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Test Bank for Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition by Patricia S. Yoder-Wise ISBN 9780323449137 Chapter 1-31 |Complete Guide A+
Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition
Leading And Managing In Nursing 7th Edition
Test Bank for Leading and Managing in Nursing 7th Edition by Yoder Wise (chapters 1-30) complete Chapter 01: Leading, Managing, and Following Yoder-Wise: Leading and Managing in Nursing, 7th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A nurse manager of a 20-bed medical unit finds that 80% of the patients are older...
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Book Title: Leading and Managing in Nursing
Author(s): Patricia S. Yoder-Wise
Edition: 2018
ISBN: 9780323449137
Edition: Unknown
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Test Bank - Leading and Managing in Nursing, 7th Edition (Yoder-Wise, 2019), Chapter 1-31 | All Chapters
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Test Bank for Leading and Managing
d d d d d
inNursing 7th Edition by Yoder Wise (
d d d d d d d d
chapters 1-30) complete.
d d d
Chapter 01: Leading, Managing, and Following
d d d d d
,Leading dand dManaging din dNursing d7th dEdition dYoder-Wise dTest
Yoder-Wise: dLeading dand dManaging din dNursing, d7th dEdition
1.A dnurse dmanager dof da d20-bed dmedical dunit dfinds dthat d80% dof dthe dpatients dare
dolderdadults. dShe dis dasked dto dassess dand dadapt dthe dunit dto dbetter dmeet dthe dunique
dneeds dofdthe dolder dadult dpatient. dUsing dcomplexity dprinciples, dwhat dwould dbe dthe
dbest dapproach dto dtake dfor dimplementation dof dthis dchange?
a. Leverage dthe dhierarchical dmanagement dposition dto dget dunit dstaff dinvolved
assessment dand dplanning.
b. Engage dinvolved dstaff dat dall dlevels din dthe ddecision-making dprocess.
c. Focus dthe dassessment don dthe dunit dand domit dthe dhospital dand dcommunity denvironment.
d. Hire da dgeriatric dspecialist dto doversee dand dcontrol dthe dproject.
Complexity dtheory dsuggests dthat dsystems dinteract dand dadapt dand dthat ddecision dmaking
doccurs dthroughout dthe dsystems, das dopposed dto dbeing dheld din da dhierarchy. dIn dcomplexity
dtheory, deveryd
voice dcounts, dand dtherefore, dall dlevels dof dstaff dwould dbe dinvolved din ddecision
TOP: dAONE dcompetency: dCommunication dand dRelationship-Building
2. A dunit dmanager dof da d25-bed dmedical/surgical darea dreceives da dphone dcall dfrom da
dnurse dwho dhas dcalled din dsick dfive dtimes din dthe dpast dmonth. dHe dtells dthe dmanager
dthat dhe dveryd
much dwants dto
come dto dwork dwhen dscheduled dbut dmust doften dcare dfor dhis dwife, dwho dis dundergoing
dtreforbreast dcancer. dAccording dto dMaslow‘s dneed dhierarchy dtheory, dwhat dwould dbe dthe
NURSINGTB.COM atment approach to satisfying the needs of this nurse, other staff,
d d d d d d d d d d d
and dpatients?
a. Line dup dagency dnurses dwho dcan dbe dcalled din dto dwork don dshort dnotice.
b. Place dthe dnurse don dunpaid dleave dfor dthe dremainder dof dhis dwife‘s dtreatment.
c. Sympathize dwith dthe dnurse‘s ddilemma dand dlet dthe dcharge dnurse dknow dthat dthis
dnursedmay dbe dcalling din dfrequently din dthe dfuture.
d. Work dwith dthe dnurse, dstaffing doffice, dand dother dnurses dto darrange dhis dscheduled ddays
doffdaround dhis dwife‘s dtreatments.
Placing dthe dnurse don dunpaid dleave dmay dthreaten dthe dnurse‘s dcapacity dto dmeet dphysiologic
dneeds dand ddemotivate dthe dnurse. dUnsatisfactory dcoverage dof dshifts don dshort dnotice dcould
patient dcare dand dthreaten dthe dneeds dof dstaff dto dfeel dcompetent. dArranging dthe dschedule
daround dthe dwife‘s dneeds dmeets dthe dneeds dof dthe dstaff dand dof dpatients dwhile dsatisfying dthe
dnurse‘s dneed dfor daffiliation.
