Navy Corpsman test 6 HEENT/Dental Exam
Questions and Answers 100% Pass
bony structures of the face - ANSWER ✔✔-fused frontal, nasal, zygomatic, ethmoid, lacrimal, sphenoid,
and maxillary bones and the movable mandible
HEENT - ANSWER ✔✔-head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
Acute pharyngitis - ANSWER ✔✔-infection of tonsils or posterior pharynx by microorganisms
auricle - ANSWER ✔✔-"pinna", the visible portion of the auditory system; make up of a cartilaginous
framework.; it collects sound energy and directs it to the conducting system of the middle ear
auditory ossicles - ANSWER ✔✔-the small bones of the middle ear; they are articulated to form a chain
for the transmission of sound from the tympanic membrane to the oval window
blepharitis - ANSWER ✔✔-inflammation of the eyelid
oral cancer - ANSWER ✔✔-cancer of the mouth
cerumen (earwax) - ANSWER ✔✔-the soft, brownish yellow waxy secretion of the ceruminous gland of
the external auditory canal
cochlea - ANSWER ✔✔-a coiled, bony, fluid-filled tube in the inner ear through which sound waves
trigger nerve impulses
corneal ulcer - ANSWER ✔✔-Infection deeper in the cornea by bacteria, viruses, fungi or amoebas
Exudate - ANSWER ✔✔-fluid that accumulates in a wound; may contain protein and white blood cells
Hearing - ANSWER ✔✔-Interpretation of sound waves by the brain
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hordeolum (stye) - ANSWER ✔✔-a suppurative (forming pus) inflammation of a gland of the eyelid
lesion - ANSWER ✔✔-a wound or injury, or pathologically change in body tissue
lymphadenopathy - ANSWER ✔✔-enlarged lymph nodes
opthalmoscope - ANSWER ✔✔-instrument used to examine the interior of the eye; retina
otitis externa - ANSWER ✔✔-inflammation of the external auditory canal and surface of the tympanic
membrane; swimmer's ear
otitis media - ANSWER ✔✔-inflammation of the middle ear; proceeding URI that produces Eustachian
tube dysfunction
sinustis - ANSWER ✔✔-inflammation of the mucous membrane of any sinus, especially the paranasal
tic - ANSWER ✔✔-spasmodic muscular contractions
tinnitus - ANSWER ✔✔-ringing or buzzing in the ears
tongue depressor - ANSWER ✔✔-A instrument used to inspect the oropharynx
tympanic membrane (eardrum) - ANSWER ✔✔-the membrane at the end of the ear canal that relays
vibrations into the middle ear
vertigo - ANSWER ✔✔-the sensation of dizziness
Wood's lamp - ANSWER ✔✔-Lamp produces black light that causes certain substances to fluoresce.
Presence of fungi on skin lesions
7 (two frontal, two parietal, two temporal, and one occipital) - ANSWER ✔✔-the skull is composed of ___
Trigeminal (CN V) and facial (CN VII) - ANSWER ✔✔-facial muscles made up of the _______
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temporal artery - ANSWER ✔✔-A major artery of the head, under the skin of the forehead
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) - ANSWER ✔✔-joint located anterior to the tragus of the ear
eye - ANSWER ✔✔-the sensory organ that transmits visual stimuli to the brain for interpretation
external eye - ANSWER ✔✔-eyelid, conjunctiva, lacrimal gland, eye muscles, bony orbit
eyelid - ANSWER ✔✔-Composed of skin, muscle, connective tissue, and conjunctiva.
meibomian glands - ANSWER ✔✔-oil glands found in the upper and lower edges of the eyelids that help
lubricate the eye
orbit - ANSWER ✔✔-Contains fat, blood vessels, nerves, and supporting connective tissues
conjunctiva - ANSWER ✔✔-a clear, thin mucous membrane that covers the inner surface of the eyelid
and the white part of the eyeball
lacrimal gland - ANSWER ✔✔-gland located in the upper outer region above the eyeball that secretes
6 eye muscles - ANSWER ✔✔-superior rectus, inferior rectus, lateral rectus, medial rectus, superior
oblique, inferior oblique
internal eye - ANSWER ✔✔-outer layer, middle layer (Uvea), Inner layer
outer layer - ANSWER ✔✔-sclera and cornea
Sclera - ANSWER ✔✔-the dense, avascular structure
Cornea - ANSWER ✔✔-the transparent outer covering of the eye; major part of the refractive power of
the eye
middle layer (uvea) - ANSWER ✔✔-choroid, ciliary body, iris
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