Development of selected sports
in the UK
In the 21st century, boxing turned in to a
multi-billion/million business. For example, Floyd
Mayweather made boxing into a global business. He made
320 million in just one fight against Manny Pacquiao and
Manny Pacquiao earned around 200 million from fighting
Which shows that over half a billion dollars can be made in
one night, this shows how sport has expanded in the 21st
century. It’s not about the passion or respect no more or
even honours in boxing it all about money because with it Also the best way to make globalization is by getting two people from different country’s so it
you can get a lot of things. So, say it’s like an American would For example this could be two boxer’s fighting from different country’s which means that
dream once you earn enough you don’t after doing from both country’s there will be different supporters, also when they are fighting in some area
anything, live off the land but in this case only with money.
such as America people from different country will needed to come to America to support their
Also, more of the boxer became greedy of getting money
and being famous when being an athlete.
fighter. Which results global interest in one sport which then they both increase participation
because there is interest from both sides.
All of this has happened thanks to technology which made a
lot of links with globalization which means that it is done Which brings tension from everywhere it is done because you can see it through media like
across many countries also it increases the participation of Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram, and other forms of media that everyone can get their hands on.
sports dramatically. For example, there is Facebook, Also before this type of technology thanks to plains we had the ability to travel to other country’s
Snapchat, tweeter, Instagram, and other times of media to see different types of sport which then we had the ability to bring different types of sports.
also TV that you can watch different types of sport live and
England were in Africa at war and then later on they introduces football and in Africa they still to
get constant information on things that are going on, in
sport. Which can be transmitted all around the world which this day play football thanks to bring new sport to Africa from UK.
means that everyone has access to watching sport across
the world which means no one is excluded from watching As sport progressed their started creating originations such as UK Sport. Which is an elite sports
sport. Thanks to this Floyd Mayweather managed to earn a development organization they train athletes so that they can be at their highest level of
lot of money because he was able to promote the fight in performance so they would be able to go in to professional level and live of it. Thanks to this
different country’s across the world and get them involved organization athletes such Anthony Joshua or Amir Khan were made thanks to this they were able
in watching the fight which through updating on different to compete in Olympics because they got the support that they needed to keep competing also
social media’s different types of TV programmers that are
they were able to improve their performance because the origination would help them on
shown across the world or the country which then people
get informed and may get them interested in watching the improving their technique and skills when training. Thanks to this they are top athletes today. But
fight or attending the event. Which result in everyone they would not be there, if it was not for UK sport, so this types of originations are playing a very
getting involved from different countries to watch the fight important role in today’s participation with sport because they can develop different levels of
against Manny. athletes depending on what type of origination it is.
Agricultural society: Boxing was not done for money but they still were getting paid a little out of respect from the viewers, but back in the times boxing didn’t have any rules, for
example, the fight would only finish if someone was badly injured then the fight would only then finish, also the ring could have been made out anything such as 4 barrels and
some rope to mark out the ring and then people would fight but before that, there were fighting on open plots, also men didn’t wear any gloves or protection because they
didn’t have any types of equipment in them times.
This type of sport was done more for respect from others and people were doing was for their honour. Also, this was not classed as a sport because it was too cruel and not well
known back then in the day also in the types, this type of sport was done so that they would be trained for war so they would be ready when they need to fight in wars. Which
this sport made them tough because this type of sport was contact and very hard to do and they were able to apply this type of sport into battle if they didn’t have the gun.
There were not many rules in this type of sport. After all, they were not as stricter also it was done because they wanted to see who was the toughest man in that sport so they
made as fewer rules so that it would not get complicated when they are fighting against each other, also they were fighting to settle grudges with each other so, for example,
the fights were happening if people may don’t like each other or hands something against each other so the way that they would settle is by fighting with each other and then
drinks with one another to toast the fight.
Also back in agricultural society people didn’t have any leisure time every day which means that they were limited to doing sport back in the day which boxing was done behind
the back which means that a lot of people didn’t know a lot and other people were putting a bet on how would win. Also, the society was split into 3 sections there were the
serfs which are the working class which they didn’t have a lot of time to do sport. After all, they worked all the time which prevented them from doing sport because they didn’t
have enough time do sport because they had to work and then there was the middle class which are called skilled workers which worked for lords and knights which are higher
class. All of this people were still doing some form of the serfs were gambling or doing dogfighting, and bare fist fighting (boxing) the middle class were able to play in their spear
time billiards and bowels and upper class could do arching, tennis because they could do anything they want because they could afford what they want to. The others they could
afford to do other sports because they had a limited amount of money and were working classes which they had limited time doing what they wanted to do because they had to