TOP: dAONE dcompetency: dCommunication dand dRelationship-Building
,Leading dand dManaging din dNursing d7th dEdition dYoder-Wise dTest
Stuvia.com d- dThe dMarketplace dto dBuy dand dSell dyour dStudy dMaterial
3. A dgrievance dbrought dby da dstaff dnurse dagainst dthe dunit dmanager drequires dmediation.
dAtdthe dfirst dmediation dsession, dthe dstaff dnurse drepeatedly dcalls dthe dunit dmanager‘s
dactionsd unfair, dand dthe dunit dmanager dcontinues dto dreiterate dthe dreasons dfor dthe
dactions. dWhat dwould dbe dthe dbest dcourse dof daction dat dthis dtime?
a. Send dthe dtwo ddisputants daway dto dreach dtheir down dresolution.
b. Involve danother dstaff dnurse din dthe ddiscussion dfor dclarity dissues.
c. Ask deach dparty dto dexamine dtheir down dmotives dand dissues din dthe dconflict.
d. Continue dto dlisten das dthe dparties drepeat dtheir dthoughts dand dfeelings dabout dthe dconflict.
For dresolution dof dconflict, done dshould daddress dthe dinterests dand dinvolvement dof dparticipants
dindthe dconflict dby dexamining dthe dreal dissues dof dall dparties.
TOP: dAONE dcompetency: dCommunication dand dRelationship-Building
4.At da dsecond dnegotiation dsession, dthe dunit dmanager dand dstaff dnurse dare dunable dto
dreachda dresolution. dWhat dis dthe dappropriate dnext dstep?
a. Arrange danother dmeeting din da dweek‘s dtime dso das dto dallow da dcooling-off dperiod.
b. Elevate dthe dnext dnegation dsession dto dthe dnext dmanager, done dlevel dabove.
c. Insist dthat dparticipants dcontinue dto dtalk duntil da dresolution dhas dbeen dreached.
d. Back dthe dunit dmanager‘s dactions dand dend dthe ddispute.
Part dof dleadership dis dunderstanding dconflict dresolution dand dability dto dnegotiate dand dmanage
dfordresolution dof dissues dand dconcerns. dThis dsituation dhas dfailed da dsecond dnegotiation dsession,
delevation dto da dmanager dwith dadditional dtraining dto dfacilitate dconflict dresolution dis dimportant
datdthis dpoint.
TOP: dAONE dcompetency: dCommunication dand dRelationship-Building
5. The dmanager dof da dsurgical darea dhas da dvision dfor dthe dfuture dthat drequires dthe
dadditiondof dRN dassistants dor dunlicensed dpersons dto dfeed, dbathe, dand dambulate
dpatients. dThe dRNs don dthe dstaff
have dalways dpracticed din da dprimary dnursingWhat dwould dbe dthe dbest dinitial dstrategy dfor
dimplementation dof dthis dchange? dNURSINGT-Bdelivery dsystem dand dare dvery dresistant
d todthis didea. d.COM
a. Exploring dthe dvalues dand dfeelings dof dthe dRN dgroup din drelationship dto dthis dchange
b. Leaving dthe dRNs dalone dfor da dtime dso dthey dcan dthink dabout dthe dchange dbefore dit
c. Dropping dthe didea dand dtrying dfor dthe dchange din da dyear dor dso dwhen dsome dof dthe dpresent
dRNsd have dretired
d. Hiring dthe dassistants dand dallowing dthe dRNs dto dsee dwhat dgood dadditions dthey dare
, Leading dand dManaging din dNursing d7th dEdition dYoder-Wise dTest
dBank Influencing dothers drequires demotional dintelligence din ddomains dsuch das dempathy, dhandling
drelationships, ddeepening dself-awareness din dself dand dothers, dmotivating dothers, dand dmanaging
demotions. dMotivating dothers drecognizes dthat dvalues dare dpowerful dforces dthat dinfluence
dacceptance dof dchange. dLeaving dthe dRNs dalone dfor da dperiod dof dtime dbefore dimplementation
ddoesdnot dprovide dopportunity dto dexplore ddifferent dperspectives dand dvalues. dAvoiding
ddiscussion duntil dthe dteam dchanges dmay dnot dpromote dadoption dof dthe dchange duntil dthere dis
dopportunity dto dexplore dperspectives dand dvalues drelated dto dthe dchange. dHiring dof dthe
dassistants ddemonstrates dlack dof dempathy dfor dthe dperspectives dof dthe dRN dstaff.
TOP: dAONE dcompetency: dKnowledge dof dthe dHealth dCare dEnvironment