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Test Bank For Foundations for Population Health in Community Public Health Nursing 5th Edition by Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster ISBN 9780323443838 Chapter 1-32 | Complete Guide A+ £14.59
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Test Bank For Foundations for Population Health in Community Public Health Nursing 5th Edition by Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster ISBN 9780323443838 Chapter 1-32 | Complete Guide A+

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Test Bank For Foundations for Population Health in Community Public Health Nursing 5th Edition by Marcia Stanhope, Jeanette Lancaster Chapter 1-32 Complete Guide A+ Test Bank For Foundations for Population Health in Community Public Health Nursing 5th Edition Authors: Authors: Marcia Stanhope, Jean...

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  • November 28, 2024
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  • Public Health Nursing
  • Public Health Nursing
,Foundations jufor juPopulation juHealth juin juCommunity juPublic juHealth juNursing ju5th juEdition juStanhope juTest

Chapter 01: Community- and Prevention-Oriented Practice to Improve
ju ju ju ju ju ju ju

ju u

Stanhope: Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health
ju ju ju ju ju ju ju

Nursing,5th Edition
ju u
j ju


1. Which juof juthe jufollowing jubest judescribes jucommunity-based junursing?
a. A jupractice juin juwhich jucare juis juprovided jufor juindividuals juand jufamilies
b. Providing jucare juwith jua jufocus juon juthe jugroup’s juneeds
c. Giving jucare juwith jua jufocus juon juthe juaggregate’s juneeds
d. A juvalue jusystem juin juwhich juall juclients jureceive juoptimal jucare
ANS: j u A
By judefinition, jucommunity-based junursing juis jua jusetting-specific jupractice juin juwhich jucare juis
juprovided jufor ju―sick‖ juindividuals juand jufamilies juwhere juthey julive, juwork, juand juattend juschool.

juThe juemphasis juis juon juacute juand juchronic jucare juand juthe juprovision juof jucomprehensive,

jucoordinated, juandjcu ontinuous jucare. juThese junurses jumay jube jugeneralists juor juspecialists juin

jumaternal–infant, jupediatric,ja u dult, juor jupsychiatric jumental juhealth junursing. juCommunity-based

junursing juemphasizes juacute juandjc u hronic jucare juto juindividuals juand jufamilies, jurather juthan

jufocusing juon jugroups, juaggregates, juor jusystems.

2. Which juof juthe jufollowing jubest judescribes jucommunity-oriented junursing?
a. Focusing juon juthe juprovision juof jucare juto juindividuals juand jufamilies
b. Providing jucare juto jumanage juacute juor juchronic juconditions
c. Giving judirect jucare juto juill juinNdivR Ils juwGithB
U juSidua
juN juT OCeirMfamily jusetting
d. Having juthe jugoal juof juhealth jupromotion juand judisease juprevention
ANS: j u D
By judefinition, jucommunity-oriented junursing juhas juthe jugoal juof jupreserving, juprotecting, juor
jumaintaining juhealth juand jupreventing judisease juto jupromote juthe juquality juof julife. juAll junurses

jumay jufocusjou n juindividuals juand jufamilies, jugive judirect jucare juto juill jupersons juwithin jutheir jufamily

jusetting, juand juhelpjm
u anage juacute juor juchronic juconditions. juThese judefinitions juare junot juspecific

juto jucommunity-orientedjn u ursing.

3. Which juof juthe jufollowing juis juthe juprimary jufocus juof jupublic juhealth junursing?
a. Families juand jugroups
b. Illness-oriented jucare
c. Individuals juwithin juthe jufamily juunit
d. Health jucare juof jucommunities juand jupopulations
ANS: j u D
In jupublic juhealth junursing juthe juprimary jufocus juis juon juthe juhealth jucare juof jucommunities juand
jupopulations jurather juthan juon juindividuals, jugroups, juand jufamilies. juThe jugoal juis juto juprevent

judisease juandjp
u reserve, jupromote, jurestore, juand juprotect juhealth jufor juthe jucommunity juand juthe

jupopulation juwithin juit. juCommunity-based junurses judeal juprimarily juwith juillness-oriented jucare

juof juindividuals juand jufamilies juacorss juthe julife juspan. juThe juaim juis juto juamanage juacute juand

juchronic juhealth juconditions juin juthe jucommunity, juand juthe jufocus juof jupractice juis juon juindividual

juor jufamily-centered juillness jucare.


