Labor Relations Review Questions with Verified Solutions Latest Update 2024 (Graded A+)
Define a labour union - Answers a recognized association of employees, collective voice in dealing with
What does a labour union focus on? - Answers influences HR policies and practices, pay, benefits, job
control and security, work conditions, stc
What are labour-management relations - Answers Ongoing interaction between labour unions and
Collective bargaining agreement - Answers a formal agreement regarding terms and conditions of
bargaining unit - Answers group of employees recognized for collective bargaining purposes
What is the purpose of Canadian labour laws? - Answers to provide a common set of rules for fair
negotiations, to protect public interest by preventing impact of labour disputes
What are some common characteristics of unions - Answers union certification procedures, minimum
one year collective agreement, procedures preceding legal strike/lockout, no strike/lockouts during life
of contract, interpretation disputes settled by arbitration, prohibition of unfair labour procedures,
establishment of labour practices
What are the categories which separate different types of labour unions - Answers type of workers,
geographical scope, labour congress affiliation
types of workers - Answers industrial, craft
geographical scope - Answers international, national, local
Labour congress affiliation - Answers canadian labour congress (CLC), Confederation des syndicats
nationaux (CSM), American federation of labour (AFL)
In terms of membership trends, what are canadian unions refocusing on? - Answers global companies,
more labour concession
In terms of membership treands, what are the demographics being more focused on? - Answers aging
workforce brings management and unions together
In terms of membership trends what is happening with the unionization of white-collar employees -
Answers lower job security and increased grievances
What are the steps in the labour relations process? - Answers 1. employees decide to seek collective
representation, 2. union organizing campaign begins, 3. recieves official recognition, 4. union and
management negotiate a collective agreement, 5. day-to-day contract administration begins
, step 1: desire for collective representation - Answers dissonance-based: unpleasant work environment,
low pay, utility-based: cost/benefit analysis, political ideological: desire to work for collective vs.
individual purpose
Step 2: union organizing campaign begins - Answers step 1: employee/union contract, 2: initial
organization meeting, 3: formation of in-horse organizing committee, 4: organizing campaign, 5.
What are employer rights in a union organization - Answers express views on unions, state position on
remaining non-union, prohibit union acts on company prohibit/time, increase wages in normal course of
business, assemble employees to state position if: purpose of meeting was stated in advance,
attendance is optional, no threats or promises
signs that unionization is underway - Answers employee list or directories=gone, increase in questions
about benefits, wages and promotions
signs that unionization is underway - Answers questions on opinions about unions, increase in
complaints and grievances, change in informal groups at lunch table and coffee breaks
signs that unionization is underway - Answers change in employee behaviour towards management,
appearance of strangers in parking lot, distribution of pro-union propaganda
Step 3: receives official recognition - Answers ways to obtain recognition: voluntary recognition by
employer, regular certification by LRB, pre-hearing costs. Ways to terminate bargaining rights:
decertification, termination and abandonment
Step 4: Collective bargaining - Answers formal collective agreement is established, parties must bargain
in good faith, 1. prepare for bargaining, face-to-face negotiations, obatining approval for proposed
Who do unions prepare for negotiations - Answers gather data on general economic trends, analyze
other collective agreements, conduct analysis of grievances, review existing contractor union's promises,
conduct wage and salary survey, prepare cost estimations of mandatory proposals, and make plans for
possible strike or lockout
Where should union negotiations take place? - Answers At a neutral, off-site location, each side holds
separate caucus session
How often should union negotiations take place? - Answers as often as either or both parties desire
How long should union negotiations take place? - Answers as long as progress is being made
What is the distributive bargaining goals of union negotiations - Answers one party gains at the other's