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Medical-Surgical RN A Prophecy Relias
Medical-Surgical RN A Prophecy Relias
1.2 komilligrams kois koequal koto kohow komany komicrograms? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko ko- ko1200 komcg
Your kopost-op kopatient kohas koa koJackson-Pratt ko(JP) kodrain koin koplace. koHow kodo koyou ko...
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Medical-Surgical RN A Prophecy Relias
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1.2 komilligrams kois koequal koto kohow komany komicrograms? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer
ko✔✔ ko- ko1200 komcg
Your kopost-op kopatient kohas koa koJackson-Pratt ko(JP) kodrain koin koplace. koHow kodo
koyou koensure koeffective kodrain kofunction? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koCompress
kothe kodrain, kothen koplug kothe kobulb koto koestablish kosuction
Your komale kopatient kocomplains koof kodiscomfort kowhile koinflating kothe koballoon
koduring koinsertion koof koan koindwelling kourinary kocatheter. koWhat kowould kobe kothe
koMOST koappropriate koaction? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koDeflate kothe koballoon,
koadvance kothe kocatheter kofurther, kothen koreinflate kothe koballoon
Your kopatient kohas kosymptomatic koanemia kobut kois korefusing koa koblood kotransfusion
kofor koreligious koreason. koWhat kois koan koappropriate koresponse? ko- koCorrect ko
koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koRespect kohis kowishes koand konotify kothe koprovider
Your kopatient kois koadmitted kowith kodiverticulitis. koWhat kotype koof kodiet kodo koyou
koexpect koto kobe koordered kofor kothe kopatient? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- kobroth,
kojello, kosoft kofruit kono koskin,
You kowere kohired koto kowork kothe komedical kounit koand kowhen koyou koarrive koat kowork
kothe kocharge konurse kohas koassigned koyou koto kothe kopost-surgical kounit kosince kothey
koare kounderstaffed. koWhich kois kothe koMOST koappropriate koaction? ko- koCorrect ko
koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koReport koto kothe kopost-surgical kounit.
What kois koa koproton kopump koinhibitor, kosuch koas kopantoprazole ko(Protonix) koused
kofor? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koAcid koReduction
Which koadaptive koequipment kowould kobe koMOST koappropriate koto kouse kofor koa
koseverely kocontracted kopatient kowho kois kounable koto kobear koweight kowhen
kotransferring kofrom kothe kobed koto kothe kochair? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko-
koPatient kolift ko(e.g., koHoyer)
Which kotool koshould koyou kouse koto koassess kopain koin koyou ko80-year-old kopatient
kowith kosevere kodementia? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koPAINAD koscale
, Your kopatient kois koadmitted kofrom kothe koED kowith kofailure koto kothrive koand koadvanced
kodementia. koYou konote kohe kois koextremely kounderweight, koappears kounbathed kofor
kosome kotime, koand kohas koa kostage ko4 kopressure koinjury koto kohis kococcyx. koYou
kowere kotold koin koreport kothat kohe kolives koat kohome kowith kofamily komembers. koWhat
koshould koyou kodo? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koNotify kothe kocharge konurse koand
kosocial koworker koof koyour koconcerns.
Your ko85-year-old kopatient kowith koatrial kofibrillation kofell koat kohome ko3 kodays koago.
koYou konotice koshe kohas kobeen kohaving koseveral koepisodes koof koacute koconfusion
kosince kobeing koadmitted koto koyour kounit. koWhat kois kothe koMOST koimportant koorder
koyou koshould koanticipate kofrom kothe koprovider? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koStat
koCT koof kohead
Your kopatient kohas koa kotemp koof ko102.3 koF, koHR ko122, koand kohas kohad ko15 komL koof
kourine kofrom kothe koindwelling kourinary kocatheter koin kothe kolast ko2 kohours. koWhat kois
koyour kopatient koMOST kolikely koexperiencing. ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koSepsis
What kotype koof kopersonal koprotective koequipment ko(PPE) kois koapplied koprior koto
koentering koa koroom kofor koa kopatient kowith koC. kodiff? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko-
koGown koand kogloves
Your kopatient kocontinues koto kopull koat kotheir koIV kosite kolocated koin kotheir koleft
koforearm kodespite koverbal koreminders koand koincreased koobservation. koThe konursing
koassistant korecommends kousing kosoft komitt korestraints koon kothe kopatient. koWhat kois
koyour korecommendation? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koRequest koan koorder kofor
kosoft komitts koas kothey koare kothe koleast korestrictive
Your kopatient kowas koadmitted kofor koa kohypertensive kocrisis koand kohas koa kohistory koof
koHTN, koParkinson's kodisease, kodepression, koand koalcohol kouse. koOn kohis kosecond
kohospitalized koday, koyou konotice kohe kois komore koanxious koand korestless kothan kohis
kobaseline. koWhat kowould kobe koyour koFIRST konursing kointervention? ko- koCorrect ko
koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koAsk kothe kopatient kowhen kohis kolast kodrink koof koalcohol kowas.
What kois kothe koBEST koindication koof koan koacute koneurological koproblem? ko- koCorrect
ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koChange koin kolevel koof koconsciousness
While koin koa kosupine koposition koyour kopatient kostates, ko"I'm kotired koand kocannot
kocatch komy kobreath." koPhysical koassessment koreveals kojugular kovein kodistention koand
koa kothird koheart kosound ko(S3). koThese kosymptoms koare koindicative koof kowhat
kocondition? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko- koHeart kofailure
Your konew koadmission kopresents kowith koa kocough, kounintentional koweight koloss,
kofrequent konight kosweats, koand kobloody kosputum. koWhat kotype koof koisolation
koprecautions koshould koyou koinitiate, koif koany? ko- koCorrect ko koAnswer ko✔✔ ko-
koAirborne koprecautions