Safe Sport Training Unit 1 Exam
Questions and Answers 100% Pass
Sexual or gender-related harassment - ANSWER ✔✔-Sexual or gender-related harassment is any
unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other unwanted conduct of a sexual nature,
whether verbal, non-verbal, graphic, physical, or otherwise, related to gender, sexual orientation, gender
identity, or gender expression when:
~submission to or rejection of such conduct is made a condition of or limits employment or participation
in sport; or
~the conduct is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it limits the opportunity to participate in
A coach practices alone with a player repeatedly, comments on the player's physical appearance, rubs the
players back and shoulders, and asks the player on a date. When the player rejects the date, the coach
removes the player from the starting line-up.
Nonconsensual Sexual Contact/Intercourse - ANSWER ✔✔-Contact behaviors of a sexual nature or
sexual intercourse without consent.
Created by ©EmilyCharlene 2025. All rights reserved.
Contact behaviors include: any intentional touching of a sexual nature, however slight, with any object or
body part (as described below), by a person upon another person, including (a) kissing, (b) intentional
touching of the breasts, buttocks, groin or genitals, whether clothed or unclothed, or intentionally
touching of another with any of these body parts; and (c) making another touch themselves or someone
else with or on any of these body parts.
Sexual Intercourse includes any penetration, however slight, with any object or body part of another's
intimate areas.
One player fondles another player's breast without consent.
Sexual Exploitation - ANSWER ✔✔-Sexual Exploitation includes observing, allowing observation of,
recording, or photographing private sexual activity or intimate parts without consent of all parties
involved, or disseminating images of the same. Sexual Exploitation also includes engaging in
prostitution, trafficking, or intentionally exposing another to a sexually transmitted disease without that
person's knowledge.
Child Sexual Abuse - ANSWER ✔✔-The U.S. Center for SafeSport utilizes the broadest possible definition
of child sexual abuse under federal or state laws. Broadly, child sexual abuse includes the employment,
use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of a child to engage in, or assist another person to
engage in, sexually explicit conduct or sexual exploitation of children, including child pornography.
Legal definitions vary by state or province. To find guidelines concerning your area, visit in the U.S. or
Canadian Sexual Abuse Laws by Jurisdiction in the Resources section.
Created by ©EmilyCharlene 2025. All rights reserved.
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Non-sexual Child Abuse is also a violation of the SafeSport Code. Child sexual abuse will be addressed
later in this section.
A coach sends nude photos of himself to a 12-year-old athlete.
Intimate Relationship - ANSWER ✔✔-A close personal relationship (other than a familial relationship)
that exists independently and outside of the sport relationship when there is a Power Imbalance. Whether
a relationship is intimate is based on the totality of the circumstances, including:
~Regular contact and/or interactions outside of or unrelated to the sport relationship (electronically or in
~Parties' emotional connectedness
~Exchange of gifts
~Ongoing physical or intimate contact and/or sexual conduct
~Identity as a couple
~Sharing of sensitive personal information, and/or intimate knowledge about each other's lives outside
the sport relationship
It is considered a serious breach the SafeSport Code for a coach (or someone in a similar position) to
initiate or acquiesce to an intimate or sexual relationship with an athlete who is being instructed by that
coach or whose performance is being supervised or evaluated by that coach.
Created by ©EmilyCharlene 2025. All rights reserved.