,Foundations jufor juPopulation juHealth juin juCommunity juPublic juHealth juNursing ju5th juEdition juStanhope juTest

4. Which juof juthe jufollowing juis juresponsible jufor juthe judramatic juincrease juin julife juexpectancy
during juthe2ju 0th jucentury?

a. Technology juincreases juin juthe jufield juof jumedical julaboratory juresearch
b. Advances juin jusurgical jutechniques juand juprocedures
c. Sanitation juand juother jupopulation-based juprevention juprograms
d. Use juof juantibiotics juto jufight juinfections
ANS: j u C
Improvements juin jucontrol juof juinfectious judiseases juthrough juimmunizations, jusanitation, juand
juother jupopulation-based juprevention juprograms juled juto juthe juincrease juin julife juexpectancy jufrom

juless juthan ju50juyears juin ju1900 juto jumore juthan ju78 juyears juin ju2013. juAlthough jupeople juare juexcited

juwhen jua junew judrug juisjd u iscovered juthat jucures jua judisease juor juwhen jua junew juway juto jutransplant

juorgans juis juperfected, juit juis juimportant juto juknow juabout juthe jusignificant jugains juin juthe juhealth juof

jupopulations juthat juhave jucome julargely jufrom jupublic juhealth juaccomplishments.

5. A junurse juis judeveloping jua juplan juto judecrease juthe junumber juof jupremature judeaths juin juthe
jucommunity.W ju hich juof juthe jufollowing juinterventions juwould jumost julikely jube juimplemented
juby juthe junurse?

a. Increase juthe jucommunity’s juknowledge juabout juhospice jucare.
b. Promote juhealthy julifestyle jubehavior juchoices juamong juthe jucommunity jumembers.
c. Encourage juemployers juto juhave juwellness jucenters juat jueach juindustrial jusite.
d. Ensure jutimely juand jueffective jumedical juintervention juand jutreatment jufor
jucommunityjm u embers.

ANS: j u B
Public juhealth juapproaches jucould juhelp juprevent jupremature judeaths juby juinfluencing juthe juway
u at, judrink, judrive, juengage juin juexercise, juand jutreat juthe juenvironment. juIncreasing

juknowledge juof juhospice jucare, juencouraging juon-site juwellness jucenters, juand juensuring jutimely

jutreatment juof jumedical

conditions judo junot juaddress jutheNfU ocR usSoIf N
imGpTroBv.inC ovMerall juhealth juthrough juhealth jupromotion
strategies. juThis juis juthe jumajor jumethod juthat juis jusuggested juto judecrease juthe juincidence juof

6. Which juof juthe jufollowing juis jua jubasic juassumption juof jupublic juhealth juefforts?
a. Health judisparities juamong juany jugroups juare jumorally juand julegally juwrong.
b. Health jucare juis juthe jumost juimportant jupriority juin jugovernment juplanning juand jufunding.
c. The juhealth juof juindividuals jucannot jube juseparated jufrom juthe juhealth juof juthe jucommunity.
d. The jugovernment juis juresponsible jufor julengthening juthe julife juspan juof juAmericans.
ANS: j u C
Public juhealth jupractice jufocuses juon juthe jucommunity juas jua juwhole, juand juthe jueffect juof juthe
community’s juhealth justatus ju(resources) juon juthe juhealth juof juindividuals, jufamilies, juand jugroups.
juThe jugoal juis juto juprevent judisease juand judisability juand jupromote juand juprotect juthe juhealth juof juthe

jucommunity juas jua juwhole. juPublic juhealth jucan jube judescribed juas juwhat jusociety jucollectively judoes

juto juensure juthat juconditions juexist juin juwhich jupeople jucan jube juhealthy. juThe jubasic juassumptions

juof jupublic juhealth judo junotjj
u udge juthe jumorality juof juhealth judisparities. juThe jufocus juis juon

juprevention juof juillness junot juon juspending jumore juon juillness jucare. juAdditionally, juindividual

juresponsibility jufor jumaking juhealthy juchoices juis juthe judirective jufor julengthening julife juspan junot

juthe jurole juof juthe jugovernment.

