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a vpnurse vpis vpplanning vpcare vpfor vpa vpchild vpwho vphas vpsevere vpdiarrhea. vpwhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpactions vpis vpthe vpnurse vppriority? vp- vpAnswer vp vp- vp vp vpAssess vpfluid vpbalance
A vpnurse vpis vpcar...
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8. Exam (elaborations) - Ati mental health proctored exam review 2023 questions and complete solutions 100% pa...
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a vpnurse vpis vpplanning vpcare vpfor vpa vpchild vpwho vphas vpsevere vpdiarrhea. vpwhich vpof
vpthe vpfollowing vpactions vpis vpthe vpnurse vppriority? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vpAssess
vpfluid vpbalance
A vpnurse vpis vpcaring vpfor vpa vptoddler vpwho's vpparent vpstates vpthat vpthe vpchild vphas
vpa vpmass vpin vphis vpabdominal vparea vpand vphis vpurine vpis vpa vppink vpcolor. vpWhich
vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpactions vpis vpthe vpnurse's vppriority? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp
vpInstruct vpthe vpparent vpto vpavoid vppressing vpon vpthe vpabdominal vparea
A vpnurse vpis vpcaring vpfor vpa vpchild vpwho vphas vpacute vpglomerulonephritis. vpWhich
vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpactions vpis vpthe vpnurse's vppriority? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp
vpCheck vpthe vpChilds vpweight vpdaily
A vpnurse vpis vpcaring vpfor vpa vpchild vpwho vphas vpa vpsuspected vpdiagnosis vpof
vpbacterial vpmeningitis. vpWhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpis vpthe vpnurse's vppriority? vp-
vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vpAdminister vpantibiotics vpwhen vpavailable
A vpnurse vpis vpcollecting vpdata vpfrom vpan vpadolescent. vpWhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing
vprepresents vpthe vpgreatest vprisk vpfor vpsuicide? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vpActive
vppsychiatric vpdisorder vp(Mark, vpmental vpproblems, vppatients vpmind vpis vpunstable)
A vpnurse vpis vpcollecting vpdata vpfrom vpan vpinfant vpwho vphas vpotitis vpmedia vp(middle
vpear vpinfection). vpThe vpnurse vpshould vpexpect vpwhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpfindings?
vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vpTugging vpon vpthe vpaffected vpear vplobe
A vpnurse vpis vpreinforcing vpreaching vpwith vpa vpparent vpof vpa vp1 vpmonth vpold vpinfant
vpwho vpis vpto vpundergo vpthe vpinitial vpsurgery vpto vptreat vpHirschsprung's vpdisease vp(a
vpganglionic vpmegacolon, vppart vpof vpthe vpcolon vpisn't vpconnected vpto vpthe vpnerves vpor
vpnot vpfunctioning, vpso vpthere vpwill vpbe vpan vpincrease vpsize vpof vpthe vpcolon vpand
vpstool vpgets vpstuck vpin vpthere). vpWhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpstatements vpshould
vpindicate vpto vpthe vpnurse vpthat vpthe vpparent vpunderstanding vpthe vpgoal vpof vpsurgery?
vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vp"I'm vpglad vpthat vpthe vpostomy vpis vponly vptemporary vp" vp(1st
vpthere vpgoing vpto vpcut vpthe vpnonfunctioning vpof vpthe vpcolon, vpand vpthen vpapply
vptemporary vpcolostomy, vpafter vpa vpcouple vpof vpmonths vpthey vpwill vpsuture vpit
, A vpnurse vpis vpcaring vpfor vpan vpinfant vpwho vpis vp1 vpday vppostoperative vpfollowing
vpsurgical vprepair vpof vpa vpcleft vplip. vpWhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpactions vpshould vpthe
vpnurse vptake? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vpApply vpan vpantibiotic vpointment vpto vpthe
vpsuture vpsite
A vpnurse vpis vpreinforcing vpdischarge vpinstructions vpwith vpa vpparent vpof vpa vpchild
vpwho vphas vpcystic vpfibrosis. vpWhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpstatements vpby vpthe vpparent
vpindicates vpan vpunderstanding vpof vpthe vpteaching? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vp"I vpwill
vpmake vpsure vpmy vpchild vpwashes vpher vphands vpbefore vpeating"
A vpnurse vpworking vpat vpa vpclinic vpspeaks vpon vpthe vptelephone vpwith vpa vpparent vpof
vpa vp2-monthold vpinfant. vpThe vpparent vptells vpthe vpnurse vpthat vpthe vpinfant vphas
vpprojectile vpvomiting vpfollowed vpby vphunger vpafter vpmeals. vpWhich vpof vpthe
vpfollowing vpresponse vpby vpthe vpnurse vpis vpappropriate? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp
vp"Bring vpyour vpinfant vpinto vpthe vpclinic vptoday vpto vpbe vpseen"
A vpnurse vpis vpcaring vpfor vpa vp4 vpyear vpold vpchild vpwho vpis vp2 vpdays vppostoperative
vpfollowing vpthe vpinsertion vpof vpa vpventriculoperitoneal vpshunt. vpWhich vpof vpthe
vpfollowing vpfindings vpshould vpthe vpnurse vpidentify vpas vpthe vppriority vp. vp(causes vpicp
vphydrocephalus) vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vplethargy vp(high vppitched vpcry, vprespiratory
vpchanges, vpbradycardia, vpwide vppulse vppressure, vpirritability
a vpnurse vpis vpcaring vpfor vpa vpchild vpfollowing vpan vpopen vpreduction vpand vpinternal
vpfixation vpof vpa vpfractured vpfemur vpand vpapplication vpof vpa vpcast. vpThe vpcast vphas
vpa vpwindow vpcut vpin vpit vpfor vpviewing vpof vpthe vpincision. vpWhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing
vpactions vpshould vpthe vpnurse vptake vpfirst? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vpPerform
vpneurovascular vpchecks vpof vpthe vpaffected vpextremity vp(check vpfor vpinfection, vpcolor,
vpcapillary vprefill, vpredness)
A vpnurse vpis vpan vpurgent vpcare vpclinic vpis vpassisting vpwith vpthe vpcare vpof vpa vptoddler
vpwho vpingested vp30 vptablets vpof vpaspirin. vpWhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpsubstances
vpshould vpthe vpnurse vpadminister vpto vpthe vptoddler? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp
vpActivated vpcharcoal vp(can vpwork vpwith vptoxin, vppoison. vpGiven vpthrough vpng vptube
vpabsorbs vptoxins)
A vpnurse vpis vpcaring vpfor vpa vp3 vpyear vpold vpclient vpwho vphas vppersistent vpotitis
vpmedia. vpTo vphelp vpidentify vpcontributing vpfactors, vpthe vpnurse vpshould vpask vpthe
vpparents vpwhich vpof vpthe vpfollowing vpquestions? vp- vpAnswer vp✔✔ vp- vp vp vpDoes
vpanyone vpsmoke vpin vpthe vpsame vphouse vpas vpyour vpdaughter? vp(smoking vpcan
vpcause vpirritation, vpcause vpmucus vpin vprespiratory vpand vpcauses vpotitis vpmedia?)
vp(otitis vpmedia vpis vppurulent vpcolor)
A vpnurse vpis vpcollecting vpdata vpfrom vpa vp2 vpyear vpold vptoddler vpwho vphas vpAIDS.
vpThe vpnurse vpshould vpinspect vpinside vpthe vptoddler vpmouth vpfor vpwhich vpof vpthe