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Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th Edition by Jacqueline Burchum, Laura Rosenthal Chapter 1-112
Test Bank Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th Edition by Jacqueline Burchum, Laura Rosenthal Chapter 1-112|Complete Guide A+ Table of Contents UNIT I: INTRODUCTION Chapter 1. Orientation to Pharmacology Chapter 2. Application of Pharmacology in Nursing Practice Chapter 3. Drug Regulation, D...
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11th edition
test bank lehnes pharmacology for nursing care
laura rosenthal chapter 1 112complete guide a
11th edition by jacqueline burchum
test bank lehnes pharmacology for nursing car
Book Title: Lehne\'s Pharmacology for Nursing Care
Author(s): Jacqueline Burchum, Laura Rosenthal
Edition: Unknown
ISBN: 9780323825221
Edition: Unknown
Exam (elaborations)
Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th Edition Test Bank All Chapters (1-112) | A+ ULTIMATE GUIDE
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Lehne's Pharmacology for Nursing Care, 11th Edition, Burchum, Rosenthal - Test Bank - All Chapters Covered
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Test prBank prLehne's prPharmacology prfor prNursing prCare,
pr11th prprEdition prby prJacqueline prBurchum, prLaura
Chapter pr1: prOrientation prto
prPharmacology prTest prBank
1. The prnurse pris prteaching pra prpatient prhow pra prmedication prworks prto prtreat pran prillness.
prTo prdo prthis, prthe prnurse prwill prrely pron prknowledge prof:
a. clinical prpharmacology.
b. drug prefficacy.
c. pharmacokinetics.
d. pharmacotherapeutics.
ANS: p r D
Pharmacotherapeutics pris prthe prstudy prof prthe pruse prof prdrugs prto prdiagnose, prtreat, prand
prprevent prconditions. prClinical prpharmacology pris prconcerned prwith prall praspects prof prdrug–
human printeractions. prDrug prefficacy prmeasures prthe prextent prto prwhich pra prgiven prdrug
prcauses pran printended preffect.
Pharmacokinetics pris prthe prstudy prof prthe primpact prof prthe prbody pron pra prdrug.
DIF: Cognitive prLevel: prComprehension REF: prFour prBasic
prTerms prTOP: p r Nursing prProcess: prImplementation
MSC: p r NCLEX prClient prNeeds prCategory: prPhysiologic prIntegrity: prPharmacologic prand prParenteral
2. What prdoes prit prmean prwhen pra prdrug pris prdescribed pras preasy prto pradminister?
a. It prcan prbe prstored prindefinitely prwithout prneed prfor prrefrigeration.
b. It prdoes prnot printeract prsignificantly prwith prother prmedications.
c. It prenhances prpatient pradherence prto prthe prdrug prregimen.
d. It pris prusually prrelatively prinexpensive prto prproduce.
ANS: p r C
A prmajor prbenefit prof prdrugs prthat prare preasy prto pradminister pris prthat prpatients prtaking
prthem prare prmore prlikely prto prcomply prwith prthe prdrug prregimen. prDrugs prthat prare preasy
prto prgive prmay prhave prthe prother prattributes prlisted, prbut prthose prproperties prare
prindependent prof prease prof pradministration.
DIF: Cognitive prLevel: prComprehension
REF: prAdditional prProperties prof pran prIdeal prDrug: prEase prof
prAdministration prTOP: p r Nursing prProcess: prAssessment
MSC: p r NCLEX prClient prNeeds prCategory: prPhysiologic prIntegrity: prPharmacologic prand prParenteral
3. A prpatient prtells prthe prnurse prthat prhe prwas prtold prby prthe prprescriber prthat prthe
pranalgesic prhe pris prtaking pris prvery preffective. prWhich prstatement prby prthe prpatient
prdemonstrates pran prunderstanding prof prthe prdrug‘s preffectiveness?
a. ―I prdon‘t prhave prto prworry prabout prtoxicity, prsince prit prtakes pra prlarge pramount
prof prthis prdrug prto prcause pran proverdose.‖
,b. ―It prhas prno prside preffects prand prdoesn‘t printeract prwith prother prdrugs.‖
c. ―I pronly prhave prto prtake prit prevery pr12 prhours.‖
d. ―It prmight prmake prme prsleepy, prand prit prlessens prpain prfor prseveral prhours prat pra prtime.‖
ANS: p r D
, A prdrug pris preffective prif prit prproduces prthe printended preffects, preven prif prit pralso prproduces
prside preffects. prBecause prno prdrug pris prcompletely prsafe, prthe prlevel prof prtoxicity prdoes prnot
prdetermine preffectiveness. prAll prdrugs prhave prside preffects prand prmany prreact prwith prother
prsubstances; prthese prdo prnot praffect prthe prdrug‘s preffectiveness. prEase prof pradministration pris
prindependent prof pra prdrug‘s preffectiveness.
DIF: Cognitive prLevel: prComprehension REF: prProperties prof pran prIdeal
prDrug prTOP: p r Nursing prProcess: prEvaluation
MSC: p r NCLEX prClient prNeeds prCategory: prPhysiologic prIntegrity: prPharmacologic prand prParenteral
1. What prare prthe prproperties prof pran prideal prdrug? pr(Select prall prthat prapply.)
a. Irreversible praction
b. Predictability
c. Ease prof pradministration
d. Chemical prstability
e. A prsimple prtrade prname
ANS: p r B, prC, prD
In praddition prto prpredictability, prease prof pradministration, prand prchemical prstability, prother
prproperties princlude pra prreversible praction prso prthat prany prharm prthe prdrug prmay prcause prcan prbe
prundone prand pra prsimple prgeneric prname, prbecause prgeneric prnames prare prusually prcomplex
prand prdifficult prto prremember prand prpronounce.