7. Which juof juthe jufollowing juactions juwould jumost julikely jube juperformed juby jua jupublic juhealth junurse?
a. Asking jucommunity juleaders juwhat juinterventions jushould jube juchosen
b. Assessing juthe jucommunity juand judeciding juon juappropriate juinterventions
c. Using judata jufrom juthe jumain juhealth jucare juinstitutions juin juthe jucommunity juto judetermine


, Foundations jufor juPopulation juHealth juin juCommunity juPublic juHealth juNursing ju5th juEdition juStanhope juTest

needed juhealth juservices
d. Working juwith jucommunity jugroups juto jucreate jupolicies juto juimprove juthe juenvironment
ANS: j u D
Although juthe jupublic juhealth junurse jumight juengage juin juany juof juthe jutasks julisted, juhe juor jushe
juworks juprimarily juwith jumembers juof juthe jucommunity juto jucarry juout jucore jupublic juhealth

jufunctions, juincludingjuassessment juof juthe jupopulation juas jua juwhole juand juengaging juin jupromoting

juhealth juand juimproving jutheje
u nvironment. juThe juinterventions juof juasking jucommunity juleaders

juwhich juinterventions jushould jube juchosen, juasessing juthe jucommunity juand judeciding juon

juappropriate juinterventions, juand juusing judata jufrom juhealth jucare juinstitutions judo junot

judemonstrate juthe juengagement juof juthe jucommunity juwhen jumaking judecisions juabout juwhat juthe

jucommunity juactually juwants juand juneeds.

8. Which juof juthe jufollowing jupublic juhealth junurses jumost juclearly jufulfills juthe juresponsibilities
of juthisrju ole?

a. The junurse juwho jumet juwith juseveral jugroups juto judiscuss jucommunity jurecreation juissues
b. The junurse juwho juspent juthe juday juattending jumeetings juof juvarious juhealth juagencies
c. The junurse juwho jutalked juto juseveral jupeople juabout jutheir juparticular juhealth juconcerns
d. The junurse juwho juwatched juthe jucity jucouncil jumeeting juon julocal jucable jutelevision
ANS: j u B
Any juof juthese judescriptions jumight jurepresent jua junurse jucommunicating, jucooperating, juor
jucollaborating juwith jucommunity juresidents juor jugroups juabout juhealth juconcerns. juHowever, juthe

junursejw u ho juspent juthe juday juattending jumeetings juof juvarious juhealth juagencies juis juthe jumost

jurepresentative, jubecause juin jupublic juhealth, juconcerns juare juaddressed jufrom jua jubroader

juperspective. juIn jupublic juhealth,jb u road juconcerns juof juthe jucommunity jushould jube juaddressed.

juConcerns juare jubroader juthan jurecreation,ji u ndividual juconcerns juare junot juas juimportant juas

juaggregate jupriorities, juand juwatching jutelevision ju(a juone-way juform juof jucommunication) juis

juless jueffective juthan juinteracting juwith juothers.

9. Which juof juthe jufollowing jubest judefines juaggregate?
a. A jularge jugroup juof jupersons
b. A jucollection juof juindividuals juand jufamilies
c. A jucollection juof jupeople juwho jushare juone juor jumore jucharacteristics
d. Another juname jufor judemographic jugroup
ANS: j u C
An juaggregate juis judefined jua jucollection juof jupeople juwho jushare juone juor jumore jupersonal juor
juenvironmental jucharacteristics. juMembers juof jua jucommunity jucan jube judefined juin juterms juof

jueither jugeography ju(e.g., jua jucounty, jua jugroup juof jucounties, juor jua justate) juor jua juspecial juinterest

ju(e.g., juchildren juattending jua juparticular juschool). juThese jumembers jumake juup jua jupopulation.

juThe juterm jupopulation jumay jube juused juinterchangeably juwith juthe juterm juaggregate. juA jularge

jugroup juof jupersons, jua jucollectionjo
u f juindividuals juand jufamilies, juand juanother juname jufor

judemograhpic jugroup juare junot juaccurate judefinitions juof juthe juterm juaggregate.

10. A juregistered junurse juwas jujust juemployed juas jua jupublic juhealth junurse. juWhich juquestion juwould
be juthem
ju ju ost jurelevant jufor juthe junurse juto juask?

a. ―Which jugroups juare juat juthe jugreatest jurisk jufor juproblems?‖
b. ―Which jupatients jushould juI jusee jufirst juas juI jubegin jumy juday?‖
c. ―With juwhich juphysicians juwill juI jube jumost juclosely jucollaborating?‖
d. ―With juwhich junursing juassistants juwill juI jupartner juthe jumost?‖
ANS: j u A


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