12/14/24, 8:10 PM PRAXIS 5422 Flashcards | Quizlet
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Who Introduced the field of school Carl Rogers - His Humanistic Theory of Personality Development
What is NDEA (National Defense Funding for all levels of Education
Education Act)?
Who developed the Psychoanalytic Sigmund Freud
What does the Psychoanalytic Theory Evolve through a series of phases: ID, Ego, Super Ego
suggest about human personalities?
According to the Psychoanalytic Theory, Unconscious thoughts, memories, emotions, and desires
what can therapy access in individuals?
What is the id unconscious, ability to survive .
What is Ego weigh pros/cons from impulse from is, also defense mechanism.
What is the superego according to governed by rules, knowing right from wrong
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, 12/14/24, 8:10 PM PRAXIS 5422 Flashcards | Quizlet
What is Psychosexual Development and Oral, Anal, Phalic, Latency, Genital
the 5 stages?
What happens in the Oral Stage ? Everything in the mouth: oral behaviors
What happens in the Anal Stage? Behavior around Toilet training
What happens in the Phallic Stage? Behavior around genitals, lead to jealousy, fear of rejection
ego and superego develop, unsure thoughts, behaviors that channel sexual
What happens in the Latency Stage?
energy into friends, hobbies and studies.
What happens in the Genital Stage? (puberty- adulthood) sharing sexual pleasures, sexual partners
What Theory did Erik Erikson find? psychosocial theory
What is Psychosocial Development individuals develop a unique personality but also acquire attitudes and skills
- each presented w/ ideas that conflict
Reason for stages of pyschosocial
- must master the positive or learn the negative one
- each stage has a central crisis
1. Play-time Setting (2-6) allow emotional expression, children explore
Developmental Stages of Psychosocial environment and their capabilties
2. Middle Childhood (7-11) Concrete Operational Stage; logic, reasoning
Stage 1: Trust vs. Mistrust learn how to trust themselves and others based on caregiver's response.
Stage 2: Autonomy vs. Shame and self-control and independence come from a structured environment, toddlers
Doubt become willful because of rules.
children are exposed to peer relationships and begin to develop personality
Stage 3: Initiative vs. Guilt
traits like independence and leadership.
children go to school, are exposed to new people, environment, experiences,
Stage 4: Industry vs. Inferiority
are held to a standard, and assessed by others.
may try out different friend styles, beliefs, figuring out who they are, and their
Stage 5: Identity vs. Role Confusion
early adulthood, exploring relationships
Stage 6: Intimacy vs. Isolation
• success = love
Stage 7: Generativity vs. Stagnation through their midlife crisis, meaning of life, giving back
Stage 8: Ego Integrity vs. Despair feel proud of past, have wisdom
Swiss Psychologist, Cognitive Development, created stages of development.
Who is Jean Piaget
She focused on the understanding of the child's perspective of the world.
What are the Stages of Development?
formal operational
What happens in the sensorimotor object permanence, stranger anxiety
What happens in pre-operational symbolic play but cannot think abstractly or see other's perspective, concrete
What happens in the Operational children think logically, make inferences, seeing more than one perspective
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