DIF: Cognitive prLevel: prComprehension
REF: prProperties prof pran prIdeal prDrug pr| prAdditional prProperties prof
pran prIdeal prDrug prTOP: p r Nursing prProcess: prAssessment
MSC: p r NCLEX prClient prNeeds prCategory: prPhysiologic prIntegrity: prPharmacologic prand prParenteral
2. Before pradministering pra prmedication, prwhat prdoes prthe prnurse prneed prto prknow prto prevaluate
individual prpatient prvariability prmight praffect prthe prpatient‘s prresponse prto prthe prmedication?
pr(Select prall prthat prapply.)
a. Chemical prstability prof prthe prmedication
b. Ease prof pradministration
c. Family prmedical prhistory
d. Patient‘s prage
e. Patient‘s prdiagnosis
ANS: p r C, prD, prE
The prfamily prmedical prhistory prcan prindicate prgenetic prfactors prthat prmay praffect pra
prpatient‘s prresponse prto pra prmedication. prPatients prof prdifferent prages prcan prrespond
prdifferently prto prmedications. prThe prpatient‘s prillness prcan praffect prhow prdrugs prare
prmetabolized. prThe prchemical prstability prof prthe prmedication prand prthe prease prof
pradministration prare prproperties prof prdrugs.
DIF: Cognitive prLevel: prAnalysis REF: prSources prof prIndividual
prVariation prTOP: p r Nursing prProcess: prImplementation
MSC: p r NCLEX prClient prNeeds prCategory: prPhysiologic prIntegrity: prReduction prof prRisk prPotential
, Chapter pr2: prApplication prof prPharmacology prin prNursing
prPractice prTest prBank
1. A prpatient pris prusing pra prmetered-dose prinhaler prcontaining pralbuterol prfor prasthma.
prThe prmedication prlabel prinstructs prthe prpatient prto pradminister pr―2 prpuffs prevery pr4
prhours pras prneeded prfor prcoughing pror
wheezing.‖ prThe prpatient prreports prfeeling prjittery prsometimes prwhen prtaking prthe prmedication,
prand prshe prdoesn‘t prfeel prthat prthe prmedication pris pralways preffective. prWhich pris prnot pran
prappropriate prnursing printervention prfor prthis prpatient?
a. Asking prthe prpatient prto prdemonstrate pruse prof prthe prinhaler
b. Assessing prthe prpatient‘s prexposure prto prtobacco prsmoke
c. Auscultating prlung prsounds prand probtaining prvital prsigns
d. Suggesting prthat prthe prpatient pruse prone prpuff prto prreduce prside preffects
ANS: p r D
It pris prnot prwithin prthe prnurse‘s prscope prof prpractice prto prchange prthe prdose prof pra
prmedication prwithout pran prorder prfrom pra prprescriber. prAsking prthe prpatient prto
prdemonstrate prinhaler pruse prhelps prthe prnurse prto prevaluate prthe prpatient‘s prability prto
pradminister prthe prmedication prproperly prand pris prpart prof prthe prnurse‘s prevaluation.
prAssessing prtobacco prsmoke prexposure prhelps prthe prnurse prdetermine prwhether prnondrug
prtherapies, prsuch pra prsmoke pravoidance, prcan prbe prused pras pran pradjunct prto prdrug
prtherapy. prPerforming pra prphysical prassessment prhelps prthe prnurse prevaluate prthe prpatient‘s
prresponse prto prthe prmedication.
DIF: Cognitive prLevel: prApplication
REF: prApplying prthe prNursing prProcess prin prDrug prTherapy: prPreadministration
prAssessment pr[and prall prsubsections prunder prthis prheading] TOP: p r Nursing prProcess:
MSC: p r NCLEX prClient prNeeds prCategory: prPhysiologic prIntegrity: prPharmacologic prand prParenteral
2. A prpostoperative prpatient pris prbeing prdischarged prhome prwith pracetaminophen/hydrocodone
pr(Lortab) prfor prpain. prThe prpatient prasks prthe prnurse prabout prusing prTylenol prfor prfever.
prWhich prstatement prby prthe prnurse pris prcorrect?
a. ―It pris prnot prsafe prto prtake prover-the-counter prdrugs prwith prprescription prmedications.‖
b. ―Taking prthe prtwo prmedications prtogether prposes pra prrisk prof prdrug prtoxicity.‖
c. ―There prare prno prknown prdrug printeractions, prso prthis prwill prbe prsafe.‖
d. ―Tylenol prand prLortab prare prdifferent prdrugs, prso prthere pris prno prrisk prof proverdose.‖
ANS: p r B
Tylenol pris prthe prtrade prname prand pracetaminophen pris prthe prgeneric prname prfor prthe prsame
prmedication. prIt pris primportant prto prteach prpatients prto prbe praware prof prthe prdifferent prnames
prfor prthe prsame prdrug prto prminimize prthe prrisk prof proverdose. prOver-the-counter pr(OTC)
prmedications prand prprescription prmedications prmay prbe prtaken prtogether prunless prsignificant
prharmful prdrug printeractions prare prpossible. prEven prthough prno prdrug printeractions prare prat
prplay prin prthis prcase, prboth prdrugs prcontain pracetaminophen, prwhich prcould prlead prto
DIF: Cognitive prLevel: prApplication
REF: prApplication prof prPharmacology prin prPatient prEducation: prDosage prand
prAdministration prTOP: p r Nursing prProcess: prImplementation
MSC: p r NCLEX prClient prNeeds prCategory: prPhysiologic prIntegrity: prReduction prof prRisk prPotential