media platforms. We will post in the afternoon as this is where people will use social
at AI, Smart360,
its peak. The Online,
retail shopservices, special,
will be open logoa week 9am to 5pm this is because
5 days
we strive to deliver excellent customer service and creating new websites and other services for the
Are the profiles relevant and suitable for individual platforms?
Yes, the profiles are relevant and suitable for individual platforms a more informal and visually appealing
approach would be more acceptable for Instagram, whereas a more professional tone and content might
be more appropriate for YouTube Through a thorough grasp of the unique features of each platform, I may
Meeting Notes
change my profile to better suit my target audience and effectively deliver the message across a variety of
online platforms. For all the social media platforms i have chosen, i can write/interact with users in an
informal way and talk with slang to the audience as this could attract the audience, as there are young
• Discuss each team members ideas here.
people on social media.
Good number of gadgets like smartphones, ai tech and services to sell to customers making our business
stand out from the rest.
A negative is that too much could be overwhelming, and employees may get tired from working hard.
May need to assign more workers, this is negative as we will have to pay more workers for the job they
Action Plan
Post a video on the services we provide like website employees who work from 1/02/2024
design, logo design etc, post on Facebook as this is home
Post a older
where video people
on the latest gadget e.g.
use Facebook, andlatest
people like
Relevant team
post on may
20-50s all social
need media platforms
a website or logotofor
their the audience.
business etc.
Will promote our business on all social media platforms Relevant team 05/03/2024
which will likely go to a large diverse audience, also