Assignment 1 – Aim A
How is social media successfully used in
In this presentation, I will show you:
• The advantages, disadvantages and risks of
marketing with social media,
• How companies (e.g. Google and Sainsbury’s) use
social media to expand their brand to different
demographics of people, and their use of direct and
indirect advertising,
• How Google and Sainsbury’s interact with their
• How hashtags are used to increase exposure of posts,
• How Google invests money into paid advertisements
on social media,
• The history and audience profile of Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter (X), LinkedIn and TikTok.
, The advantages of marketing via social media
e easier to reach certain demographics of people – as different age groups and genders tend to use different s
It is a cost-effective way of
advertising products or
can create
can bedifferent
used to target
a variety
for different
of different
age ranges,
that arecountries,
in the content that the hashta
, The disadvantages of marketing via social media
ort-form content (Instagram Reels, YouTube Shorts, TikTok), content may need to be fast-paced as their videos will need to stand o
This is dueAtocompany may
the youth’s not getspan
attention many views on
decreasing duetheir posts,
to this type therefore
of content, there
so thisisis anecessary
potentiality to waste target
to successfully time at
edia content may decrease the youth’s attention span further (due to the videos being fast-paced) – so there is an et