Exam (elaborations)
A nbnurse nbin nban nbemergency nbdepartment nbis nbpreparing nbto nbperform nban nbocular nbirrigation nbfor nba nbclient. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbactions nbshould nbthe nbnurse nbplan nbto nbtake?
a. nbAss...
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A nbnurse nbin nban nbemergency nbdepartment nbis nbpreparing nbto nbperform nban nbocular
nbirrigation nbfor nba nbclient. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbactions nbshould nbthe nbnurse
nbplan nbto nbtake?
a. nbAssess nbthe nbclient's nbvisual nbacuity nbprior nbto nbirrigation
b. nbHave nbthe nbclient nbturn nbtheir nbhead nbtoward nbthe nbunaffected nbeye
c. nbHold nbthe nbirrigator nbsyringe nb3.81 nbcm nb(1.5 nbin) nbabove nbthe nbeye
d. nbPerform nbthe nbirrigation nbwith nbsterile nbwater nbfor nbirrigation nb- nbCorrect nb
nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nbd. nbPerform nbthe nbirrigation nbwith nbsterile nbwater nbfor nbirrigation
A nbnurse nbis nbpreparing nbto nbadminister nblactated nbringer's nbvia nbcontinuous nbIV
nbinfusion nbat nb200 nbml/hr. nbThe nbIV nbtubing nbhas nba nbdrop nbfactor nbof nb10
nbdrops/ml. nbHow nbmany nbgtt/min nbshould nbthe nbnurse nbset nbthe nbIV nbpump nbto
nbadminister? nbRound nbto nbnear nbwhole nbnumber nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb-
nb33 nbgtt/min
A nbnurse nbis nbproviding nbdischarge nbteaching nbto nba nbclient nbwho nbhas nba nbnew
nbprescription nbfor nbsublingual nbnitroglycerin. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbclient
nbstatements nbindicates nban nbunderstanding nbof nbthe nbteaching?
a. nbI nbcan nbkeep nbmy nbmedications nbfor nb1 nbyear nbbefore nbreplacing nbit
b. nbI nbshould nblie nbdown nbwhen nbI nbtake nbthis nbmedication
c. nbI nbshould nbdiscontinue nbthis nbmedication nbif nbI nbdevelop nba nbheadache
d. nbI nbcan nbtake nbup nbto nbfive nbtablets nbin nb15 nbminutes nbbefore nbseeking nbmedical
nbattention nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nbb. nbI nbshould nblie nbdown nbwhen nbI nbtake
nbthis nbmedication
A nbnurse nbis nbproviding nbdischarge nbteaching nbto nban nbolder nbadult nbclient nbfollowing
nba nbleft nbtotal nbhip nbarthroplasty. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbinstructions nbshould
nbthe nbnurse nbinclude nbin nbthe nbteaching?
a. nbClean nbthe nbincision nbdaily nbwith nbhydrogen nbperoxide
b. nbYou nbcan nbcross nbyour nblegs nbthe nbankles nbwhen nbsitting nbdown
c. nbYou nbshould nbuse nban nbincentive nbspirometer nbevery nb8 nbhours
d. nbInstall nba nbraised nbtoilet nbseat nbin nbyour nbbathroom nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔
nb- nbd. nbInstall nba nbraised nbtoilet nbseat nbin nbyour nbbathroom
A nbnurse nbis nbplanning nbcare nbfor nba nbclient nbfollowing nba nbcardiac nbcatheterization.
nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbactions nbshould nbthe nbnurse nbtake?
,a. nbKeep nbthe nbclient nbon nbbed nbrest nbfor nb24 nbhours
b. nbLimit nbthe nbclient's nbfluid nbintake nbto nb1 nbl nbper nbday
c. nbMaintain nbthe nbclient's nbaffected nbextremity nbin nbextension
d. nbChange nbthe nbclient's nbdressing nbevery nb8 nbhour nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb-
nbc. nbMaintain nbthe nbclient's nbaffected nbextremity nbin nbextension
A nbnurse nbis nbcaring nbfor nba nbclient nbwho nbhas nba nblower nbextremity nbfracture nband
nba nbprescription nbfor nbcrutches. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbclient nbstatements
nbindicates nbthat nbthe nbclient nbis nbadapting nbto nbtheir nbrole nbchange?
a. nbI nbwill nbneed nbto nbhave nbmy nbpartner nbtake nbover nbshopping nbfor nbgroceries
nband nbcooking nbthe nbmeals nbfor nbus
b. nbThese nbcrutches nbwill nbmake nbit nbimpossible nbto nbcare nbfor nbmy nbchild
c. nbI nbfeel nbbad nbthat nbI nbhave nbto nbask nbmy nbpartner nbto nbkeep nbthe nbhouse nbclean
d. nbIts nbgoing nbto nbbe nbdifficult nbto nbtell nbmy nbparents nbI nbcant nbtake nbthem nbto
nbtheir nbappointments nbanymore nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nba. nbI nbwill nbneed
nbto nbhave nbmy nbpartner nbtake nbover nbshopping nbfor nbgroceries nband nbcooking nbthe
nbmeals nbfor nbus
A nbnurse nbis nbcaring nbfor nba nbclient nbwho nbhas nbgastroenteritis. nbWhich nbof nbthe
nbfollowing nbassessment nbfindings nbshould nbthe nbnurse nbrecognize nbas nban
nbindication nbthat nbthe nbclient nbis nbexperiencing nbdehydration?
a. nbPitting, nbdependent nbedema
b. nbDistended nbjugular nbveins
c. nbIncreased nbBP
d. nbDecreased nbBP nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nbd. nbDecreased nbBP
A nbnurse nbis nbcaring nbfor nba nbclient nbwho nbhas nba nbcontusion nbof nbthe nbbrainstem
nband nbreports nbthirst. nbThe nbclient's nburinary nboutput nbwas nb4,000 nbml nbover nbthe
nbpast nb24 nbhour. nbThe nbnurse nbshould nbanticipate nba nbprescription nbfor nbwhich nbof
nbthe nbfollowing nbIV nbmedication?
a. nbDesmopressin
b. nbEpinephrine
c. nbFurosemide
d. nbNitroprusside nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nba. nbDesmopressin
A nbnurse nbin nba nbclinic nbreceives nba nbphone nbcall nbfrom nba nbclient nbwho nbrecently
nbstarted nbtherapy nbwith nban nbACE nbinhibitor nband nbreports nba nbnagging nbdry
nbcough. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbresponses nbby nbthe nbnurse nbis nbappropriate?
a. nb"your nbcough nbmay nbrequire nbthat nbyou nbstop nbor nbchange nbyour nbmedication"
b. nb"Increasing nbyour nbdaily nbfluid nbintake nbmay nbeliminate nbyour nbcough"
c. nb"sucking nbon nblozenge nbmay nbreduce nbthe nbfrequency nbof nbyour nbcough"
d. nbYou nbcough nbshould nbgo nbaway nbin nbtime" nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nba.
nb"your nbcough nbmay nbrequire nbthat nbyou nbstop nbor nbchange nbyour nbmedication"
, A nbnurse nbis nbtaking nban nbadmission nbhistory nbfrom nba nbclient nbwho nbreports
nbRaynaud's nbdisease. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbassessment nbfindings nbshould
nbthe nbnurse nbidentify nbas nba nbpotential nbtrigger nbfor nbexacerbations
of nbRaynaud's?
a. nbEating nba nbstrict nbvegetarian nbdiet
b. nbA nbhistory nbof nbherpes nbzoster
c. nbTaking nbamiodipine nbfor nbhypertension
d. nbUsing nba nbnicotine nbtransdermal nbpatch nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nbd.
nbUsing nba nbnicotine nbtransdermal nbpatch
A nbnurse nbis nbcaring nbfor nba nbclient nbwho nbhas nba nbcentral nbvenous nbaccess nbdevice
nband nbnotes nbthe nbtubing nbhas nbbecome nbdisconnected. nbThe nbclient nbdevelops
nbdyspnea nband nbtachycardia. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing
actions nbshould nbthe nbnurse nbtake nbfirst?
a. nbPerform nban nbECG
b. nbObtain nbABG nbvalues
c. nbTurn nbthe nbclient nbto nbhis nbleft nbside
d. nbClamp nbthe nbcatheter nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nbd. nbClamp nbthe nbcatheter
A nbnurse nbis nbcompleting nban nbassessment nbof nban nbolder nbadult nbclient nband
nbnotes nbreddened nbareas nbover nbthe nbbony nbprominences, nbbut nbthe nbclient's nbskin
nbis nbintact. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbinterventions nbshould nbthe nbnurse nbinclude
nbin nbthe nbplan nbof nbcare?
a. nbTurn nband nbreposition nbthe nbclient nbevery nb4 nbhr
b. nbApply nban nbocclusive nbdressing
c. nbSupport nbbony nbprominences nbwith nbpillows
d. nbMassage nbthe nbreddened nbareas nbthree nbtimes nba nbday nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb
✔✔ nb- nbc. nbSupport nbbony nbprominences nbwith nbpillows
A nbhome nbhealth nbnurse nbis nbmaking nban nbinitial nbvisit nbto nba nbclient nbwho nbhas
nbmultiple nbsclerosis. nbWhich nbof nbthe nbfollowing nbactions nbis nbthe nbpriority nbfor nbthe
nbnurse nbto nbtake?
a. nbDiscuss nbrecommendations nbfor nbeating nband nbswallowing nbtechniques
b. nbList nbstrategies nbfor nbfamily nbcoping nbwhen nbdealing nbwith nbpossible nbrole
c. nbReview nbthe nbuse nbof nbadaptive nbgrooming nbdevices nbto nbpromote nbclient
d. nbGive nbthe nbclient nbinformation nbabout nbthe nblocal nbnational nbmultiple nbsclerosis
nbsociety nb- nbCorrect nb nbAnswer nb✔✔ nb- nba. nbDiscuss nbrecommendations nbfor
nbeating nband nbswallowing nbtechniques
A nbnurse nbin nbthe nbemergency nbdepartment nbis nbassessing nba nbclient. nbWhich nbof
nbthe nbfollowing nbactions nbshould nbthe nbnurse nbtake nbfirst? nbExhibit
a. nbObtain nba nbsputum nbsample nbfor nbculture
b. nbAdminister nbondansetron
c. nbInitiate nbairborne nbprecautions